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  • Thread Starter raisthlin


    it worked ! thanks a lot for your help esmi !

    ill try to fix it on my own with the same methos but perhaps you can help me with this plugin as well :

    You have to use the “balupton edition” of lightbox for it to work with nextgen gallery. just install and choose lightbox as the effect to use and it will work correctly.

    thats what i use…

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    resolved. i used the .widget code to add a border

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    heres the style CSS code. Maybe some1 could points me in the right direction. Everything i tried didnt work. I thinking about adding borders on all single codes and see what happens by deleting them one at a time but it would be sooo annoying!

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    Thread Starter raisthlin


    Thanks but this doesnt help me ?? I know how to install wordpress in different language.

    like i said….i need to run my dashboard and everything in english. I just want the calendar and archives to show up in french. If i install the french files the whole control panel and everything is in french ,thats what i do right now, but i need my dashboard in english.

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    i resolved the problem. heres how i did it which is kind of a miracle for someone who just found out about this wordpress thing.

    i changed the following code in the comments.php file in the oriental theme folder.

    <h2 class="commentheading"><?php comment_form_title(); ?></h2>

    into this one

    <h2 class="commentheading" id="respond">put text here</h2>

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    EDIT: thanks for all the help InterTrade. I will keep working on it and try to full download. Thanks again for the help i do appreciate it.

    I think it definetely is the

    <h2 class="commentheading"><?php comment_form_title(); ?></h2>

    line becuase i just changed it a little bit..adding a letter at the end of <?php comment_form_title and it completely messed up the comment form.

    Definetely is controling the comment form and the PLAIN simple text i want to change. Does anyone know how to make some change ?

    if you take a look at my page you can see the text i want to change ( huge sized white text )

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    I think i found an hint.

    usually the comment form title located in the comments.php file goes as follow

    <h2 class="commentheading" id="respond">Leave a comment</h2>

    but for some reasons…it is written like this is the oriental theme comments.php file

    <h2 class="commentheading"><?php comment_form_title(); ?></h2>

    now is there a way to change the text to which comment_form_title points toward

    or am i completely off track ?

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    Thanks InterTrade ?? I tried already and it doesnt work. I made sure that files from server and computer matched and were edited correctly. Still cant figure this out…its really weird that this text shows up even if it isnt anywhere to be found in the files. Maybe it uses the comment.php from the default theme ? … so weird

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    I found out that the style.css command line

    /* Comment */
    h2.commentheading {
    	font-size: 1.2em;
    	color: #fefef6;
    	font-family: Garamond, Georgia, serif;

    controls the according text but i still cant manage to change the text at all even when it is edited in the php files….

    EDIT: i just conducted a search on the original files as well and theres absolutely no “Leave a reply” strings…only Leave a comment…how is it that “Leave a reply” shows up ? could it be that its located somewhere else ?

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