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  • All the issues, except for the point 4, should be fixed with the next version.

    The problem with many teams is somewhat disturbing, as I use a while loop over all teams, as is the case for match results. Does anybody know how to solve this?

    What Server and PHP version are you using?

    hi koelle,
    i can send u a new show-league.php file. In this version it works, and i can edit league standing with more then 19 teams manually. This file is from version 2.9 RC1. Its only a temporary fix for the plugin on my website. So its not really a solution, but maybe it helps you to find the bug.

    I tested the new version 2.9 on two server and on both systems the same problem with more then 19 teams:

    1. Server: FreeBSD PHP 5.2.9, MySQL 5 located in HongKong
    2. Server: SuseLinux PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 5 located in Germany

    Give me ur e-mail addy and i send u my temporary working show-league.php

    following problems after update from 2.9 RC1:

    1. Problem in matchday list: (cannot be displayed)

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'final' in 'where clause']
    SELECT <code>home_team</code>, <code>away_team</code>, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') AS date, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%e') AS day, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%c') AS month, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%Y') AS year, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%H') AS <code>hour</code>, DATE_FORMAT(<code>date</code>, '%i') AS <code>minutes</code>, <code>match_day</code>, <code>location</code>, <code>league_id</code>, <code>home_points</code>, <code>away_points</code>, <code>winner_id</code>, <code>post_id</code>, <code>points2</code>, <code>season</code>, <code>id</code>, <code>custom</code> FROM wp_leaguemanager_matches WHERE <code>league_id</code> = "1" AND <code>final</code> = "" AND <code>season</code> = '0809' ORDER BY <code>date</code> ASC

    lost goals of standings

    3. Problem
    Add league Button in WYSIWYG editor dont works, in popup window only the message: wp-config.php not found… but there is still a config file for wordpress on my server.

    4. Problem
    cannot update league standings manually, if more then 19 teams are in my league.

    5. dropdown field for switching matchdays missing.

    Hello bluebird2,
    Open the cat-posts.php in the plugin directory.
    search following code line: (line 40)

    // Get array of post info.
    $cat_posts = get_posts('numberposts='.$num.'&amp;category='.$cat_id);

    insert after codeline 40 following code: if(function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')) $cat_posts = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($cat_posts);


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