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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Table Builder - WordPress Table Plugin] All kinds of issues after updateYes, the major ones got fixed with 1.6.1. The one OP didn’t mention was that text color work on a global scale and not just the box I want to change. So if I pick yellow in one column, all column and rows gets yellow.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Table Builder - WordPress Table Plugin] All kinds of issues after updateHi Imtiaz,
Well, after the 1.6.0 update I had to replace all my text elements with new ones because of the UTF-8 error and I wasn’t able to edit the text at all. But after I did that, there wasn’t any UTF-8 problems.
And if I changed color all text got that color. Just like OP wrote.
I haven’t tried to change color in the new replacement text elements yet.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Table Builder - WordPress Table Plugin] All kinds of issues after updateI have experienced the same issues as the OP.
Also… I’m running a swedish site and all swedish words with ?, ? and ? where translated incorrectly by the code. ? is shown as ?¤. ? is ?? and ? is ?¥. All my text elements had to be replaced with new ones for me to be able to edit the text in them. But then the ??? seemed to work correctly too. So in short… all UTF-8 characters are replaced with non-senese symbols.
Kind regards,
Mattias- This reply was modified 7 months ago by Ramrod.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Can't edit posts on FacebookSeems that the 1.4 update fixed this problem. You can now edit your posts on Facebook, so you can tag people or change some misspellings or add some other stuff you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Can't edit posts on FacebookYeah, it’s working good for us too. But that setting isn’t really what I’m asking about, even if it’s a workaround.
When you click POST in WordPress, it post it on our website and on Facebook as it should. On facebook it uses the except as a text to the post, as I said in the OP.
But when I see I might misspelled something in that text, I want to edit it on Facebook. But you can’t, there isn’t any option to do so when you press that little gray arrow in the right corner of the post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Can't edit posts on FacebookHi,
I’m still wondering why I can’t edit published posts on facebook, like to correct a misspelling or something other. Right now I need to delete the post on facebook, correct it in WP and repost it. Very annoying.Kind regards,
RamrodForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Can't edit posts on FacebookNo answer in two month on this :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Blank event page after upgrade to 3.0After the update to 3.01 the original problem is still present, but when choosing my themes 3 Column Page as said above, the problem with the layout I had, is gone at least. So I guess I’ll run on that in the future.
The last problem mentioned above is still present too in 3.01.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Blank event page after upgrade to 3.0By flush permalinks, you mean going to WordPress Settings -> Permalinks and press the save button, I have tried that approach already. I’m using “Date and Name” permalink structure.
I’m on newest WP and using latest Mystique as Theme. Before the update it worked fine.
Right now I’m choosing a template that it seems it picked up from the Theme, and is the layout that I’m using on the whole site. 3 Column Page, but there is a problem with the sidebars, but it shows the calendar and list view as I want it. But it messes up the rest of the page layout.
Let me now if you want me to change the template back to the Default Page Template.
The URL to my Event Calendar is https://www.filmparadiset.se/gladahudik/evenemanger/
The site is in a WordPress Multisite Network, but the plugin is not activated on the Network, only on the site itself.
I’ve also deleted the plugin and tried to reinstall, but got the same problem.
I’ve also tried to uncheck the Ajax Javascript setting to see if that helped, but it didn’t.And another problem I’ve noticed sometimes when I go “Events -> Settings -> Display page” I get an error message “Can’t load tribe-events-calendar.” But that problem seems to be fixed by go “Events -> Settings” and press the save button and then go “Display Page”. But it’s kinda annoying in the long run. But it doesn’t happen all the time.
Okay, thank you for the answer.
We are using the plugin Add Link to Facebook, but I’m trying to cut down on plugins we are using and Jetpack and Publicize in it self are really great plugins, so it would be ultimate for us if Publicize could do what I was asking about =)I have searched for ‘album’ but only found it in the php files of NextGEN Gallery. So no other plugins seemed to use that in their php files.
I have as a work-around for my problem, deactivated the setting under the settings of NextGEN Gallery, at Gallery, the top setting
“Deactivate gallery page linking” (can be a little error in the translation, because mine NextGEN is in Swedish), if I uncheck it, it will show the pictures under the galleries, so for now I go with this.But I want to have it checked as before and get it to work because I don’t want a lot of pages made for every gallery I want to show.
So it would be nice if the author could respond and help.
I’m using the same and I don’t know when it stopped working, as I said before, I didn’t have this problem before and one of our readers pointed out this couple of days ago.
The first message from me also tells what I have tried.No, I still have this problem.
Haven’t got any solution.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress] Add Link to Facebook supports bbPress nowIs there an option to disable it to post bbPress topics links to Facebook?
I can’t find any, maybe I’m blind.