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  • Plugin Author:

    Pre 4.4 there was a css entry:

    .wrap h1, .wrap h2 {
    font-size: 23px;
    font-weight: 400;
    padding: 9px 15px 4px 0;
    line-height: 29px;

    This fixed the issue. That was taking out in 4.4. You can either specify it in your own style or just add a clear:both to the table under the nav wrap.

    The main issue is without line-height and all the nav items are floated the div does not have a height so it clips.

    Thank you leecoder. It worked, except I added “wp-video-lightbox” under the “No Callback on Rel” section.

    Same issue

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Page not available
    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    I’ve tested and tested and as soon as I upgrade to 4.0 it dies. Anyone else seen anything like this? I can’t even debug since it just gives me a page can not be displayed page.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    Ok WHEW! Apparently something went wonky with WP SuperCache.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    No. I have disabled and removed all caching.

    So I found the problem is when the database are being created. I tried to do it manually by installing on localhost, then exporting, then importing to live site.

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version 3.5.1
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Generation Time: Apr 15, 2014 at 03:33 PM
    -- Server version: 5.5.24-log
    -- PHP Version: 5.3.13
    SET time_zone = "+00:00";
    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
    -- Database: <code>transquility</code>
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_browsers</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>qlugklsx27_slim_browsers</code> (
      <code>browser_id</code> smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>browser</code> varchar(40) DEFAULT '',
      <code>version</code> varchar(15) DEFAULT '',
      <code>platform</code> varchar(15) DEFAULT '',
      <code>css_version</code> varchar(5) DEFAULT '',
      <code>type</code> tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      <code>user_agent</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>browser_id</code>),
      UNIQUE KEY <code>unique_browser</code> (<code>browser</code>,<code>version</code>,<code>platform</code>,<code>css_version</code>,<code>type</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_content_info</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>qlugklsx27_slim_content_info</code> (
      <code>content_info_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>content_type</code> varchar(64) DEFAULT '',
      <code>category</code> varchar(256) DEFAULT '',
      <code>author</code> varchar(64) DEFAULT '',
      <code>content_id</code> bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>content_info_id</code>),
      UNIQUE KEY <code>unique_content_info</code> (<code>content_type</code>(20),<code>category</code>(20),<code>author</code>(20),<code>content_id</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_outbound</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>qlugklsx27_slim_outbound</code> (
      <code>outbound_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>outbound_domain</code> varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
      <code>outbound_resource</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      <code>type</code> tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      <code>notes</code> varchar(512) DEFAULT '',
      <code>position</code> varchar(32) DEFAULT '',
      <code>id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>dt</code> int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>outbound_id</code>),
      KEY <code>fk_qlugklsx27_id</code> (<code>id</code>),
      KEY <code>odt_idx</code> (<code>dt</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_screenres</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>qlugklsx27_slim_screenres</code> (
      <code>screenres_id</code> mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>resolution</code> varchar(12) DEFAULT '',
      <code>colordepth</code> varchar(5) DEFAULT '',
      <code>antialias</code> tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>screenres_id</code>),
      UNIQUE KEY <code>unique_screenres</code> (<code>resolution</code>,<code>colordepth</code>,<code>antialias</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_stats</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>qlugklsx27_slim_stats</code> (
      <code>id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>ip</code> int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      <code>other_ip</code> int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      <code>user</code> varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
      <code>language</code> varchar(5) DEFAULT '',
      <code>country</code> varchar(16) DEFAULT '',
      <code>domain</code> varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
      <code>referer</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      <code>searchterms</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      <code>resource</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      <code>browser_id</code> smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>screenres_id</code> mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>content_info_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
      <code>plugins</code> varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
      <code>notes</code> varchar(2048) DEFAULT '',
      <code>visit_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>dt</code> int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>id</code>),
      KEY <code>fk_qlugklsx27_browser_id</code> (<code>browser_id</code>),
      KEY <code>fk_qlugklsx27_content_info_id</code> (<code>content_info_id</code>),
      KEY <code>dt_idx</code> (<code>dt</code>)
    -- Constraints for dumped tables
    -- Constraints for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_outbound</code>
    ALTER TABLE <code>qlugklsx27_slim_outbound</code>
      ADD CONSTRAINT <code>fk_qlugklsx27_id</code> FOREIGN KEY (<code>id</code>) REFERENCES <code>qlugklsx27_slim_stats</code> (<code>id</code>) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
    -- Constraints for table <code>qlugklsx27_slim_stats</code>
    ALTER TABLE <code>qlugklsx27_slim_stats</code>
      ADD CONSTRAINT <code>fk_qlugklsx27_browser_id</code> FOREIGN KEY (<code>browser_id</code>) REFERENCES <code>qlugklsx27_slim_browsers</code> (<code>browser_id</code>),
      ADD CONSTRAINT <code>fk_qlugklsx27_content_info_id</code> FOREIGN KEY (<code>content_info_id</code>) REFERENCES <code>qlugklsx27_slim_content_info</code> (<code>content_info_id</code>);

