Forum Replies Created
I want to populate the fields of the new post with values entered by the user into the form fields (which can be done with the custom field mapping in the Post Data field).
Is there another way to enter a value into the Title of the Post Data other than presenting a field for users to fill in?
The link you provided might be wrong? I’m not seeing the example code you mentioned.
Unfortunately all the plugins I am using are essential, so if Forminator’s PayPal function is conflicting with one of them, I won’t be able to just disable it and move forward.
So for now I’m just gonna go with plan B and remove PayPal, leaving Stripe as the main option (perhaps I’ll handle PayPal through individual invoices if necessary).
Thanks for your help!
okay, thank you!
Here’s the exported form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wV5kLHRcCg9WWVVJWYyVilXT8OmFzye/view?usp=sharing
And the live form is here: https://sherardfamily.com/donate
I actually have 2 forms using PayPal, but this is the simpler one (assuming if I can get one working I can get both). I’ve switched PayPal to Sandbox mode.
Thank you!
So is it something I should discuss with my hosting provider? Or can you suggest a lightweight SMTP plugin?
@kuzzzma you should probably start a new thread instead of commenting on this one, you’re much more likely to get an answer that way ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Show Posts] Next Update?https://wpshowposts.com/weve-made-the-decision-to-merge-wp-show-posts-with-generateblocks/
If you read the link above, this plugin is getting merged with another, so probably no updates coming.
But it continues to work perfectly well on 2 of my 5.9.3 sites for what that’s worth ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Show Posts] Remove underline from entry headerI know this post is a little old, but @stanwoodard if you’re still looking for a fix – try this CSS:
.entry-content a { border-bottom: none; }
Thank you Chris, that fixed it!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by ramoshe.
Thank you for your response!
I was actually listing 1-3 as sequential steps not separate scenarios, so step 2 was about the people who are streaming being able to speak to each other through a separate app (like Zoom or Discord, or even old school phone conference call).
So I’m guessing that as long as the conference call audio is not feeding into their streaming software, this whole scenario of co-streaming would work.
So, you’re saying this feature is not available within Paid Memberships Pro, I would have to go outside of WordPress to the payment gateway (like PayPal or Stripe) to set up a coupon code (if they allow)?
And will members who sign up via my site appear in my payment gateway’s admin as customers?
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ramoshe.
I just tried clearing the cache, no change. Your site makes it seem like you only support paying customers, can I submit a ticket for free?
Hi Patrik! Thanks for your response.
Yes, I have it set with “Older” as the default already. I think it was working fine before the most recent update.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ramoshe.
Thank you! That class name was exactly the key I needed.
I actually ended up writing a JavaScript snippet to swap out the class names. For anyone who needs it in the future:
add_action( 'wp_footer', function () { ?> <script> const postImages = document.querySelectorAll('.embed-responsive-16by9'); postImages.forEach(image => { image.classList.remove('embed-responsive-16by9'); image.classList.add('embed-responsive-1by1'); }); </script> <?php } );