11 years, 6 months ago
Ok! resolved! ??
11 years, 9 months ago
Ok! Great! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!! Now has a donation from me!!! ??
it works now!!! ??
yes, is very strange! done. wp_debug – true thank you very much!
OK. Done.
The shortcode is “hor” with one extension.
(sorry for my english)
Thank you so much!
The page is
12 years, 1 month ago
Conflicts with the theme… Need to copy any file to the theme directory???
JeremyBass… you are my hero!!! Thank you so much!!!
Thanks jeremyBass!! but I have not solved…
line 46 is: $bp->cubepoint->id = ‘cubepoint’;
line 103 is: $bp->cubepoint->slug = get_option( ‘bp_slug_cp_bp’ );