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  • rboren,
    Can the fix be back-ported to 1.2 easily? Any hints on where to look for it?

    Yeah… I’ll work on getting it to validate next weekend ?? Wildthing, thanks for the note about IE 5.x browser; my sister is complaining that the first letter of all content in the right menu is missing… ‘eather’ instead of ‘Weather’ etc. Sigh.

    Geez.. I finally got kubrick 1.2 working on one my my family blog and now there is an update. Thanks a lot for all the time and effort Michael!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Integrated Text/Photo Blog

    I use Exhibit 1.1d which supports multiple photos and generally works ok. It is a pain to upload lots of photos and I have a problem with captions but it does work. Basically, for each new ‘album’ I create a new directory in my images directory and write a description of the album as a blog post, remembering to tick the ‘photos’ category. I choose the best photo and use it as a thumbnail for the album which appears on the front page. I then wrote a bit of php/css that creates pages to (1) list only the photo-albums (i.e. grab all posts in the photos’ category) and (2) show a nice layout of thumbnail images (9 per page). All of this is possible using the Exhibit package but it took a few days of coding to get it working well.
    My biggest complaint is that creating new directories and uploading photos is a bit hit-and-miss at the moment. Photos that are too large (in kb not pixel dimension) give nasty errors on upload that users find frustrating. Creating directories works for some people but not all. I’ve also had to make the tiny images larger and generally make the upload dialogue box a little easier to understand.

    I would estimate, we are talking of between 40-60% of the SQL queries being MySQL specific.

    Unfortunately, there is no centralised place. It should probably be a CVS branch but you’ll need to pester a core developer for that. My various hacks at getting wordpress to use PostgreSQL have royally hosed the ability to use MySQL. If the developers would stick to reasonably standard SQL statements, the port would be trivial… I’ve more or less given up on getting the current version of wordpress working with PostgreSQL. I figure it would take about 1-2 weeks (f/t) to get the code working with PG again, and probably another to get it working with both. For me, my ancient, ‘alpha code’ works well enough.



    I’m familiar with ADOdb and it is useful. Migrating from EzSQL to ADOdb would take a concerted effort from all developers. As it stands, the EZSQL interface is used which does provide adequate abstraction. However, writing portable SQL is not trivial as suggests. Again, this would require a great deal of effort. I think the only way it would get done is if the maintainer sees it as a priority.



    There are a lot of changes to make and the old CVS code I had working is well out of date. I’m swamped with work at the moment but this is on my todo list… maybe in a few weeks.

    Sorry, I will try to put the code back up in a few days. It looks like I will have to take another CVS snapshot though as only a few of the SQL syntax changes I suggested made it in. To answer the last Anonymous question, using PEAR::DB and the will not help that much. The fact is that EZ-SQL abstracts the basics already. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL differ in their SQL statement syntax. As I posted above, a simple select statement that is valid in MySQL may not be valid in PostgreSQL and vise versa. It would be nice if everyone stuck to the SQL92 standards but they are pedantic and inefficient at times.

    I am the last ‘Anonymous’ poster. As a PostgreSQL user, I’ve always been a little frustrated by the lack of choice when it comes to blog code. It took a day or two, but I now have the CVS code working with PostgreSQL. There are quite a few MySQLisms that need fixing in the source and there are likely still a few quirks to iron out. I don’t actually have a MySQL install to compare with and the CVS code seems to change rather quickly. If anyone has a default install that I can tinker with, I’d be keen to compare. I realise that PostgreSQL operability isn’t high on the current development list; I am nevertheless interested in seeing some of these changes merged so that future WordPress users can choose between MySQL and PostgreSQL.
    PHP 4.3.4, PostgreSQL 7.3.4
    NB: SQL above probably needs some additional indexes.

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