Forum Replies Created
@sabeehms Great !!!
You can reduce this value (while it’s working) to have a minimum latecy after the loading of the page. The page must be completly loaded to run my script and do what it must doing
Très heureux que ce code fonctionne pour toi @toniko33 ! Et merci de pour ton info que cela fonctionne pour blog Premium ??
@sabeehms I do not know if we can speak in private on this forum, if it is the case contact me in private message. Otherwise you can also give me your URL to see your problem. ??
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by raphy95.
I forget to say one thing, set your link from any pages like this : https://my-web-site.fr/my-page-with-this-plugin/?category=1
category=1 select the first item of the plugin categorys , =2 the second ect …
OK, I don’t need to pay for help. I let me think one thing, for me a forum is to share with others.
There is the reason I’m glad to share my code with everybody to upgrade this plugin.
First you must set a CSS ID to your plungin layer like “catPMG”
at the following of the plugin layer, create a short code layer and past this code:<script type="text/javascript"> // get the url parameters const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); // get the value of the URL parameter named "catNum" const catNum = urlParams.get('category'); // select all the category links in the plugin (name your plugin layer ID, like "catPMG" ) var elements = document.getElementById("catPMG").getElementsByTagName("a"); // get number of category var howCats = document.getElementById("catPMG").getElementsByTagName("li").length // if (catNum <= howCats) { //set a timeout to let the JS plugin finish his loading setTimeout(() => { elements[catNum].click(); }, 400);} </script>
Enjoy !!!
Hi @leap13,
Thanks for your fast reply.
I will send a message on your official website. I hope a update will come in soon.