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  • I’ve been sending with MailPoet for 4 or 5 years and have never had this problem – I know that doesn’t help you but I want others to know this is rare, if it is Mailpoet that’s the issue. GOod luck.

    Thread Starter quentinp


    Awesome, thanks

    Thread Starter quentinp


    I did a simple key like this, copying the color# from the category color picker

    <span style="color: white; background-color: #14402b;">Sustainable Wellesley Event</span>
    <span style="background-color: #90df93;">Wellesley Green Schools</span>
    <span style="background-color: #dff676;">Farmers' Market</span>
    <span style="color: white; background-color: #c53726;">Not a Sustainable Wellesley Event</span>
    Thread Starter quentinp


    OK, thanks.

    Thread Starter quentinp


    Resolved above

    Thread Starter quentinp


    “To get the format you want, either change the format under the Settings menu or “

    THIS DOES NOT WORK. I did do that before I even started this post (I said it was easy, but not THAT easy), then it was suggested once in the thread above already and I pointed out it didn’t work. Changes to those settings do not reach the page.

    However, I think I worked out the problem

    In a post further up I stated:

    <?php echo date(“h:i A”, $EM_Event->start_time);?>
    <?php echo date(“h:i A”, $EM_Event->event_start_time);?>
    Return 12:00 AM (and 19 seconds)

    <?php echo $EM_Event->start_time;?>
    <?php echo $EM_Event->event_start_time;?>

    I think I need to be defining a time format somewhere else?

    The answer is not defining it somewhere else, but with something else. My code was using ‘start_time’ when it seems should have been using ‘start’ (ditto end_time). Not sure why, and I don’t care, but maybe this matters to someone else/ the developers.

    The following code works – provides 12h clock WITH the correct time (not 12 am and 19 seconds):

    <div class="time-area">
    <strong class="time">
    <!strong class="date">
    <?php echo date("h:i a ",$EM_Event->start);?>
    <?php echo 'to '?>
    <?php echo date("h:i a",$EM_Event->end);?>																			<br><?php echo date(" l F jS Y",$EM_Event->start);?>
    </strong> 											</div>

    7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    Saturday September 17th 2015

    Thread Starter quentinp


    I was wrong in the first post – I am editing not event.single.php, but single-event.php

    This includes the following:

    <div class="time-area"> <strong class="time"> <?php echo $EM_Event->event_start_time;?> <?php echo 'to'?> <?php echo $EM_Event->end_time;?> <!/strong> <!strong class="date"> <?php echo date(get_option('date_format'),$EM_Event->start);?> </strong> </div>

    and it is this that is returning the frustrating format. Here is an example of an event that shows 24hr format

    As noted above various options are not working.
    $EM_Event I understand is an object defined by Events Manager as standard. It is referred to earlier in that file. I really don’t know if this is relevant, but the following is included:

    global $post,$EM_Event;
    	// Get Post Meta Elements detail
    	$event_social = '';
    	$sidebar = '';
    	$left_sidebar = '';
    	$right_sidebar = '';
    	$event_thumbnail = '';
    	$video_url_type = '';
    	$select_slider_type = '';
    	$event_detail_xml = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'event_detail_xml', true);
    	if($event_detail_xml <> ''){
    		$cp_event_xml = new DOMDocument ();
    		$cp_event_xml->loadXML ( $event_detail_xml );
    		$event_social = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'event_social');
    		$sidebar = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'sidebar_event');
    		$left_sidebar = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'left_sidebar_event');
    		$right_sidebar = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'right_sidebar_event');
    		$event_thumbnail = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'event_thumbnail');
    		$video_url_type = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'video_url_type');
    		$select_slider_type = find_xml_value($cp_event_xml->documentElement,'select_slider_type');

    The file that angelo refers to – classes/em-event.php – seems to define $EM_Event including the following:

     * Event Object. This holds all the info pertaining to an event, including location and recurrence info.
     * An event object can be one of three "types" a recurring event, recurrence of a recurring event, or a single event.
     * The single event might be part of a set of recurring events, but if loaded by specific event id then any operations and saves are
     * specifically done on this event. However, if you edit the recurring group, any changes made to single events are overwritten.
     * @author marcus
    class EM_Event extends EM_Object{
    	/* Field Names */
    	var $event_id;
    	var $post_id;
    	var $event_slug;
    	var $event_owner;
    	var $event_name;
    	var $event_start_time;
    	var $event_end_time;

    Does this help at all??

