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  • Thread Starter rawahapool


    I did a clean WordPress Install from the backup I made before installing Litespeed cache and it worked.

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    my site link is

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    Ok , so this code worked for me :

    add_filter('wpcf7_form_elements', 'custom_wpcf7_form_elements');
    function custom_wpcf7_form_elements($form)
      global $post;
      global $wpdb;
      if ($post && 'product' === $post->post_type) {
        $productID = $post->ID;
      $selection_name = get_post_meta(
      $database_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'selected_posts';
      // Prepare the query with proper variable escaping
      $selected_row = $wpdb->get_row(
          "SELECT * FROM $database_table_name WHERE selection_name = %s LIMIT 1",
      if ($selected_row) {
        $chosen_items = $selected_row->selected_post_id;
        $chosen_ids_array = explode(',', $chosen_items); // Convert the string to an array of IDs
        $checklist_posts = array(
          'post_type' => 'checklist',
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'posts_per_page' => -1, // Retrieve all posts
          'post__in' => $chosen_ids_array, // Filter by the chosen IDs
        $checklist_query = new WP_Query($checklist_posts);
        $options = array();
        if ($checklist_query->have_posts()) {
          while ($checklist_query->have_posts()) {
            $title = get_the_title();
            $options[] = $title;
        // Restore the global post data
      // Create a new DOMDocument object
      $dom = new DOMDocument();
      // Find the specific HTML code block using XPath
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
      $elements = $xpath->query('//span[@class="wpcf7-list-item first last"]/label/span[text()="option 1"]/parent::*/parent::*');
      // Remove the found elements
      foreach ($elements as $element) {
      // Get the updated form HTML code
      $form = $dom->saveHTML();
      $itemToReplace = '<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap" data-name="checkbox-591"><span class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-checkbox" id="hidden-item"></span></span>';
      $form = str_replace($itemToReplace, $itemToReplace, $form);
      foreach ($options as $option) {
        $itemToConcatenate = '<span class="wpcf7-list-item"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-591[]" value="' . $option . '"><label><span class="wpcf7-list-item-label">' . $option . '</span></label></span><br>';
        $form = str_replace($itemToReplace, $itemToReplace . $itemToConcatenate, $form);
      return $form;
    Thread Starter rawahapool


    There are no extra files except this, and no extra code, thanks, waiting for response

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    Just in case if whole plugin file code is needed , here it is :

