Forum Replies Created
Version 1.0.2 set flash player to have transparent background. That’s temporary until version 1.1 that will have all advance settings. Check out the changelog as all shortcode attributes are now lowercase (you might not even notice the difference).
ps: If that works for you I will set this post as [Resolved]
Hi venusberg,
I will know more in a bit more than a week but it’s very likely that this is related to a server settings. Maybe contact your server admistrator or host and ask them if ‘allow_url_fopen’ is enable. Actually that would be very helpfull for me to know that as that would narrow down the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SoundCloud Is Gold] [Plugin: SoundCloud Is Gold] WMode SettingI have to have a think about it, might become a option.
Default is window if nothing is specified. Transparent seems to reduce playback performances…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SoundCloud Is Gold] [Plugin: SoundCloud Is Gold] WMode SettingHi Flyingpylon (funny name by the way),
Thanks for pointing that out and the praise, it’s always nice to get some feedback. You’re right I don’t know why I’ve done that, must be a left over from the early stage of development when it was part of my wp theme.
I will remove it as It’s not needed. Thank you for taking the time to write that down.
If that doesn’t work ask your host to enable allow_url_fopen. If that doesn’t work, well we’ll see…
I don’t think that there is workaround allow_url_fopen but you should be able to set that manually in the .htaccess file.
The .htaccess should already exist in you wordpress install, if it doesn’t you can create it. This file should be able to change this setting just for the folder it’s in aka your wordpress install.
This file is hidden, so:
You first have to download it with ftp, rename it htaccess.txt (delete the dot at the beginning, this means hidden). You will have to do the renaming through the software you used for ftp (fileZilla is good). Add those this line at the end:php_value allow_url_fopen 1
Save it, rename it .htaccess (through ftp software), upload.
I have no guaranty this will work and if you’re not used to mess with this file be very careful.
Also the problem could be related to how your server runs php (apache module vs cgi/fcgi). That might be fixable trough ini_set() but not sure.
And by the way, this error occurs in the ‘Option page’ and the ‘soundcloud is gold tab’ but the plugin should still retains your username and default settings (colors, etc…) from the option page. That mean you can still use the plugin shortcode manually like explained in the ‘description’, I know it’s not as good but at least you can post tracks to your website while still using the your custom default settings and such.
Ok, I will investigate. I might need some details, I let you know. Thanks you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SoundCloud Is Gold] [Plugin: SoundCloud Is Gold] Request-Remove playsI will have a look at it.
oh yeah
You’re welcome, I’ve just released that plugin so I’m keeping a close eye on feedbacks and potential bugs. You might need to restart apache or the server to have this update working. Hope it will work.
Cool! It’s true that you can’t access your private tracks through soundcloud API, except if you start asking users to login, etc… which requires more work of course. Maybe in a future release.
Thank a lot for the praise! I’m glad I could help. I did this plugin for the same reason, I couldn’t find a plugin with enough depth to it (no offence to others).
It seems that your server is using php4. My plugin is running on php5 but I will try to make it backward compatible next week. Or maybe not….
Thank you for the feedback