Rafael Mendoza
Forum Replies Created
in case others looking for solution without editing the plugin files, you can use this snippets below. just put these in your theme functions.php file:
//* Remove NextGen Fontawesome CSS add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'theme_remove_nextgen_fontawesome_css', 100 ); function theme_remove_nextgen_fontawesome_css() { wp_dequeue_style( 'fontawesome' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'fontawesome_v4_shim_style' ); } // Remove NextGen Fontawesome JS add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'theme_remove_nextgen_fontawesome_js', 100 ); function theme_remove_nextgen_fontawesome_js() { wp_dequeue_script('fontawesome_v4_shim'); wp_deregister_script( 'fontawesome_v4_shim' ); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Job Board] Disable CSSI’m looking for a way to remove the default styling for SJB too. It would be great if you can give us an option or atleast a filter to optionally remove the styling. Like for example, were using Fontawesome PRO in our website, and SJB is using and enqueuing its own fontawesome to the page which can add to slowness of the page. Great plugin anyway!
Hi Mihai,
thank you. I found out that NGG use slick slider as the new JS engine so I figured out a way to make it work like the old Basic slider using this code:
//* Add script to make the slideshow fade next when clicked just like the old slider add_action('wp_footer', 'hikesed_ngg_slideshow_nextslide'); function hikesed_ngg_slideshow_nextslide(){ ?> <script> (function($) { //remove a parent tag from ngg slideshow images $('.ngg-gallery-slideshow-image img').each(function(){ $(this).unwrap('a'); }); // add slide next when the image is clicked to replicate the old ngg slideshow function $('.ngg-slideshow').click(function(){ $('.ngg-slideshow').slick('slickNext'); }); })( jQuery ); </script> <?php }
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by Rafael Mendoza.
Thank you very much Nick! @modernnerd
Right now, the only fix I can see for this is by manually editing the plugin files in genesis-connect-woocommerce/templates/single-product.php line 64 and manually removing the itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/Product” attribute. But it will get override when the plugins get updated.