    Plugin Name: Custom Script
    Description: custom script for products
    Version: 2.2.0
    Author: Rawaha
    // Schedule the function to run every 1 minute and 10 seconds
    add_action('my_plugin_cron_event', 'my_plugin_page_callback');
    function schedule_my_plugin_cron_event()
        if (!wp_next_scheduled('my_plugin_cron_event')) {
            wp_schedule_event(time(), 'custom_interval', 'my_plugin_cron_event');
    add_action('wp', 'schedule_my_plugin_cron_event');
    // Register custom cron interval of 1 minute and 10 seconds
    add_filter('cron_schedules', 'add_custom_cron_interval');
    function add_custom_cron_interval($schedules)
        $schedules['custom_interval'] = array(
            'interval' => 70, // 70 seconds
            'display'  => __('Every 1 Minute and 10 Seconds')
        return $schedules;
    function my_plugin_activation_function()
        $localFilePath = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'file.xml';
        if (!is_file($localFilePath)) {
            $url = ''; // Replace with your XML file URL
            // Get the contents of the XML file
            $xmlContent = file_get_contents($url);
            // Save the XML content to a local file
            file_put_contents($localFilePath, $xmlContent);
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'my_plugin_activation_function');
    function my_plugin_menu_page()
            'Custom Script', // Page title
            'Custom Script', // Menu title
            'manage_options', // Capability required to access the page
            'custom-script-page', // Page slug
            'my_plugin_page_callback', // Callback function to render the page content
            'dashicons-admin-plugins', // Icon URL or Dashicon class
            4 // Position in the menu
            'custom-script-page',     // Parent menu slug
            'Delete Page',    // Page title
            'Delete Page',       // Menu title
            'manage_options',     // Capability required to access the page
            'delete-page',    // Menu slug
            'custom_delete_callback'  // Callback function to render the page content
            'custom-script-page',     // Parent menu slug
            'Without Image',    // Page title
            'Without Image',       // Menu title
            'manage_options',     // Capability required to access the page
            'without-image-page',    // Menu slug
            'without_image_callback'  // Callback function to render the page content
    function without_image_callback()
        // Include WordPress dependencies
        require_once(get_home_path() . 'wp-load.php');
        // Query WooCommerce products without a featured image
        $args = array(
            'post_type'      => 'product',
            'post_status'    => 'publish',
            'posts_per_page' => -1,
            'meta_query'     => array(
                    'key'     => '_thumbnail_id',
                    'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',
        $products = new WP_Query($args);
        // Loop through products and delete them
        if ($products->have_posts()) {
            while ($products->have_posts()) {
                $product_id = get_the_ID();
                // Delete product using its ID
                wp_delete_post($product_id, true);
            // Reset post data
    function custom_delete_callback()
        // global $wpdb;
        // $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE post_type = 'product'");
    function upload_product_image($image_url)
        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
        if (empty($image_url)) {
            return false;
        $image_data = file_get_contents($image_url);
        $filename   = basename($image_url);
        if (empty($filename)) {
            return false;
        if (wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['path'])) {
            $file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $filename;
        } else {
            $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
        file_put_contents($file, $image_data);
        $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($filename, null);
        $attachment = array(
            'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
            'post_title'     => sanitize_file_name($filename),
            'post_content'   => '',
            'post_status'    => 'inherit',
            // 'post_author'    => get_user_by('login', 'admin')->ID,
            // Set the author as 'admin'
        $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $file);
        if (!is_wp_error($attachment_id)) {
            require_once get_home_path() . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php';
            $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $file);
            wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attachment_data);
            return $attachment_id;
        return false;
    // Callback function to render the page content
    function my_plugin_page_callback()
        // error_reporting(0);
        // @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
        $localFilePath = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'file.xml';
        $usedUrlsFilePath = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'Used-URLS.php';
        if (!is_file($localFilePath)) {
            $url = ''; // Replace with your XML file URL
            // Get the contents of the XML file
            $xmlContent = file_get_contents($url);
            // Save the XML content to a local file
            file_put_contents($localFilePath, $xmlContent);
        $xml = simplexml_load_file($localFilePath);
        $urls = [];
        foreach ($xml->style as $style) {
            $urlStyleJson = (string) $style->url_style_json;
            if (str_ends_with($urlStyleJson, '.json')) {
                $urls[] = $urlStyleJson;
        // Create the Used-URLS.php file if it doesn't exist
        if (!is_file($usedUrlsFilePath)) {
        // Load used URLs from file
        $usedUrls = file($usedUrlsFilePath, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
        // Fetch and display JSON from the first two URLs
        $counter = 0;
        foreach ($urls as $url) {
            // Check if URL is already used
            if (in_array($url, $usedUrls)) {
                continue; // Skip the current iteration if URL is already used
            $jsonContent = file_get_contents($url);
            if ($jsonContent !== false) {
                $jsonData = json_decode($jsonContent, true);
                if ($jsonData !== null) {
                    global $wpdb;
                    $product_name = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_name']['language']['de']['$t'];
                    // Query to check if the product exists
                    $query = $wpdb->prepare("
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
                    FROM {$wpdb->posts}
                    WHERE post_type = 'product'
                    AND post_title = %s
                    AND post_status = 'publish'
                    ", $product_name);
                    $product_count = $wpdb->get_var($query);
                    // Check if the product exists
                    if (
                        $product_count > 0
                    ) {
                        echo 'Product exists.';
                        // You can exit the script here or perform any other actions you need.
                    } else {
                        echo 'Product does not exist.';
