Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Google XML Sitemaps] Installed in 2.6, but getting errorsI’m bumping this since there has to be a fix. This error occur’s in all of my blogs within WordPress MU.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordTube and Google ChromeThanks Alex. Forgot I left this message. I did some research and found that the current version of Chrome did have problems with flash. But, I you say it works fine, I am now curious. Love Chrome.
Maybe it is my setup. But the exact same page viewed fine with WordTube 1.x.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NextGEN and WordPress MU#1. If I make the changes mentioned, will multi file uploading be back. Sorry for the confusion.
#2. Yes, normally I wouldn’t give FTP access to my users, although, my user’s are just family. Giving FTP access means I now how to teach them. Much rather just let them upload with the interface. I only give the users that need it access to their blogs upload directory. This is handy when it comes to uploading larger WordTube videos.
#4. I think nextGEN is the greatest gallery available to WordPress users. Please don’t get me wrong. It was really my fault not having my gallery in place prior to updating to flash 10. But it put me between a rock and a hard place when I ran into problems with the upload not working and the non ability to read an existing directory. I had just moved hosting accounts, thus the FTP suggestion.The only thing I really have a hard time doing with my users (family) is explaining how to upload, create galleries and albums, thus the directory /sub directory suggestion. In a perfect world, for me, and I am guess many who are looking towards starting or changing galleries, reading a top level directory as an Album and Sub directories below it as Galleries would be a great feature as an option. I like the idea of having the ability to create galleries on my own, especially if I want to have a showcase gallery with a mixture of pictures already in other galleries. But this was only a suggestion since in my mind (I have never worked with galleries in the past) made logic sense.
But I love NextGEN and these are only suggestions and apologize if my original comment came out wrong.
Until the flash upload is fixed or nextGEN can create galleries for uploaded files, I am going to be using a different plug-in. Been fun while it lasted, but I don’t feel like going through everything over again.
Yeah, I will have to get it back up. Been moving things around and am having a hard time getting the time to upload again since the flash upload doesn’t work for me and I am running WordPress MU and that just adds another layer of heartache.
I’ll let you know.
Woops. hit submit twice.
I thought I would share this bit of code I use to browser my albums and search my tags all within the same page or post. You have to be able to execute php on a page or post in order to run this, but I works pretty well, I use this in combination with the tag cloud mentioned above. And I hide the post from casual visitors useing the hidepost plugin.
yyeric, you might like this along with your tag cloud. Great way to integrate a tag based gallery, with and albumtag and gallery tag.
Basically, you either select the album, or you do a search. It also is a great management tool. If I new javascript better (just learning) I probably could have fun with this…
Select an Album or search for what (or who) you are looking for.
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
</script><table width="100%" border="0">
<th valign="top" scope="row"><?php
global $wpdb;
$albumlist = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->nggalbum ORDER BY id ASC");
<select name="jumpMenu" id="jumpMenu" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
<option value="">Select Album</option>';
foreach($albumlist as $album)
if ($_POST['myalbum'] == $album->id) $selected = 'selected="selected" ';else $selected = '';
echo '<option value="'.$album->id.'">'.$album->name.'</option>';
<td><form name="form1" method="get" action="" >
<input name="page_id" type="hidden" value="54">
<input name="tag1" type="text">
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Search"></p>
if ($_REQUEST["tag1"] <> "")
echo "[tags=".$_REQUEST["tag1"]."]";
} elseif ($_REQUEST["myalbum"] <> "")
echo "[album=".$_REQUEST["myalbum"].",extend]";
Currently there are no public Pictures online. You will need to log-in to see any of my albums.Anyhow, just thought I would share it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Populate a formThanks again for taking the time to reply.
I figured it out. Never have seen ‘\n’ documented anywhere. Tried to search it on php’s site but they only let your search 3 characters or longer. I finally used ord() against each char in the strings to find that sure enough, there were chr(10) in the the string. And yes, when WP see’s these, it automatically converts on chr(10) to line break and when it see’s 2 it converts it to paragraph tags.
So it tried this, apply_filters(‘the_content’, $my_post->post_content), where $my_post was the variable holding my post in question. Sure enough, the breaks and paragraph tags disappeared.
