Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dashboard CSS not loading properly on Dreamhosted site@vaiosaurus – Be sure you don’t have any plugins that are causing the issue next time you update. If a plugin is causing the issue it will happen over and over. But from I see there is a link to a js file just before the body tag so it’s probably no plugin.
If it’s not a plugin hack you should definitely contact Dream Host. They were able to clean up most of the hack for a friend of mine. You may also want to ask them if they have a recommendations for changing the file permissions to possibly prevent this from happening.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dashboard CSS not loading properly on Dreamhosted siteDefinitely contact Dreamhost, if you’re experiencing the same issues as some of my friends there was a major hack in the last week that added malicious code in all php files.
Dreamhost will attempt to clean up the hack, but what you have done so far is right on target. It’s recommend that you re-installing all files, meaning plugins, theme and wp.
Hope this helps!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Can Dreamhost be removed from the hosting suggestions?Wow, godaddy was on there? that’s odd too. Must have been the php upgrade that bumped them. I could only imagine the amount of requests you must get to be added to that list. In truth there are many more important things that this page.
I am an organizer with the Nashville meetup and we get the hosting question every month, and MediaTemple is the only host on the list that seems to get verbal recommendations.
thanks for you time
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error upgrade to WP 3.1I had the same issue:
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_List_Table’ not foundI found wpematico to be the issue. There was an update available, the latest version is good.
To fix the issue I changed the plugin directory name by adding an under-score and then going to the plugin admin page. That will automatically deactivate any plugin that it can not find.
Your plugin admin page url is:
https://domainname.com/wp-admin/plugins.phpIf you’re not sure what plugin is doing it, I suggest changing the name of each plugin one at a time until you find the culprit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] JQUERY conflict when used in Arras themeI’m not sure about the plugin, but I’m seeing conflict with this js and standard
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {});
did you figure it out?
Forum: Meetups
In reply to: Nashville, TN – General InterestMost of the people there are just getting started with WP. It seems like it’s been a good place for people to meet who have various needs. I am one of a few dev’s that go. I enjoy hanging out even if I’m not that involved.
I’m sure I’ll see you there.
Forum: Meetups
In reply to: Nashville, TN – General InterestThere’s a meetup that’s going on about every other week in downtown Nashville. Check the link below for details. There doing an intro course right now, going over the basics, and how-to.
It’s definitely focused at a beginner level right now, but it’s good, the first and second meetup were a little jumbled with to many random questions. Now there is some kind of focus.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Can't change Profile Email AddressI’m kind of in the same boat. My profile for the support form here has been stuck at an old address for a very long time, but I keep procrastinating on getting it changed.
can it be changed to:
[Email address removed]
Much appreciated!
Variable 3 = array(‘jquery’) loads jquery before the specified scrip is loaded, so unless jquery is being called by some other scirpt than you’ll be missing jquery all together.
There may be other factors involved, but hope that helps.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Cannot change my WP.org forum passwordI’m not able to change my email on my forum account. I have tried the “edit link top-right” and deleting cookies and login-out then logging back in. It’s weird because all the fields will update except for “Email”. Would there happen to be a confirmation for email change?
I’ve been a member for about 2yrs but haven’t been very active, and just now realized why I never get responses, cause my frigen email is so old. Anyway just want to change it, not a huge deal.
I looked around a lot and noticed this used to be an issue but has since been fixed, so if there is something I’m missing let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alternative to TDO Tag fixes? (Tags within a single category)Did you find a solution? I’ve been working on a query for this, but it’s been a pain in the ass to try and match up that many items in a single query.
Since both tags and categories use the same column in the relationships table it’s getting difficult.
I was thinking about getting all the posts.ID associated with a single cat term_relationships.term_taxomony_id then going back and getting all post_tag’s term_relationships.term_taxomony_id associated with each term_relationships.object_id based on the first query result.
Two query’s just seems like to much.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Potential www.remarpro.com Improvement ProjectsThanks for being awesome! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Problems using PolldaddyAfter activating the polldaddy plugin and entering my login info to my polldaddy account nothing happens. Its weird, I know something is supposed to happen.
Im on wp2.7 self hosted Bluehost.
although I am able to get the shortcodes from Polldaddy and add them to my posts. From the Screen shots I’ve seen (from wp2.6+) people are editing their polls in wp…
Anybody have an answer or solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing wpautop Filterkaiserthegreat – Did you get this worked out?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Redirect Loop problemHere is what i had…
I had a static ‘front page’ (set with a page template) and a ‘posts page’… I had a link from the ‘front page’ to the ‘posts page’. But, when I clicked to go to the ‘posts page’ my browser kept saying it was stuck in a Redirect Loop. Also, for development reasons I had all the posts set for ‘unpublished’.
Here is what i found…
Turns out wordpress doesn’t know what to do when your ‘posts page’ doesn’t have any posts in it, or all your posts are set to ‘unpublished’. I thought the ‘endwhile; else:’ statement would pick up the slack, but it didn’t.
Hope this helps… Even if your situation is different, consider the possibility that the browser is looking for something that doesn’t exist.
btw, after figuring this out i feel like retard… ??