                    $brand_code = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['brand_code']['$t'];
                    $product_group = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group']
                        : null;
                    $product_group_result = '';
                    if ($product_group !== null) {
                        foreach ($product_group as $product_group_string) {
                            // echo $product_group_string['$t'];
                            $product_group_result .= $product_group_string['$t'] . ', '; // Concatenate each value with a comma separator
                            echo '<br>';
                    $product_link_array = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_link_list']['style_link_to'];
                    $product_link_to = '';
                    foreach ($product_link_array as $index => $product_link) {
                        $product_links = $product_link['style']['$t'];
                        $product_link_to  .= $product_links . ',';
                    //long sleeve
                    $product_sleeve_group = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_sleeve_group_list']['style_sleeve_group']['$t']
                        : null;
                    $product_gender_group = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_gender_group_list']['style_gender_group']['$t']
                        : null;
                    $product_weight_group = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_weight_group_list']['style_weight_group']['$t']
                        : null;
                    $product_color_group = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_product_group_list']['style_product_group'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_filter_list']['style_color_group_list']['style_color_group']
                        : null;
                    $product_color_group_result = '';
                    if ($product_color_group !== null) {
                        foreach ($product_color_group as $product_color_group_string) {
                            // echo $product_group_string['$t'];
                            $product_color_group_result .= $product_color_group_string['$t'] . ', '; // Concatenate each value with a comma separator
                            echo '<br>';
                    $product_brand_name = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['brand_name']['$t'])
                        ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['brand_name']['$t']
                        : null;
                    $product_catalog_page = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_catalog_page']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_catalog_page']['$t'] : null;
                    $product_nr = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_nr']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_nr']['$t'] : null;
                    $product_supplier_code = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['supplier_code']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['supplier_code']['$t'] : null;
                    $product_tariff_nr = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_custom_tariff_nr']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_custom_tariff_nr']['$t'] : null;
                    $product_sub_categories = '';
                    if (isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_category_list']['style_category_main']['style_category_sub']['language']['de'])) {
                        $product_sub_categories =  $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_category_list']['style_category_main']['style_category_sub']['language']['de']['$t'];
                    } else {
                        $styleCategorySub = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_category_list']['style_category_main']['style_category_sub'];
                        foreach ($styleCategorySub as $index => $subCategory) {
                            $languageValue = $subCategory['language']['de']['$t'];
                            $product_sub_categories .= $languageValue . ',';
                    $product_image_gallery_array = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_picture_list']['style_picture'];
                    $product_image_gallery = '';
                    foreach ($product_image_gallery_array as $index => $product_image) {
                        $product_image_url = $product_image['url']['$t'];
                        $product_image_gallery .= $product_image_url . ',';
                    $product_description = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_description']['language']['de']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['style_description']['language']['de']['$t'] : null;
                    //supplier code
                    $product_supplier_code = isset($jsonData['style_list']['style']['supplier_article_code']['$t']) ? $jsonData['style_list']['style']['supplier_article_code']['$t'] : null;
                    // Create product data
                    global $wpdb;
                    $product_data = array(
                        'post_title'    => $product_name,
                        'post_content'  => $product_description,
                        'post_status'   => 'publish',
                        'post_author'   => 1,
                        'post_type'     => 'product',
                        'product_type'  => 'variable',
                    // Insert the product
                    $product_id = wp_insert_post($product_data);
                    wp_set_object_terms($product_id, 'variable', 'product_type');
                    // Set product attributes
                    $product_attributes = array(
                        'brand_code' => $brand_code,
                        'product_link_to' => $product_link_to,
                        'product_gender_group' => $product_gender_group,
                        'product_weight_group' => $product_weight_group,
                        'product_color_group_result' => $product_color_group_result,
                        'product_brand_name' => $product_brand_name,
                        'product_catalog_page' => $product_catalog_page,
                        'product_nr' => $product_nr,
                        'product_supplier_code' => $product_supplier_code,
                        'product_tariff_nr' => $product_tariff_nr,
                    // Loop through attributes and add them to the product
                    foreach ($product_attributes as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
                        // Get or create the attribute
                        $attribute_taxonomy = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($attribute_key);
                        if (!taxonomy_exists($attribute_taxonomy)) {
                            $attribute_id = wc_create_attribute(array(
                                'name'         => $attribute_key,
                                'slug'         => sanitize_title($attribute_key),
                                'type'         => 'select',
                                'order_by'     => 'menu_order',
                                'has_archives' => true,
                            $attribute_taxonomy = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($attribute_id);
                        } else {
                            $attribute_id = wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name($attribute_taxonomy);
                        // Assign the attribute to the product
