Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] New WP version and new WP plugin version ?Now you can ..we have a cron schedule checks for update and notify you !
dowload version > 2.1
Cron notice for update
https://ps.w.org/notification-for-telegram/assets/screenshot-7.jpg?rev=2495082I extended a lot of new fields in the order notification check version > 2.1
le me know if you likeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] New WP version and new WP plugin version ?Ok I will check if its possible!!
thxForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] New WP version and new WP plugin version ?sorry i didn’t understand the question.
do you want to receave notifications when some plugs need to be updated?Hi ewallz tell me which fields you would like to add
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] Integrazione notifica woocommerceFammi sapere se funziona !!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] Integrazione notifica woocommerceCiao Basta attivare nel pannello di controllo “Enable nofications on new Orders”
e ricevi la notifica appena viene concluso il checkout.Nel caso volessi usare lo shortcode basta mettere nel pagina di ordine confermato questo codice (sostituendo chatids and token con quelli reali)
do_shortcode(‘[telegram_mess message=”NEW ORDER” chatids=”0000000,” token=”000000000:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” showsitename=”1″ showip=”1″ showcity=”1″ ]’);
?>Ma con shortcode non hai accesso ai parametri tipo oredr id data etc…
ti consiglio di usare il primo metodo
se hai problemi scrivi !!- This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by rainafarai.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Notification for Telegram] New order statusI fixed in the 1.5 version changing the detection of new order to woocommerce_checkout_order_processed and, I made a swich to exclude double notification on new order (new order and status change) !! let me know if it works!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Telegram Bot & Channel] php in commandsthank you for the answer .. I tried .. nah work..
first i disable my old php exe plugin
installed insert-php plugI edited a command and paste this line:
[insert_php] echo 'Local date and time is: '; $hours = 1; echo gmdate('l, F j, Y \a\t G:i:s', time()+intval($hours*60*60)); [/insert_php]
and thats is what i get back form the bot :
insert_php echo 'Local date and time is: '; $hours = 1; echo gmdate('l, F j, Y \a\t G:i:s', time()+intval($hours6060)); /insert_php
while im searching a solution i added more cases command in your php
that can do query on database and other stuff ..Let me know if i miss something
thanx again