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  • Thread Starter randerson1228


    By the way, a page with some EXAMPLES of modified themes would do wonders towards helping us to figure it out! And… most small website owners do not want to spend thousands of dollars on support, so when we see that a plugin needs a lot of work, we shy away and then, obviously, we do NOT buy the premium add-ons that are available!

    Thread Starter randerson1228


    I am aware that your time is valuable. But so is mine. Perhaps Teo saw my theme, perhaps he did not. But we are talking about modifying two pages of code here. Not hundreds. How that takes 3 hours for a programmer that is INTIMATELY familiar with your plugin, I have no idea. In any event, NOT specifying on your plugin page that these are requirements is an ommission that could cause hundreds of amateurs like myself countless thousands of hours of their time. Your time is valuable, sure. But us minions like to think that our time is ALSO valuable.

    And by the way, when I do go to my account, nothing shows up except for the supermap purchase. So be it. I love your plugin, but I am not impressed with your help. Simple!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Google Fonts
    Thread Starter randerson1228


    Catacaustic. Thanks. Tried that. even deleted y home page, deleted the posts that showed up in it. nope! Still loading those fonts! I have no idea where the site is getting the command to load all those fonts from, but it only affects the home page. All other pages do not have that issue it seems!
    If anyone can tell me the sequence that WordPress goes through to load a home page, I would appreciate it, because somewhere in that sequence must lie that command!

    Thread Starter randerson1228


    “Thank you randerson1228. We welcome your valuable feedback. I see that you purchased the Denali theme and also purchased Supermap. Did you know that we provide free support up to the value of your purchases when you purchase products from us? It is only a few lines of code necessary to make your theme compatible with wp-property. Please send us a request on our website and I will be happy to have one of our technicians fix it for you”.

    Now… A response like that would have made you look like the good guy and me look like an idiot.

    Unfortunately, you chose your route. And here is the truth…

    When you say “but gave us 1 star because you need to spend few minutes to copy templates from plugin folder to your theme folder? Or because you need to spend a little more time if you want to customize them to fit any WordPress theme?”, you are misleading the public!


    Because I have, so far, spent 8 agonizing hours trying to get your plugin to play with my theme. Yes. EIGHT hours! Now, I am not a programmer, so it is all hit and miss. ButI believe you when you say that it could be accomplished in a few minutes! Because when I finally hit on the correct code by trial and error and stupid blind luck, bingo! It works, but not completely. Just better. Unfortnately, when I DID go to your site and ask for support and help, here is the answer I received…

    “Thanks for contacting us. You are right, the wp-Propertydoes not play nice with other themes indeed, but only because you did not customize the templates. You will need to copy the two main template files from the templates folder in the plugin folder (for single properties and property listings). After that it’s only a matter of changing the code in these two template files to make them match the structure of your theme. This work varies and can take 2-3 hours, depending on the complexity of your theme. The Denali theme already includes these templates matching its structure and that’s what makes it compatible.”

    You say “a few minutes”, but Ted Maragakis from your company says 2-3 hours!

    I am inclined to believe you that it would take a few minutes, but then Ted would like to sell me 3 hours worth of support time!

    And when you say that Denali comes with “four WP-Property premium features”, WHERE ARE THEY??? I sure didn’t receive them when I bought Denali! In fact, I had to purchase the Supermap feature to get the functionality I needed.

    Frankly Denys, your support is abysmal!

    CTell people the truth, give better customer support, and people will be more inclined to do business with you. It is not enough to develop a good product. The product needs to play with other products, and the product needs to have customer support. Not misdirections, half-truths, etc.

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