                        if ($attribute_id && !empty($attribute_value)) {
                            $term = term_exists($attribute_value, $attribute_taxonomy);
                            if (
                                $term !== 0 && $term !== null
                            ) {
                                wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $term['term_id'], $attribute_taxonomy, true);
                            } else {
                                $term = wp_insert_term($attribute_value, $attribute_taxonomy);
                                if (!is_wp_error($term)) {
                                    wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $term['term_id'], $attribute_taxonomy, true);
                    // Set product tags
                    if (!empty($product_group_result)) {
                        $tags = explode(
                        wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $tags, 'product_tag');
                    if (!empty($product_sleeve_group)) {
                        $tags = explode(',', $product_sleeve_group);
                    // Set product categories
                    if (!empty($product_sub_categories)) {
                        $categories = explode(',', $product_sub_categories);
                        wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $categories, 'product_cat');
                    // Add images to the product gallery
                    if (!empty($product_image_gallery)) {
                        $image_urls = explode(',', $product_image_gallery);
                        $gallery_ids = array();
                        foreach ($image_urls as $image_url) {
                            $image_url = trim($image_url); // Trim whitespace
                            if (!empty($image_url)) {
                                $attachment_id = upload_product_image($image_url);
                                if ($attachment_id) {
                                    $gallery_ids[] = $attachment_id;
                        if (!empty($gallery_ids)) {
                            // Check if the first image is empty, if so, use the next non-empty image
                            $featured_image = $gallery_ids[0];
                            if (empty($featured_image)) {
                                foreach ($gallery_ids as $image_id) {
                                    if (!empty($image_id)) {
                                        $featured_image = $image_id;
                            // Update the product image gallery
                            update_post_meta($product_id, '_product_image_gallery', implode(',', $gallery_ids));
                            // Set the featured image
                            set_post_thumbnail($product_id, $featured_image);
                    // Define attributes
                    $attributes = array(
                        'color' => array(
                            'name'         => 'Color',
                            'value'        => 'Black',
                            'is_visible'   => true,
                            'is_variation' => true,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'size' => array(
                            'name'         => 'Size',
                            'value'        => 'M',
                            'is_visible'   => true,
                            'is_variation' => true,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-close-out' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-close-out',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-changed-date' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-changed-date',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-size-order' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-size-order',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-pieces-in-carton' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-pieces-in-carton',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-ean' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-ean',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-coo' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-coo',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-size-code' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-size-code',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-pieces-in-pack' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-pieces-in-pack',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku_weight' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku_weight',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-artnum' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-artnum',
                            'value'        => '',
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                    // Attributes Creation
                    foreach ($attributes as $attribute_slug => $attribute_data) {
                        $attribute = wc_get_attribute($attribute_slug);
                        // Create attribute if it doesn't exist
                        if (!$attribute) {
                            $attribute_args = array(
                                'name'         => $attribute_data['name'],
                                'slug'         => $attribute_slug,
                                'type'         => 'text',
                                'order_by'     => 'menu_order',
                                'has_archives' => false,
                            $attribute_id = wc_create_attribute($attribute_args);
                            // Set the attribute to be used for variations
                            if ($attribute_id && $attribute_data['is_variation']) {
                                $attribute_taxonomy = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($attribute_slug);
                                update_option('woocommerce_taxonomy_' . $attribute_taxonomy, '1');
                    $variation_list_arr = $jsonData['style_list']['style']['sku_list']['sku'];
                    $variation_string_sku_closeout = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_changed_date = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_size_name = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_size_order = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_carton = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_ean = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_coo = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_color_name = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_size_code = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_pack = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_weight = '';
                    $variation_string_sku_artnum = '';
                    foreach ($variation_list_arr as $index => $variation_list) {
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_closeout']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_closeout = $variation_list['sku_closeout']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_closeout .= $sku_closeout . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_changed_date']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_changed_date = $variation_list['sku_changed_date']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_changed_date .= $sku_changed_date . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_code']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_code = $variation_list['sku_color_code']['$t'];