    Thread Starter quentinp


    OK, maybe this is harder than I thought. The admin option through the normal interface has time format of:

    “g:i a
    For use with the #_EVENTTIMES placeholder”

    I think that’s the part you’re referring to. If I thought it was as simple as using that placeholder I/we would have started there. The lines you point to in em-event.php are

    case '#_EVENTTIMES':
    					//get format of time to show
    					if( !$this->event_all_day ){
    						$time_format = ( get_option('dbem_time_format') ) ? get_option('dbem_time_format'):get_option('time_format');
    						if($this->event_start_time != $this->event_end_time ){
    							$replace = date_i18n($time_format, $this->start). get_option('dbem_times_separator') . date_i18n($time_format, $this->end);
    							$replace = date_i18n($time_format, $this->start);
    						$replace = get_option('dbem_event_all_day_message');

    But I don’t see how this helps. dbem_time_format is referred to only here in this file and in the booking section.

    I don’t want this to go on forever – please review my second post: the number being returned appears to be ’19’ – which is correct for the number of hours. But I want this formatted 12H clock. If I do the date formatting as shown it interprets the 19 as 19 seconds. I am a complete novice, but it seems to me that the answer is here somewhere.

    This is not as simple as picking the right time format – it’s knowing WHERE to select it for this use of start_time. And we don’t know that yet.

    Thanks for sticking with this.

    Thread Starter quentinp


    Thanks! I found the file classes/em-event.php

    It does have
    var $event_start_time;

    and also the line

    'event_start_time' => array( 'name'=>'start_time', 'type'=>'%s', 'null'=>true ),

    All other (25 of) instances of ‘start_time’ seem to be logic or other uses – nothing that defines the time format. So if this file is the answer, what do I do with it?

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter quentinp


    That also returns 12:00 AM

    <?php echo date("h:i A", $EM_Event->start_time);?>
    <?php echo date("h:i A", $EM_Event->event_start_time);?>

    Return 12:00 AM


    <?php echo $EM_Event->start_time;?>
    <?php echo $EM_Event->event_start_time;?>


    I think I need to be defining a time format somewhere else?

    Thread Starter quentinp


    Thanks, but this line:

    <?php echo date("h:i A", $EM_Event->start_time);?>

    12:00 AM

    Because it is interpreting the start_time as 19 seconds – which rounds down to less than one minute, therefore 12am. The actual start time is 19.00 hours, and without the date() formatting it shows this correctly, I just want it in a 12 hour clock.

    Thread Starter quentinp


    OK, I’m getting closer. If I do this:

    <?php echo date("D F Y g i s a", $EM_Event->start_time);?>

    Then I can format the output but the object is returning is returning just “19” (as 7pm) and date() is interpreting this as 19 seconds, so the above gives:

    Thu January 1970 12 00 19 am

    I don’t want to format it by subtracting 12 and simply outputting the number and calling it hours, or doing an if-greater-than-12-subtract-12 if I can avoid it. The alternative:

    <?php echo $EM_Event->start_time;?>


    19:00:00 October 12, 2015

    Which is correct, but 24 hour format which I don’t want…..

    Thread Starter quentinp


    I found event-single.php and all it includes is this:

    global $EM_Event;
    /* @var $EM_Event EM_Event */
    echo $EM_Event->output_single();

    But then I found single-event.php and renamed it and I think that’s it.
    Just let me know if I got something wrong.
    Many thanks

    Thread Starter quentinp


    Default event list format:

    Single Page event format:

    ‘<div style=”float:right; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px;”>#_LOCATIONMAP</div>
    Date(s) – #_EVENTDATES
    <br style=”clear:both” />

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