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script now displays no output, so the error is gone. What adjustment did you make?@lastsplash, I’m sad to report the problem has returned. I’m not sure when it started happening again, I just thought I’d check if it still was working and it is not:
[mtc ~/www/html]$ php wp/wp-cron.php Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300} Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_full_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300}
Hi @lastsplash,
Whatever you did seems to have fixed the problem. I’m no longer getting errors when runningwp-cron.php
. Case closed! Thanks!Hi Daniel,
I have deactivated all plugins exceptjetpack
and the error still occurs.Hi @lastsplash,
Yes, we’re still having the same issue. When I executecd /home/mtc/www.ministry-to-children.com/html; php wp/wp-cron.php
the output is:Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300} Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_full_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300}
Hi @ihenetudan,
I think the problem was that you were calling the REST API at/wp/…
which was redirecting to WP admin login page because of an apache rewrite rule (we have WordPress installed under a sub-directory/wp/
). I’ve updated the rewrite rule to not redirect if the URL contains query params (e.g.,?rest_route=…
) and now when I open that URL I get JSON:{ "code": "rest_invalid_signature", "data": { "status": 400 }, "message": "The request is not signed correctly." }
This didn’t fix the original error we’re getting (
Event schedule does not exist.
) but I think now you should be able to continue with your diagnostics.Hi Daniel,
The “non-pretty” REST API URL requires a non-empty value provided to therest_route
parameter, i.e., this works: https://ministry-to-children.com/?rest_route=/This requirement is defined in
:function rest_api_loaded() { if ( empty( $GLOBALS['wp']->query_vars['rest_route'] ) ) { return; } // ... }
So, it seems there must be something wrong with the way you’re running your diagnostic?
Hi @lastsplash,
We received a reply from Ezoic; they said it’s not them blocking the requests from the Jetpack servers. Here’s what they wrote.
But I think I did find the cause of the block: we have the Perfmatters plugin installed, and I think it was configured to block the REST API. I’ve updated this setting to allow, so it should work. Can you try and let me know if you can run a diagnostics now?Hi Jay, thanks for checking. I’ve just inquired with him again. I’ll let you know.
Hi @lastsplash,
You’re correct, now I see what you mean. The website owner manages Ezoic, so I will forward your request to add the IP addresses to the allow list.Hello @lastsplash,
We are not using Ezoic, nor any other plugin that would block access to xmlrpc.php. Here is a list of the currently used plugins for this site.
The only requests I see hitting our server from the IPs you provided are with user agent Photon, which I assume is for the images CDN. Please confirm you’re connecting to the xmlrpc script at: https://ministry-to-children.com/wp/xmlrpc.phpHello @erania-pinnera,
Apologies for the delayed reply. I had to ask the owner of the website to connect Jetpack to his WordPress.com account. Here is a screenshot showing that Jetpack is now fully connected. I regret to report that the wp-cron errors are still happening, even if I run the wp-cron.php script manually like this:
? sudo -u ministry sh -c 'cd /home/ministry/www.ministry-to-children.com/html; php wp/wp-cron.php' Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300} Cron reschedule event error for hook: jetpack_sync_full_cron, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {"schedule":"jetpack_sync_interval","args":[],"interval":300}
Hi Bruce. The site URL is ministry-to-children.com
Thanks Michelle,
I’ve reviewed the links you sent but can’t find the documentation for customizing the carousel functionality. I’ve been a full-stack WP developer for 16 years, I should be able to do it myself; I just expected some hints from the community where to get started.
QuinnGreat, I’d like to write some custom code. I reviewed the Jetpack documentation but didn’t see any hooks for overriding carousel behavior. Could you give me a clue what kind of custom code can change that animation?