                            // $variation_string .= $sku_color_code . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_name']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_name = $variation_list['sku_size_name']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_size_name .= $sku_size_name . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_order']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_order = $variation_list['sku_size_order']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_size_order .= $sku_size_order . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_pieces_in_carton']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_pieces_in_carton = $variation_list['sku_pieces_in_carton']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_carton .= $sku_pieces_in_carton . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_ean']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_ean = $variation_list['sku_ean']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_ean .= $sku_ean . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_swatch_url']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_swatch_url = $variation_list['sku_color_swatch_url']['$t'];
                            // $variation_string .= $sku_color_swatch_url . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_coo']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_coo = $variation_list['sku_coo']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_coo .= $sku_coo . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_name']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_name = $variation_list['sku_color_name']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_color_name .= $sku_color_name . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_picture']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_picture = $variation_list['sku_color_picture']['$t'];
                            // $variation_string .= $sku_color_picture . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_code']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_code = $variation_list['sku_size_code']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_size_code .= $sku_size_code . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_pieces_in_pack']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_pieces_in_pack = $variation_list['sku_pieces_in_pack']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_pack .= $sku_pieces_in_pack . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_picture_url']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_picture_url = $variation_list['sku_color_picture_url']['$t'];
                            // $variation_string .= $sku_color_picture_url . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_weight']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_weight = $variation_list['sku_weight']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_weight .= $sku_weight . '|';
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_artnum']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_artnum = $variation_list['sku_artnum']['$t'];
                            $variation_string_sku_artnum .= $sku_artnum . '|';
                    // Define attributes
                    $attributes = array(
                        'color' => array(
                            'name'         => 'Color',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_color_name,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => true,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'size' => array(
                            'name'         => 'Size',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_size_name,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => true,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-close-out' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-close-out',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_closeout,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-changed-date' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-changed-date',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_changed_date,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-size-order' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-size-order',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_size_order,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-pieces-in-carton' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-pieces-in-carton',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_carton,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-ean' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-ean',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_ean,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-coo' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-coo',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_coo,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-size-code' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-size-code',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_size_code,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-pieces-in-pack' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-pieces-in-pack',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_pieces_in_pack,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku_weight' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku_weight',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_weight,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                        'sku-artnum' => array(
                            'name'         => 'sku-artnum',
                            'value'        => $variation_string_sku_artnum,
                            'is_visible'   => false,
                            'is_variation' => false,
                            'is_taxonomy'  => false,
                    require_once(get_home_path() . '/wp-load.php');
                    require_once(get_home_path() . 'wp-admin/includes/post.php');
                    // Define variation data
                    foreach ($variation_list_arr as $index => $variation_list) {
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_closeout']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_closeout = $variation_list['sku_closeout']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_changed_date']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_changed_date = $variation_list['sku_changed_date']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_code']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_code = $variation_list['sku_color_code']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_name']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_name = $variation_list['sku_size_name']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_order']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_order = $variation_list['sku_size_order']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_pieces_in_carton']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_pieces_in_carton = $variation_list['sku_pieces_in_carton']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_ean']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_ean = $variation_list['sku_ean']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_swatch_url']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_swatch_url = $variation_list['sku_color_swatch_url']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_coo']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_coo = $variation_list['sku_coo']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_name']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_name = $variation_list['sku_color_name']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_picture']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_picture = $variation_list['sku_color_picture']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_size_code']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_size_code = $variation_list['sku_size_code']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_pieces_in_pack']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_pieces_in_pack = $variation_list['sku_pieces_in_pack']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_color_picture_url']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_color_picture_url = $variation_list['sku_color_picture_url']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_weight']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_weight = $variation_list['sku_weight']['$t'];
