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  • reachmazharul


    Hello @designspinner Sorry to hear you’re encountering an inconvenience.

    After receiving your concern I have checked your mentioned scenario in our own environment and it seems like working. I was able to see the new subscribe on the subscriber list, able to receive the email too.

    After that, I have tested this on your provided URL and I am able to receive the email to confirm the subscription. Please take a look at this screenshot. Am I missing something or is there any specific step that I needed to follow in terms of reproducing the scenario that you are having?



    Hello @th314

    Thanks for opening a support topic. Yes, at present the {UNSUBLINK} keyword is not working, as it should and it’s because there are some improvements that will be needed on our plugin, in order to make it work properly.

    I have raised the issue on GitHub: Our team is working on this, hopefully, very soon we will be able to implement the improvement. To be more specific, our intention is to implement the fix/improvement within next week.



    Hello @leans7,

    You are getting this message because your profile is not enabled to selling. In order to enable selling, you need to navigate WP-Admin -> Dokan -> Vendors. Then go to any vendor’s profile by clicking the username or go to WP-Admin -> Users then edit the user profile.

    After that navigate to the end of the profile, you will find the “Selling” option, just enable this option! You will get other options too like Publishing, Admin Commission Type. You can configure those from there according to your own preference.



    Hello @tumptyteapot

    Yes, you will be able to achieve that. You will be able to sell the books from your own website by using Dokan. But if are looking for a solution that will allow you to sync the Amazon books with your own website book store. Where you will upload the books in one place, and on another place, it will be upload automatically, then I am sorry to inform you that it will not be possible right now.

    If this is not the case, please allow me some moments to explain a bit more regarding the main purpose of Dokan.

    Dokan is the best Multivendor WooCommerce Marketplace plugin. To use Dokan, WooCommerce is required. WooCommerce will allow you to create a single-owner eCommerce website where the admin will add the products and sell those. On the other hand, Dokan is the Main owner and the Multi seller/vendor solution.

    By using Dokan as an admin will allow anyone to become a seller, the seller will add products, sell them, and the vendor will do all the work from their own frontend dashboard. From those sales, the admin will earn a commission. There are different types of vendor commissions available in the Dokan Plugin. You can check them from here.

    Hopefully, I was able to clear your concept. Please feel free to let me know if you need more clarification on this.



    Hello @amarmustaqim

    You can customize that message by following the guideline below. Note that, as there isn’t any default inbuilt option to change that message, you will be able to change that message from the core file. And, After changing that message from the core file if there is a new release of the Dokan plugin and if you update the plugin then your changes will disappear.

    Here is the file location: ...../plugins/dokan-lite/templates/sub-orders.php



    Hello @bevilleliam

    WordPress highly recommends using the latest version of its core and the plugins. Although I do not have the exact solution for you I suggest you switch the Affiliate plugin as you have mentioned that it’s not updating since March 2019. Note that, if you delete the plugin then Affiliates may not work, until you use another solution that can make those previous affiliates workable.

    From 2019 to today, if you check the WordPress recent releases it’s updating rapidly and it’s the plugin author’s job to keep the changes in mind and update the plugin accordingly from time to time to make the plugin work smoothly.

    That’s why it’s better to switch to another solution that can give you similar features and to recover the affiliate quickly you can search for the solution which can give you the export of the previous data.

    There isn’t such a plugin that I can recommend because regarding affiliate plugin my knowledge is not enough.

    I hope this can help you on some level.



    Hello @elliekennard,

    Thanks for reaching out. I didn’t see any particular aspects of our plugin which may potentially cause any conflicts. And after receiving your concern I have tried the scenario and it seems like working smoothly.

    Still, if you face any inconvenience feel free to create a new support topic. We are more than happy to assist you.



    Hello @davemck,

    Thanks for reaching out. Till today we haven’t received such concerns that’s why it’s hard to provide the solution with a single word. After getting it from you I have tried to investigate the scenario, initially, we haven’t found anything that could cause this.

    In this case, it would be great if you could share a screen recording of your experience/configuration which can help us to recreate the same scenario. You can use a service such as Loom or Recordit to easily share. Or you can share the screenshot. of course by making blurs of your sensitive/preferred information.

    In the meantime, would you mind trying the Subscribe2 on a new staging website to determine whether the scenario is website-specific or not?

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



    Hello @betamovement,

    We appreciate your consideration of sharing the screenshot. Yes, you are getting the same error message/notice over and over again. It’s because till now your SMTP service provider didn’t whitelist our domain.

    As we are unable to do that from our side and there isn’t any other way around. It’s my humble request to you to contact the Gateways ( SMTP ) provider regarding this. And if you have any questions or concerns from our side we are more than happy to help.



    As you haven’t responded for several weeks, I am going to resolve the thread. Feel free to reopen this topic, if you still encounter the same scenario. Or open a new support topic, we are here to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.



    Hello @kevinlycett,

    Thanks for reaching out. This sounds unusual and after receiving your concern I have tried to reproduce the scenario but no success. So we can troubleshoot the issue can you inform me of the below:

    – At what stage do you encounter the message/notice. Are there any specific steps or configuration which I can follow to recreate the same behavior?

    – Do you have any additional plugins which have the same subscription functionality?

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards.



    Hello @msteidl,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    We are sorry for the experience that you are having currently. Yes, after checking your mentioned scenario I have found that to make the keyword work properly we will be needing improvement.

    On behalf of you, I have raised the scenario on GitHub. Which you can check, follow or vote from here:

    @ctagupa Many thanks for sharing. As the scenario is occurring by the plugin, you are facing it too along with all of our active users. We are concern about it and hopefully, very soon our team will take all the necessary steps in order to resolve it.

    Hello @orchidweb, Before going any further, please accept my sincere apology for the delay and not being able to catch the scenario that you were referring to.

    Yes, I was able to reproduce the whole scenario that, we will be needing some improvement to make the Subscribe/Unsubscribe checkbox from the individual user profile work properly.

    On behalf of you, I have raised the scenario on GitHub. Which you can check, follow or vote from here: Hopefully, very soon our team will take all the necessary steps to resolve the scenario.


    Hello @bloohair,

    Thanks for providing an update. We are very sorry for the whole scenario that you are experiencing but still, I am unable to get the relation between Subscribe2 and the inconvenience you have mention.

    Please allow me some moments to explain in which area Subscribe2 does work, Subscribe2 provides email management and notification system for WordPress blogs that send email notifications to a list of subscribers when you publish new content to your blog. It doesn’t have any inbuilt option for any reset password, bought a course, or access option.

    It may cause by the internal theme or plugin conflicts. That’s why it’s my humble request for you to run some of the tests.

    Note: It’s highly recommended to take a full backup before proceeding with the conflicts test.

    The following section provides instructions for determining if an issue you are experiencing is caused by a theme or plugin conflict.

    1. Theme Test
    => Switch to the default WordPress theme as we know that the default WordPress theme is coded properly. Now try again and see if the issue is still there. Take note if you see a difference in behavior after you have switched the theme. Switch back to the theme you were using.

    2. Plugin Test
    If the theme didn’t have anything to do with the issue then move on to the plugins section. There are many WordPress plugins out there and not all of them are coded nicely so let’s see if you have a plugin installed that is not playing nice.
    => Try to deactivate the plugins excepts Subscribe2 then check again.

    Let us know how it goes for you.

    Hello @michaelb428ping, Many thanks for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate it. Although right now it’s out of our feature scope, still I will happily share your suggestion with our respected team for R&D.

    Regarding recommending you another solution, I am sorry to inform you that from my knowledge, there isn’t one that I can recommend you.

    Best regards.

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