Thanks for all of you help and suggestion that help point me in the right direction.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Populate a formAs a side not, when I display the form outside of WordPress, I don’t get the
<p> and </p>
codes. Only happens in wordpress.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Populate a formOK. After running the code, I was still getting them in the form, but only [p] and [/p]. After running a ord() on the character positions, I found they don’t exist in the string. They must be a line break and the multi-line form is somehow doing some sort of HTML Encoding to the string when it see’s a line break.
Is there a way to set the HTML multi-line form edit field to not do this, but in turn just display a line feed as a line feed?
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Populate a formThanks churchthemer, I’ll give it a shot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Populate a formAnyone.
I am basically just trying to populate a multi-line form with the contents of a post and not display the
and <p> but instead just have them displayed to the user as line feed. No need to confuse them.Thanks again.
Oh, when I say drill down, I mean:
- Show ALL tag cloud
- When a user clicks on a tag, then show a tag cloud showing only the tags that include the tag chosen.
- When a user clicks on another tag, show only a tag cloud that included the 2 tags already chosen, and so on.
This way, a user can drill down to what the want. I would also include within the tag a ‘All Images’ tag, big, so a user could go back to the beginning easily.
I hope you know what I mean…
I’ll tell ya, just looked at your image library it the tag’s look great. Great pic’s by the way.
For myself, as my blog page isn’t quite as large, would lower the font size and put the code into a text widget to display on the sidebar.
I am starting to like the idea keeping the photo tags separate from the blog tags though. Thought I wouldn’t say that. I might tag the page itself with my top level tags, like 2008, 2007, 2006… so a user could jump to the photo tag page from within my standard wordpress blog tags, but then display a separate tag cloud once on the page showing only my photo tags, since there will probably be a lot once I get all my pic’s online.
This way also a user could click on another tag 3 drill down, once you figure the SQL stuff. I wish I had more time to spend on it than I do. Looks like fun. I would have to brush up on my SQL a bit I’m afraid. Seems like I get deep into something when I need it, then move on to another language (Delphi is my money maker) and then forget everything I learned. It’s been 7 years since I really did anything in PHP. But I am having a blast.
Let me know how the progress is going.
And Alex, keep up the work!!
Thanks yyeric.
That would be GREAT! One thing I can’t figure out to do, although I haven’t tried querying the database like yyeric, I would like to be able to drill down my tags.
I am using SenisitiveTagCloud which allows my to drill down WordPress tags, basically showing it the url ‘tag=joey+birthday+family’ and display’s only posts related to all the tags. Right now, nextGEN tags using ‘[tags=item1, item2, item3 …]‘ display individual galleries, on for each tag, or ‘[albumtags=item1, item2, item3 …]‘ in album format. it would be great if a user is using a plugin like SensitiveTagCloud to be able to drill down their nextGEN gallery.
Right now, I have tagged all of my pic’s by year, event, person …. I get 3 different galleries. Still makes it easier to find what I am looking for, but the drill-down would be great! Basically a built-in keyword search of all your pictures.
And since WordTube also supports tags, this might also work for it (although I put each individual video on its own post with tags, using the tag cloud to drill down those).
OK. Someone stop me. I’m on a roll.
If tags were available for each album and each gallery + the individual pictures (already there), you could have a new shortcode called [nextgen=item1, item2, item3 ….]. Here is the logic.
Still using a SensitiveCloudWidget,
- 1st tag: Search for albums with matching tag. If no matches, search the galleries for the tags. If no gallery matches searches the pictures for the tags.
- 2nd tag: Search for all galleries within that album with matching tags. If no matches, searches individual pics.
- 3rd tag, 4th tag, 5th tag….: Search for all pictures with matching tags within the matching gallery + only displays the pictures that included all of the tags for picture drill down.
I organize all of my albums by year and my galleries by event. But this would be great also for people selling pictures.
Whew… Sorry for all of the text. I love nextGEN so much. I am running WordPressMU for my business and my family and won’t let them install any other plug-in. The only thing I found that it lacks is any sort of dynamic searching capabilities, but has all the tags in place to do it.
Alexrabe, please let me know what you think.
Thanks for your time and hard work.