                        if (isset($variation_list['sku_artnum']['$t'])) {
                            $sku_artnum = $variation_list['sku_artnum']['$t'];
                        require_once(get_home_path() . '/wp-load.php');
                        require_once(get_home_path() . 'wp-admin/includes/post.php');
                        // Define variation data
                        $variations = array(
                                'attributes' => array(
                                    'color' => $sku_color_name,
                                    'size'  => $sku_size_name,
                                    'sku-close-out' => $sku_closeout,
                                    'sku-changed-date' => $sku_changed_date,
                                    'sku-size-order' => $sku_size_order,
                                    'sku-pieces-in-carton' => $sku_pieces_in_carton,
                                    'sku-ean' => $sku_ean,
                                    'sku-coo' => $sku_coo,
                                    'sku-size-code' => $sku_size_code,
                                    'sku-pieces-in-pack' => $sku_pieces_in_pack,
                                    'sku_weight' => $sku_weight,
                                    'sku-artnum' => $sku_artnum
                                'regular_price' => '0.00',
                                'sale_price'    => '0.00',
                        foreach ($variations as $variation_data) {
                            $variation = array(
                                'post_title'  => $product_name,
                                'post_name'   => $product_name,
                                'post_status' => 'publish',
                                'post_parent' => $product_id,
                                'post_type'   => 'product_variation',
                                'meta_input'  => array(
                                    '_regular_price' => $variation_data['regular_price'],
                                    '_sale_price'    => $variation_data['sale_price'],
                                    '_price'         => $variation_data['regular_price'],
                                    '_stock_status'  => 'instock',
                                    '_sku'           => $sku_artnum,
                                    '_manage_stock'  => 'no',
                            $variation_id = wp_insert_post($variation);
                            //variation image
                            if (isset($sku_color_picture_url)) {
                                $image_url = $sku_color_picture_url;
                                $image_name = basename($image_url);
                                $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
                                $image_path = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $image_name;
                                // Download the image file
                                $image_contents = file_get_contents($image_url);
                                // Create attachment data
                                $attachment = array(
                                    'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', // Adjust the mime type according to your image type
                                    'post_title'     => $image_name,
                                    'post_content'   => '',
                                    'post_status'    => 'inherit'
                                // Insert the attachment
                                $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $image_path, $variation_id);
                                require_once(get_home_path() . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
                                $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $image_path);
                                wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attachment_data);
                                // Set the variation's featured image
                                set_post_thumbnail($variation_id, $attachment_id);
                            // Set variation attributes
                            foreach ($variation_data['attributes'] as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) {
                                update_post_meta($variation_id, 'attribute_' . sanitize_title($attribute_name), $attribute_value);
                            //custom field ends
                            update_post_meta($variation_id, '_product_id', $product_id);
                            update_post_meta($variation_id, '_variation_id', $variation_id);
                            update_post_meta($variation_id, '_manage_stock', 'no');
                // Refresh product's cached attributes
                echo "<br>Product Successfully Imported with variations, Product ID is : " . $product_id . "<br>";
            if ($counter >= 4) {
    // Hook into the admin menu initialization
    add_action('admin_menu', 'my_plugin_menu_page');
    Thread Starter rawahapool


    Let me know if any details needed, also I can see the images getting uploaded to media library, but not being attached to the products, when imported via cron

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    ok, can I ask in how much time they can work together ? like when do you think it will be possible?

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    please explain , how wpforms and e2pdf can work together

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    hi, how can I make it work with wp-forms, will it work same like, forminator,formidable etc

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    Hi , I pasted link and it is working. But the problem is it is showing this https:// how can I remove it?

    We received a request to reset the password for your account. If you
    made this request, click the link below to change your password:
    If you didn't make this request, ignore this email or report it to us.
    Thank you!
    The fi Team
    Thread Starter rawahapool


    I tried these methods, checking the link url in the settings>email> password reset template, but it isn’t working

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    Thank you! this was what I needed, you are really at our service!

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    In easy words how to display current user data in pdf?

    Thread Starter rawahapool


    thank you for your reply ! what I want to ask is, I have a login form with forminator, when someone login through that form, I just want his email to be displayed in the pdf , is this possible through e2pdf and forminator?

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)