Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allI solved it, wordpress was in debug mode and complaining of a bad symlink and missing language folder under wp-content. not sure why it cared about a broken symlink but whatever.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Showing ftp address in url instead of website nameone possible solution would be to use a CNAME dns record pointing your domain towards the ftp domain then adjust your site settings.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allI have installed the package php-pecl-ssh2 for centos onto my production server and now the general options page is working. Themes and plugins delete without a hitch.
However, I am getting a strange error in the language section;
No issues under the test blog either.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't open Setting Page(options-general.php) after upgrading to 4.1try installing php-pecl-ssh2. it seems to have fixed my issues with the general settings page. that is the package name for centos, search your repository for it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allAs it stands, the original site and test blog on the test server both have ftp settings saved to wp-config.php. the test blog on the production server does not. I tried inputting the ssh login into the connection settings prompt when attempting to add a theme and it says it can’t connect to localhost.
If I copy the ftp config from the original site into the test blog’s config, it is then able to connect and install new files. The general settings page does the same thing as the original blog.
httpd, php, mysql, openssh-server versions are the same for both servers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allTest blog created, no problems apparent other than the inability to connect to ssh to install files.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allyes i can
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allI’ve disabled my plugins, changed the theme, still no change. also, before posting this thread, I did try removing the ssh keys used to auto install things and that fixed it but I feel more comfortable using keys and not storing my password in plain text within the wp-config.php file.
Using ssh to modify files seems to cause some weird conflict, with keys or password. My test server seems unaffected by this same setup.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allok, I’ve upgraded my production machine libssh to 0.6.4 and uninstalled 0.5.5 as it created conflicts. I still get the same issues. General Settings partially loads and deleting a theme gives me the “cheatin uh?” message.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allhmm, I have a identical install on another server of wordpress 4.1 and libssh version 0.5.5-3.e16 that doesn’t exhibit these errors.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: General settings not working right or not at allWhat might the latest version of libssh be? It appears I have 0.5.5 installed on my server…