I’m getting this too.
WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘link_count’ in ‘where clause’]
SELECT * FROM wp_categories WHERE cat_ID > 0 AND link_count > 0 ORDER BY cat_name ASC
I’ve totally removed every file – started with an empty directory and reinstalled everything (except the db of course)
I get the error on the standard kubrick theme.
This is what appears in Manage/Blogroll
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp.wp_link2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT category_id FROM wp_link2cat WHERE link_id = 9 ORDER BY category_id
Revealed Resources
revealedresources.com Yes Edit Delete
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp.wp_link2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT category_id FROM wp_link2cat WHERE link_id = 8 ORDER BY category_id
Selling to big companies
sellingtobigcompanies.blogs.com Yes Edit Delete
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp.wp_link2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT category_id FROM wp_link2cat WHERE link_id = 10 ORDER BY category_id