Hey ml,
I just checked out your site that you’ve customized with the neutica template and it looks awesome! you really made it your own. I’m in the same position you were in a few months ago. My site is basically looking like the Neutica template right now and I really want to change the background color, and other parts of the layout. I really like how you stretched yours out. It looks a lot smoother and minimalist. I’m using this as a sort of blog/writing/photography site – it’s sort of an experiment and place for me to post my work while I’m in journalism school.
I’m learning html and css right now but know nothing about php so Im really struggling.
Could you point out to me where in the code I can change the width and color of the website? I’d love to get rid of that jarring yellow background and change it to white or something neutral.
anyway, I really appreciate any help! thanks/