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  • Plugin Author C. Johnson



    I’m sorry to hear you’re having that problem. It sounds like it is a separate issue from the one being discussed in this thread, and one that I’d need to do some troubleshooting with you to resolve.

    Could you send me an e-mail via the contact page at with the version of WordPress you’re using, the version of PHP (if you don’t know it, you can find that out by going to Syndication > Diagnostics), the URLs of the feeds you’re having this problem with, and let me know whether the same thing happens with all the feeds, or only with some? I’ll see if I can replicate the problem on a test box, and if not, can follow up to see if I can find out where the problem is coming in on your end.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hi there,

    I apologize for the problem with the earlier upgrade, and I’m sorry that you ran into this problem. Here’s a quick explanation, and suggestion for the fix.

    First, if you are currently unable to access your WordPress admin interface, you can fix the problem by deleting the problem version of FeedWordPress from your web hosting environment. Use an FTP, SFTP, or similar tool to bring up the wp-content/plugins directory in your web hosting environment, and delete the feedwordpress subdirectory from that directory. (You shouldn’t lose any of your data — that’s all stored in the WordPress database, not in the subdirectory.) Now, go to wp-admin and see if you can log in again.

    Second, install the most recent release of FeedWordPress, just released this afternoon — 2013.0504. This should resolve the problem with Friday’s release and installing it should fix the issue.

    Let me know if this works for you. If so, great; if not, let me know where you ran into the problem and I’ll try to help with troubleshooting.

    Briefly, the explanation for the issue is that there’s a required code module in the new version, which was included in the plugin repository on Github but which I didn’t properly commit to the plugin repository. The problem showed up yesterday because I had to push a release to the WordPress repository in order to resolve an unrelated security issue in older versions of the plugin (* not an issue that would allow malicious strangers to do anything bad to your site; rather, an issue which might allow some already logged-in WordPress admin to do some things they shouldn’t be able to do with regard to the web hosting environment). But since the required code module went into Github, but not into the repository, when you tried to grab the update, you didn’t get all the files you needed for it to operate properly, and this caused a PHP error on the backend. I am very sorry for any problems that this has caused. I have made a fix which should resolve this problem — as well as providing a fix for some unrelated PHP 5.4 compatibility issues — which I released this afternoon as FeedWordPress 2013.0504.

    Hope this helps.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hey everyone,

    I apologize for the problems with the previous release of FeedWordPress. As some of you have found, the problem is that there’s a required code module in the new version, which was included in the plugin repository on Github but which I didn’t properly commit to the plugin repository. I am very sorry for any problems that this has caused. I made a fix which should resolve this problem — as well as providing a fix for some unrelated PHP 5.4 compatibility issues — which I released this afternoon as FeedWordPress 2013.0504.

    Please take a look and let me know if this update solves the problems you were having with the previous update. If so, great. If not, let me know (in as much detail as possible) how you installed the update (whether it was from Github,, through the WordPress admin UI. . .), the problem that you are seeing, what version of WordPress you’re using, what version of PHP you’re using (if you know that), etc., and I’ll try to help out with troubleshooting the issue.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hi there,

    Yes, there are a fair number of pluggable filter hooks that you can use to affect the content and the other properties of incoming syndicated posts. Based on your description it sounds like the best bet for what you want to do would be the syndicated_item_content filter, which is documented here:

    Let me know if this helps.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hi there,

    Thanks for the kind words. As far as my experience goes, I am actually the author of the FeedWordPress plugin (I also use it daily on about a half dozen personal projects).

    I do not personally run any sites with as many as 300 sources, although I’ve consulted with some users who do run sites that large. In general it is possible to run FWP with this many sources, but, especially if they are very active, it does take some careful fine-tuning, especially around the update scheduling process.

    I would recommend turning on the Guid Index setting that you found in the Performance section. The setting is fully reversible if for any reason you need to remove it. (When you click the button to create the index, it is then replaced by a button in the same place that allows you to remove the index. If need be, the index can also be removed through a single simply MySQL command issued directly to your database server.)

