• jeromevilayil12


    Hello WordPress Community!

    I hope this message finds you well. I am currently in the process of revamping my website and find myself at a crossroads. I’m seeking your valuable insights and advice on whether to adopt Approach 1: Starting Fresh with a New WordPress Instance or Approach 2: Optimizing the Existing Instance.

    Here are the challenges I’m facing with my current website:

    Low Page Speed: The website takes a significant amount of time to load, affecting user experience.

    Less Traffic: I’m experiencing lower-than-expected traffic and need strategies to boost visitor numbers.

    Not Fully Responsive: The current design is not fully responsive across various devices.

    Old PHP Version: The website is running on an outdated PHP version.

    Bloated with Files: There are unnecessary files from older plugins and themes, contributing to site bloat.

    Old Pages & Posts: Numerous old pages and posts are in a draft state and need attention.

    Lack of Tracking: Proper tracking of visits is not established on the website.

    High Bounce Rate: The website is facing a high bounce rate, and I’m looking for ways to reduce it.

    Lead Capture Issues: I’m experiencing problems with lead capture forms on the website.

    Theme Alignment: The current theme does not align with the revamped design version.

    Source of Leads: I’m unable to capture the source of leads converting on the webpages.

    I’m torn between starting fresh with a clean slate or putting effort into optimizing the existing instance. Your expertise and experiences are highly valuable to me.

    If you’ve faced similar challenges or have successfully revamped your website, I would greatly appreciate your advice on which approach you think would be more effective in addressing these issues. Any tips, best practices, or success stories would be immensely helpful.

    Thank you in advance for your guidance!

    • This topic was modified 9 months ago by bcworkz. Reason: formatting fixed
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  • catacaustic


    I’d create a new website and get a new hosting company. That way there’s no left-overs, no bloat (unless you put it there) and you won’t be trying to shoehorn something new into something old.

    Thread Starter jeromevilayil12


    @catacaustic – Thanks for the reply.

    I agree but migrating the existing content (pages & blogs) without affecting their SEO is a great challenge. How would you address this concern?

    Moderator bcworkz


    To maintain accumulated SEO juice, keep the same domain name and path for the new pages which match that of the old pages.

    If for any reason the new URLs have to be different than the old, try to at least maintain the same post/page slugs so that a 301 redirect rule can easily alter each requested URL in the same manner. By using a 301 redirect, the new target page should inherit any accumulated SEO juice from the old page. But for inheritance to happen, the new page’s content needs to be fairly similar to the old.

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