Here is a tutorial on how to fix these errors…
[Website replaced with information below by a moderator]
Fixing the “Missing: updated” error
We will need to wrap a span tag around the date element and add the classes “post-date updated”.
1. Locate the call for the date, it looks something like this:
<?php the_date(); ?>
2. Wrap a span tag around the last snippet of code with classes “post-date updated”, should look like this:
<span class="post-date updated"><?php the_date(); ?></span>
Fixing the “Missing: author” error
1. Locate the following author item within your single.php file:
<?php the_author(); ?>
2. Change that to:
<span class="vcard author post-author"><span class="fn"><?php the_author(); ?></span></span>
Please remember to create a Child Theme before you make modifications to the theme’s files. Once you made a Child Theme copy the single.php file and paste it into your Child Theme directory, and then you can modify that file (within your Child Theme) safely.