    What the setting does is to create a MySQL index on the guid column in the wp_posts table. Essentially, this means that when WordPress sends a request to your database to search for post records that match the guid (a unique identifier URI which is assigned to every post at the time it is created, and which never changes even if you change all of the post content), these searches will be performed more quickly, because MySQL will have already compiled some information ahead of time that helps it rapidly find any record that matches a given guid. Because FeedWordPress uses the guid field in order to determine whether or not a post from one of your feeds has already been syndicated into your blog, it frequently needs to issue these searches. For a large installation like yours, creating the index should help provide a significant performance boost. The index purely has to do with how MySQL searches through the database records; it will not add, eliminate, or modify any information in your database.

    I don’t know how well this explains; the technical details of the indexing are pretty closely tied to the technical ins and outs of SQL-based relational databases. But the main thing I’d want to stress is that the option is very easy to try out, should have no side effects on the kind of data you see, and can be easily removed if you decide that you need to turn it off.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Ah, OK, thanks for posting this. I have seen this before from time to time and as far as I know it is, as you suggest, purely a styling issue that shouldn’t cause any breakages to functionality. But I would like to track down the cause of the styling issue if at all possible.

    Could you do me a huge favor? If you’re willing, what would help me identify the source of this problem most quickly is if you could grant me temporary access to the WordPress admin panel on a website where you have FWP installed and where you are seeing this issue crop up, so that I can inspect it with the web developer tools in my browser. If you’re willing to do this, I should be able to figure out the problem and include a fix in the next incremental update. Here’s the procedure:

    (1) Make sure you’ve upgraded to the most recent version of FWP (2012.1218, just released today);

    (2) Let me know if you still see the problem (I assume that you will);

    (3) If so, let me know what web browser (& version of that browser you’re using);

    and (4) Contact me via e-mail (the Contact form on the plugin website, , should done fine) to discuss getting the temporary account set up so I can log in and check up on it using the same browser configuration.

    Let me know if you’d be willing to help me out with this.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    So, just wanted to let you know that the fix for this issue should be available in 2012.1218, released today (announcement here: , code available through WordPress plugin repository here: or at Github here: ). Let me know if this works for you; for the time being, I’ll mark this issue as resolved, if that’s alright.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hey all,

    So, I just wanted to let you know that the fix for this issue that I described above (Visual Editor on when posts are exposed to formatting filters, off when they bypass formatting filters) should be available in 2012.1218, released today (announcement here: , code available through WordPress plugin repository here: or at Github here: ). Let me know if this works for you; for the time being, I’ll mark this issue as resolved, if that’s alright.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hey y’all,

    So, just wanted to let you know that the fix for this issue should be available in 2012.1218, released today (announcement here: , code available through WordPress plugin repository here: or at Github here: ). Let me know if this works for you; for the time being, I’ll mark this issue as resolved, if that’s alright.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson



    I’m sorry to hear you’re running into this problem. A couple of brief suggestions that I hope might help.

    1. Take settings off “update only when pinged.” You should immediately switch any feeds that are marked as “update only when pinged” *back* to “update on schedule.” “Update only when pinged” is a bad label for the setting, but essentially it means that the feed will *only* be updated by requests that specifically say to update that one feed, and reference it by URL. (The part about “pinged” comes from the fact that one way this could happen in the past was to receive an XML-RPC update ping, if you had convinced the owner of the blog to add your aggregator.) Anyway, *if “Next update” is set to “only when pinged” that will never be checked for updates during the normal FWP update cron job*. After you have ensured that all feeds are put back to “update on schedule,” you should give it a few hours for the update schedule to get caught up on feeds that it may have been missing.

