Forum Replies Created
The cookie details are on: down to the “Cookies & Consents Banner Widget” section.
Hope that help.
Hi Laura, yes it is – my blog is also self-hosted and it appears in Appearance > Widgets as “Cookies & Consents banner (Jetpack)”. It should be in the “Available widgets” section.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Termly - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner] Cookie Consent and GDPRCookie Consent doesn’t store any user data server-side or make use of IP addresses. It doesn’t store anything, including IP addresses, server-side. This means it’s not possible to allow the user to ‘opt out’ or remove their data from the site running the plugin – because no data is held on the site.
The purpose of your plugin is to inform users that this website uses cookies, including WordPress core ones and Third Party plugin ones, not just the Cookie Consent one. Other plugins can store user data in cookies. You may not have control over that, but we need to remember that when the users click the “I accept” button, they’re accepting all the cookies used by the website, not just yours.
I’ve updated my Privacy Policy to list all the cookies used on my site – their names, what they are used for and what data they contain – and added a line to my more info “Cookie policy” page which states “You can read more detail about what data is stored, why it is stored, and the cookies used, in our Privacy Policy (link).” This goes some way to making my site more GDPR-compliant, but the Cookie Consent plugin in of itself doesn’t make your site compliant because there’s no mechanism to opt-out: it’s informational only, there’s no mechanism to stop other plugins storing data in cookies if the user doesn’t agree, and they can happily surf your website, visiting as many pages as they wish with cookies being set by other plugins, without clicking the “I accept” button.
If you check the original definition, that’s not a mandatory field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XPoster - Share to Bluesky and Mastodon] 280 Character supportI have 3.3.2 installed and it shows as 140 still. How do we access the version mentioned in this thread?
Edit: oh it’s in the Settings page.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by qaws.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP SEO Structured Data Schema] Suggestions for future improvement1 is a variant of 2.
Should a Post have only one type of Structured Data? Or is it valid that a Post could have structured data types of both “News Article” and “Video”? If it should only be of one type, you want to let the user only select one type and hide all the others.
So, you could do this either by having a <select>/<option> tag and only display the fields for whichever data type is selected in the option (this is what I meant in 1), or you can display them all as tabs and have a default one selected (for my site, virtually all of my Posts are of type “Blog Posting”, so I want this tab to be displayed by default when I create a new Post).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Breadcrumbs how too many levelsHi, yes I have both those versions. I hadn’t enabled Breadcrumbs before so this was my first time. I’ve disabled it, then enabled it and added the shortcode into a post, and it still displays incorrectly.
Okay thanks, I missed that earlier. That thread seems to be just a collection of support threads for the same request. My site supports twitter cards through Yoast. Since the issue has been open for almost 4 years, I guess I’ll have to find a different plugin to do this.
Thanks, can you let me know the open issue URL so I can track it please.
If people want to use this in different ways, you should offer the option and explain with examples how it works. This would also help people understand the process better so they can improve their own workflow to e.g. add an excerpt or featured image to all future posts, which will benefit everyone by enriching their posts.
Yes, since I started putting in a full Custom Message, this was the only one that produced a “card”.
The problem is, the card gives me the best results.
If I type near or up to the Custom Message limit (256 chars), the Custom Message gets truncated on twitter, sometimes quite drastically – it cuts off as much as 30 chars from what Publicize is showing me is allowed. In my example, for a possible 280 chars in the tweet, it only displayed 227. It also displays a truncated URL in every case, which looks ugly.
If Publicize glitches and can’t get the Featured Image, what I end up with posting to twitter is the complete Custom Message, plus a “card” containing the Featured Image, post Title and link. This is arguably a better result – nothing is truncated, it’s a longer message, and the title is included for free. As well as looking better, for the “card” tweet I had 15 retweets and for all the others since I’ve had 1 or 2 retweets.
If twitter can generate these “cards” which display the Featured Image just by parsing the supplied URL, I’d argue it’s better to let twitter do this because your customers will still get the image appearing in the tweet, and it recoups all the lost characters resulting in a longer message up to the correct limit. No-one wants a message truncated, especially if the Custom Message box shows you can type up to 256 chars.
(for clarity, the shortcode in the post inserts the source attribution HTML. It’s literally just an A HREF tag which links to the web page that the image was downloaded from, such as flickr, there’s no link to an image file. So I don’t think this is responsible for the image that is used – it’s the Featured Image attached to the post, or at least I would expect it to be)
I don’t insert any images in the post. It is the Featured Image that is being used in every case.
See screenshots: “card” version that appears in my original twitter screenshot has the Featured Image in the parsed url, so the image was definitely present and available at the time of posting. So I wonder why Publicize decided this Featured Image wasn’t suitable.
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by qaws. Reason: +screenshots
You suggested that I start using the Custom Message field of Publicize to ensure consistency between twitter and facebook and to improve the content of what is posted to twitter.
I’ve tried that for the past 2 days but have a problem. The character “limit” in the Custom Message box is 256 characters – the counter turns red if I have 257 characters – but I get very different results if I use 254 or 256 characters.
Here’s one Post that looks great, with 254 chars in the Custom Message:’s no URL, and it’s created a “card” (this is what it looks like, I’m not saying it’s an Official Twitter Card. Feel free to name it something different so we can differentiate), so it looks all smart, and I end up with a good-looking complete message, with the featured image and title included for free.
Here’s a 256 character message: looks completely different. There’s a url instead of a card, it’s pasted the Featured Image directly, and it cuts off at the 227th character.
Why the inconsistency?
Hi. You’ve said “this won’t work”, then set a load of conditions some of which aren’t true, and then used this to justify why “it isn’t possible”. You don’t have to display the Post title – for example, it doesn’t display this on facebook. And you don’t need to cut the excerpt off at an arbitrary point – you don’t do this on facebook either.
I don’t put anything in the “Custom Message” box of the Publicize plugin section of a given post, and I do “set the Excerpt” by using the <!–more–> tag in my Post.
Here’s what the Post looks like in wp-admin: that I’m using a published post, so the Custom Message box has the title in, but if I was showing you tomorrow’s scheduled post, this would be empty, it looks like wp-admin is just retro-filling this box for the purposes of display)
If I check this published Post on facebook, it does not have the Post title…which you say it does. And…it does have the full post excerpt, which you say it can’t do. So it is doing for facebook the things you say it can’t do for twitter. I’m saying: just re-use the same code, it’s already doing it for facebook.
Here’s a screenshot of the post on facebook in desktop Chrome: can see it posts the Excerpt and the link as the main part of the facebook post, and then it looks like facebook parses the link and then displays some sort of card containing the Featured Image, Title and the first part of the Excerpt.
So I’m saying Publicize should be changed to do the same for twitter: it should publish the Excerpt and the link, instead of the title, just like it currently does for facebook. Both facebook and twitter parse the link and display some sort of “card” to the reader, so the Featured Post/Title gets published without consuming extra characters.
(Also, as regards your “we’d still need to cut the excerpt off at an arbitrary point, which could render it meaningless” comment, well, you already have code that does that too. This is exactly what happens if you put enough text in the Custom Message box that the character counter turns red. So, you’ve obviously already made the design decision that it’s allowable to cut the “post content” – whether that’s an excerpt or it’s the contents of the Custom Message box – when publishing via Publicize, and you’ve also already written the code that does the cutting – it finds the nearest word boundary then replaces with ellipses)
Thanks for giving us the option to disable this in v1.16.1, it’s much appreciated.