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  • It’s probably the fault of WP::parse_query() in classes.php, and it might have been fixed already. It’s 3am and I am too sleepy to test it, though.

    I think it’s a bit of both. It does something like this:

    When someone visits the page, the query is made and the results are cached. From then on, until the cache expires (after an hour by default) or is manually cleaned, the plugin output is served from the cache.

    Every time someone posts a comment, the cache is emptied, so the list will be regenerated on the next page load.

    If you only want the cache rebuilt when a comment is posted/edited/deleted (etc.), then set $sem_recent_comments_cache_timeout to something high (in seconds).

    This is a bit of code I found somewhere for just opening and writing a file. You might need to create menu.xml with the right permissions first.
    $filename = '/server/path/to/menu.xml';
    if (is_writable($filename)) {
    if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
    echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
    } else {
    echo "The file $filename is not writable";
    $somecontent = 'blahblahblah';
    fwrite($handle, $somecontent);

    @root: the pink lilies example doesn’t use absolute positioning, it just uses floats. (They both remove elements from the document flow, so your point still stands, but still. :P)
    Absolute positioning has its advantages, and it doesn’t always lead to broken pages.
    Ironically, putting the pink lily floats inside an absolutely positioned container actually fixes the menu-overlap problem you so hate. Example. (Renders right in FF0.92, Opera 7, IE6, required 1 change to the template and a few changes to the CSS.)

    P.S. that worked for me in FireFox 0.92, I’m very sorry if it doesn’t work in anything else

    “with ALL of the possible via links”
    Taking the Waxy links as an example, wouldn’t that include just about every page in the entire Web…?

    I agree with david, it’s probably worth waiting for Gallery 2. Not least because it’ll use MySQL, so no need for monkeying around with the flat-file database.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Image Dump Plugin

    The requested URL /resources/ was not found on this server. ??

    I haven’t even tried to test this, but you could try:
    $link = '';
    if ($parent=$cache_categories[$category_id]->category_parent) $link .= get_category_parents($parent, FALSE, '/', TRUE);
    $link .= $category_nicename . '/';

    (Lifts some code from later in the same function. Many apologies if it doesn’t work.)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Change location?

    You could just install it at instead. WordPress can be installed in whatever directory you like.
    If you’re asking how to have the blog in a directory other than that where you have WordPress installed, try this page.

    Do you mean like PhotoMatt’s “asides”?

    Uh, Root, that page doesn’t have a footer. ??
    But it would go in the container, below everything else. Float it if you must, to keep it below other floated blocks.
    (Obviously this won’t work properly if you’re using absolutely positioned blocks inside the container.)

    Columns: you need to take out the “height: 100%;” bits.
    My method of choice for aligning the #Content div would be to give it:
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -387px
    [i.e. half of its width]
    Making the sidebar column extend all the way to the bottom is probably faked easiest by giving the container/#Content div the same background colour.
    I may be wrong, I only had a quick look, but HTH. (And I already have Gmail.)

    Thread Starter random


    Thanks, I knew about $single, it’s the “bit more complex” part that’s messing with me. ??
    At the moment I’ve added various $pagetype = 'month';, $pagetype = 'day'; type things to wp-blog-header.php. If $year isn’t null then $pagetype is set as ‘year’; Then $month is checked, and if not null then $pagetype is set as ‘month’, then $day etc.
    In the template pages I can put <?php if ($pagetype == 'month') { blah blah; } ?> etc.
    This works, but it’s not very elegant and doesn’t cover everything (search results, category views). And, obviously, editing files every time there’s an upgrade is annoying. I’m not great with PHP, which is why I was hoping someone could point out something blindingly obvious that I’ve missed…

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