Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Conflict with Divi Eleganth ThemeHello @priscillamc. Thank you very much your returning!
When we redirect for https://d3decor.com.br/sitemap_index.xml, all links on the sitemap work, except https://d3decor.com.br/page-sitemap.xml, which is just loading.
When we disable Divi Theme, this page-sitemap.xml works correctly. Everything indicates that there is some conflict between Yoast and Divi.
Remembering that Divi, plugins and yoast are updated with the latest versions.
If you can help me, because we do not know exactly the reflection of this for the pages (old and new).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Claudio Sanches - Moip for WooCommerce] Atualiza??o do PluginObrigado, Cláudio.
Ficarei no aguardo,
Ok, de qualquer forma muito obrigado pelo seu retorno.
Assim que conseguir identificar algo nesse sentido, postarei aqui no fórum.
Um grande abra?o,
Excelente Cláudio, estarei verificando junto ao Cloudflare.
De qualquer forma, se tiver alguma ideia de como fazer isto, por gentileza, me avise, ok?
Olá Cláudio, desculpe a insistência, você tem alguma notícia se o Cloudflare impede no processamentos dos pagamentos nesse sentido? (veja mensagem acima)
No aguardo,
Rafael R. Silva
Olá Cláudio, obrigado pelo retorno.
N?o uso o iThemes Security. Estive vendo por aqui e estou achando que tem algo a ver com o Cloudflare, cujos DNS do domínio est?o apontando para o Cloudflare e n?o para o Hostgator.
Ainda n?o consegui fazer funcionar, apesar dos vários testes e verifica??o com o Hostgator que afirma que está tudo desbloqueado.
Você tem alguma notícia se o Cloudflare impede no processamentos dos pagamentos nesse sentido?
Hi Cláudio,
i’m with the plugin enabled woocomerce MoIP because if I disable does not come in the form of payment of WooCommerce.
Thank you for returning, but I got in touch with the hosting provider and they disabled the mod_securiy from the website.
Unfortunately the problem remains, the payment status of the account MoIP are not updating on wordpress.
All plugins disabled (only the WooCommerce) and disable mod_security
Please, what can i do now?
Thank you again!
Rafael R. Silva
Hello Claudio,
I put htaccess code in the domain, but still not updating the status:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
</IfModule>I disabled all plugins, leaving only the WooCommerce and even with the above code does not update the status of payment. Really do not know what else to do.
Please help me!!!
Thank you,
Rafael R. Silva
I’ve tested all the options. Maximum allows the administrator to generate the PDF.
The email does not arrive to the customer in any way, even when the request is made, processing, or completed.
Which option must leave marked and how to operate it?
Thank you,
Rafael Silva