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  • raetseldetektive


    Hi Shahin,

    thanks a lot for the quick update. I can confirm, that the issue is resolved on our staging platform with theme 4.0.1 and extra plugin 2.4.1.

    Best Regards



    I can confirm this bug, but we were lucky to find it already on staging platform and not on live system. Please let us know once a fix is released.

    We also had this issue and today I found out, that you can set consent mode for the regions (countries) of your choice to enabled using a code snippet. More information on github page of the plugin below consent-mode heading:

    So just add something like this using e.g. Code Snippets plugin to your website to enable consent mode for e.g. Germany and Switzerland:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_ga_gtag_consent_modes', function ( $consent_modes ) {
    $consent_modes[] =
    'analytics_storage' => 'granted',
    'region' => array( 'DE' ),
    $consent_modes[] =
    'analytics_storage' => 'granted',
    'region' => array( 'CH' ),
    return $consent_modes;
    } );

    BR, Andreas

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive



    thanks a lot for the update. Looking forwards to new version ??

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive


    Hi Niklas,

    thanks a lot for the update. Indeed, our shop is located in Germany. I am going to perform the downgrade to 1.8.1 and I am looking forward to version 1.9.1 in near future.

    BR and thanks again for the very quick reply,

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive


    Hi Abhishek,

    disabling and re-enabling all scripts did not help.

    But I was able to solve the issue by disabling combine Java Script in “W3 Total Cache”. Issue is present when using “combine only” or “combine & minify” in Javascrip minify settings. Using “Minify only” or disabling JS minify at all is working fine.

    So sorry for opening this thread, seems like I used to aggressive speed optimization settings. But still strange, that such an issue is only present on “Samsung Internet” Browser, but not on other Chromium based browsers.

    BR, Andreas

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive



    thanks for the answer. After performing all those steps and clearing caches the problem is solved. But performing all those steps later on production environment will be quite nasty for all theme/plugin users.

    Is there any special reason why you are overwriting existing configuration on update? Using the new icon sets on new installations sounds fine, but not on upgrade.

    BR, Andreas


    thanks for taking care of this problem.Answers to your questions below:

    1) Files were uploaded from product page, so resulting files are stored in wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/ subfolder

    2) we are using default Force Downloads option, but some time ago I also tried x-accel-redirect/x-sendfile option without success

    3) Yes, my local staging installation is using the same woocommerce / wordpress settings. It was initially configured by importing a backup of our production environment created by updraft plus plugin. Of course product downloads where added the same way on local site as on production environment.
    But the underlying operating system itself and the webserver configuration are definitely not identical (e.g. Raspbian OS on my local environment versus Gentoo used at our production hoster). But as our production environment is a managed hosting system, I do not have full access to all details, but if necessary I can hopefully get some maybe relevant details from hoster.

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive


    Hi again,

    sorry for not answering for about 2 weeks. We had the feeling, that google shopping did not update any of our products for quite some time (so amount of reviews per product did not increment after new reviews where added), therefore I was not able to tell if removing SKU fixed the problem or not.

    But unfortunately till today our products with variations still do not have any rating shown in google shopping, while others did in the meantime get updated ratings.

    Below again the same example entry from our review feed now without SKU. As reviews are added in woocommerce for the product and not for each variation, the identical review below is shown for three different MPNs in our feed (matching the three variations of the product). I guess this is normal, but just wanted to double check with you

    Piraten Schnitzeljagd: Die r?tselhafte Flaschenpost (verschiedene Altersklassen) 5-7 Jahre
    Supertolles Preis-Leistungs-Verh?ltnis! Und mit ein bisschen Vorbereitung ein voller Erfolg!
    <review_url type="singleton">
    <overall min="1" max="5">5</overall>
    Piraten Schnitzeljagd: Die r?tselhafte Flaschenpost (verschiedene Altersklassen) 5-7 Jahre

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter raetseldetektive



    thanks a lot for the help. We have adopted our review feed to exclude SKU 3 days ago. It seems to take a few days until google is updating the results.
    We will keep you updated if the SKU field was causing the issues or not.

    Thanks again for the very fast response for not yet paying customers, we really appreciate this ??


    Thread Starter raetseldetektive



    thanks for the quick answer. Yes, it looks like both my product and my review feed only contain variations and not the parent product. So this should be fine.

    Yes, I have checked the XML content of both feeds. In my point of view the product ID (MPN) should match in both streams. Have a look at example entries of my two feeds shown below. We are selling self created virtual products, so we do not have a gtin. But we of course have set a MPN and a brand. Could it be a problem that we have set MPN to same value as SKU?

    Product Feed:

    Piraten Schnitzeljagd: Die r?tselhafte Flaschenpost (verschiedene Altersklassen) 5-7 Jahre
    <g:description>Variante 5-7 Jahre</g:description>
    <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
    <g:price>EUR 15,99</g:price>

    Review Feed:

    Piraten Schnitzeljagd: Die r?tselhafte Flaschenpost (verschiedene Altersklassen) 5-7 Jahre
    Supertolles Preis-Leistungs-Verh?ltnis! Und mit ein bisschen Vorbereitung ein voller Erfolg!
    <review_url type="singleton">
    <overall min="1" max="5">5</overall>
    Piraten Schnitzeljagd: Die r?tselhafte Flaschenpost (verschiedene Altersklassen) 5-7 Jahre

    Thanks in advance,


    since last update of this great plugin I also encounter memory exhausted problems. As there where no problems before I guess memory consumption increased a lot in newest version as the problematic pdf was successfully watermarked in the past and now it tries to allocate about 400MB, which is far more than the server limit of 256MB which was sufficient in the past.

    Here the error message:
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 39846476 bytes) in /......../wordpress/wp-content/plugins/waterwoo-pdf/inc/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 19870

    Information about the problematic pdf:

    # pdfinfo sample.pdf
    Producer:       PyPDF2
    Tagged:         no
    UserProperties: no
    Suspects:       no
    Form:           none
    JavaScript:     no
    Pages:          50
    Encrypted:      no
    Page size:      595.247 x 841.861 pts (A4)
    Page rot:       0
    File size:      41977046 bytes
    Optimized:      no
    PDF version:    1.3

    After stripping down size of PDF it is working fine again. On top I am upgrading our hosting contract to allow 512 MB script memory usage to be on the safe side, but still I guess something significantly changed in memory consumption.

    Hallo liebes Vendidero Team,

    euer Plugin ist eine super Idee und scheint ja an sich prima zu funktionieren (ausprobiert auf einer Testinstallation via Woocommerce -> Status -> Geplante Aktionen -> wc_corona_adjust_taxes_start -> ausführen).

    Aber ein Problem habe ich dennoch gefunden. Leider passt das Plugin nur die Standard Steuers?tze an, aber nicht die ?Virtual Rate“ Steuers?tze. K?nntet ihr hier noch nachbessern, damit Shops für digitale Produkte sich nicht am Ende wundern und weiter die 19% berechnen?

    Viele Grü?e und danke vorab falls ihr das umsetzen k?nnt


    I can confirm problem of Astrix, the checked checkbox is faulty on using Firefox 70 and Chromium 78 on Linux.
    On my own development sites (unfortunately not available on public internet) I also have problems with checkboxes looking ugly and font awesome symbols not being displayed since upgrade to WordPress 5.3 and latest OceanWP.

    Maybe this could be fixed together with my old floating bar issue for products configured to be sold individually in case the root cause is similar.

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