    2. Use a (much) more frequent interval for the cron job. Secondly, if you are only running the update cron job twice a day, this is almost certainly far too long of an interval for feeds to be updated in a timely fashion. (The number of feeds you would have to cover in any one of these twice-daily update sessions would be enough that it the HTTP latency alone will almost certainly cause server timeouts.) I would recommend running the update cron job about once every 10-15 minutes (!). (A FWP cron job does not mean that all the feeds are being updated on the cron schedule; it means that you are *checking in* on that schedule with FWP to see *whether* there are any feeds ready for an update. It should be safe to run this on a frequent interval because when there aren’t any feeds scheduled for an update, the request will quit without doing anything further. And the scheduling mechanism is set up to try to stagger updates so that only a few feeds are being checked for updates in any given check-in.) If you’ve tried a frequent-interval update like this before, and it caused you problems that led you to institute the much less frequent checkins, let me know; I can try and help with the problem you were seeing before.

    3. Finally, if you are having trouble figuring out what’s going on with your update procedures, in general, it would be a good idea to check out the Updates section under Syndication > Diagnostics. This has a number of settings you can use so that you will be e-mailed logs of (for example) which feeds are being checked for updates and when, whether any feeds are experiencing update errors, etc.

    I hope this helps.

    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you’re having this problem. I’d be happy to try and help.

    Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce the problem on my test servers (I’ve attempted editing active menus while FeedWordPress was running, and didn’t see any disappearances or other problems with the menus.) Could you let me know a bit more about (1) which version of FWP you’re using, (2) which version of WordPress you’re using it with, (3) which menus you’re having trouble with, and (4) the specific circumstances or tests that led you to conclude the problem is linked to FWP? This information should help me get a better grip on how to troubleshoot the problem.


    Hi there,

    Well, if you are using FeedWordPress, here is a quick way to do what it sounds like you are looking to do.

    First, you’ll need to add some code to the functions.php file in your theme. Are you able to do this? (If not, let me know and I can offer some alternative options.)

    In your functions.php, add the following code. Replace your own preferred values for the items in ALL CAPS.

    add_filter('syndicated_item_author', 'my_syndicated_post_author', 20, 2);
    function my_syndicated_post_author ($author, $post) {
    $author = array(
    'name' => 'JOE DOKES',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'url' => 'HTTP://JOEDOKES.COM/',
    return $author;

    If you want to make sure that this is correctly matched to an existing user in your system, the best thing to match up would be the email address in ’email’.

    Note that doing this will make it so that incoming posts are stripped of any information about who authored them on the original source. This may not be a problem, if this information is already included in the content of those posts, or if it will be obvious from contextual factors who wrote it. But you may want to filter the content of posts so that some information about the author will be preserved in the post content even if it is not recorded in the wp_users table. To do this, you can add something like the following to your functions.php file, right around where you added the above author filter. (Feel free to change out the HTML in the single quotes to whatever message you want.)

    add_filter('syndicated_item_content', 'my_syndicated_post_byline', 20, 2);
    function my_syndicated_post_byline ($content, $post) {
    $a = $post->author();
    $content = sprintf('<p class="byline">By %s.</p>', $a['name']) . $content;
    return $content;

    Let me know if this helps fix your problem.

    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hi there,

    I’m sorry that you ran into this issue. You might want to take a look at the most recent release (FeedWordPress v. 2012.1212 at the time I’m posting this comment) to see if it fixes the issue you were encountering — it has been successfully tested against WordPress 3.5. If it fixes the compatibility issue you were having, great; if not, let me know a bit more about the problem that you’re seeing and I’ll see what I can do to fix it.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Thanks for reporting this. I’m sorry to hear you’re running into this problem.

    The warning message you provided makes it clear that there is a problem with one of the plugins running on your site but unfortunately it’s hard to tell if the problem is coming from FeedWordPress or if it is coming from another plugin. (And if it is coming from FWP, where it might be coming from.) Could you let me know if you are running any other plugins on your system in addition to FeedWordPress, and if so what they are? That might help me figure out a bit better what’s going on.


    Plugin Author C. Johnson


    Hey y’all,

    Thanks for the bug report on this. I just pushed a fix for this issue to the development version of FeedWordPress on Github, and the fix will also be in the upcoming incremental release to FWP, which should be released tomorrow. (Monday 12/17.)

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