I have been looking at posts and on the net trying to find something along these lines (a cataloging plugin or the codes to create this functionability on wordpress). I want to build a film database with wordpress for a small movie studio, but there are over 1,000 films for our sales dept… :/
I was wondering if there is a catalog plugin, or just how to achieve those functions that were “ok’d” in the above mention post?
would like to list:
poster image
availability of film for distributing country
running time
genres (multiple if nessesary)
in each listing and be able to search them by thumbnail and name displayed or some short tinee descripton.
Any feed back would be great. I’m obviously in over my head here… just really enjoy using wordpress and would like to try this on wordpress.
BTW any one hear or have the “movie catalog” plugin by https://www.babatatas.com/?p=25 ?