    It dies when tries to create qlugklsx27_slim_stats table and only message I get is “#1005 – Can’t create table ‘bugma001_wpmain.qlugklsx27_slim_stats’ (errno: -1) (Details…) ”

    So haven’t read every reply but I use this plugin for our corporate intranet. I use the bulk import or let the user login the first time with their credentials to create their account and then in the my theme function.php file I use the following code for SSO.

    function auto_login() {
    	$redirect_to = !empty( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] ) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : home_url('/');
    	if (!is_user_logged_in() && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
    		$user_login = substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], strrpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],'\\')+1, strlen($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])-strrpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],'\\'));
    		$user = get_user_by('login',$user_login);
    		if($user) {
    	    	do_action('wp_login', $user->user_login, $user);
       			wp_set_current_user( $user->ID );
        		wp_set_auth_cookie( $user->ID );
    	if(!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
    add_action('init', 'auto_login');
    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    Well the second I post this I figured it out. In case someone runs into same problem here is my code. I just had to separate out javascript.

    <h3>Video Plyaer 1</h3>
    <div style="width: 640px;">
    	<div id="videoPlayer1" align="center">Loading the player...</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
    		flashplayer: "https://localhost/_jwplayer/player.swf", playlist: [
    			{ duration: 253, file: "https://localhost/Misc/Video1.mp4", image: "https://localhost/Misc/Video1.jpg", title: "Video1" },
    			{ duration: 253, file: "https://localhost/Misc/Video2.mp4", image: "https://localhost/Misc/Video2.jpg", title: "Video1" }
    		'playlist.position': 'bottom',
    		'playlist.size': 120,
    		height: 480,
    		width: 640,
    		volume: 80,
    		'skin': 'https://localhost/_jwplayer/',
    		autostart: false
    // ]]></script>
    <h3>Video Player 2</h3>
    <div style="width: 640px;">
    	<div id="videoPlayer2" align="center">Loading the player...</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
    		flashplayer: "https://localhost/_jwplayer/player.swf", playlist: [
    			{ duration: 253, file: "https://localhost/Misc/Video3.mp4", image: "https://localhost/Misc/Video3.jpg", title: "Video3" },
    			{ duration: 253, file: "https://localhost/Misc/Video4.mp4", image: "https://localhost/Misc/Video4.jpg", title: "Video4" }
    		'playlist.position': 'bottom',
    		'playlist.size': 120,
    		height: 480,
    		width: 640,
    		volume: 80,
    		'skin': 'https://localhost/_jwplayer/',
    		autostart: false
    // ]]></script>
    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    I have not.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    So in bulkimport.php line 288 the display name is set.
    $display_name = $this->_get_display_name_from_AD($username, $userinfo);

    Then it immediately checks to create new user or update them. On the else statement to update I added
    $display_name = $user->display_name;

    This way if the user had changed their display name the bulk import would not override their settings.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr



    Sorry in this theme is a function roots_root_relative_url. Not sure why it was acting up with all-in-one but my guess is there is some action with the same name somewhere causing a conflict.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    So weird!

    Ok so I’ve removed all plugins except all-in-one event calendar. I still get relative url’s when inserting media.

    We are using a customized version of the “Roots” theme. When I have theme active and disable the plugin I get absolute URL’s. Also if I keep the plugin active but switch to a default theme, i.e. Twenty-Twelve, I get absolute URL’s. So basically it appears I’m having a conflict when the plugin and the theme. Sadly I didn’t build the theme so I have no clue where the issue could be and really don’t want to have to completely rebuild the theme.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    Works great

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    That is a good idea! I wanted to use some of our security groups but some of them are in a different domain which is causing issues.

    Great idea about using usernames. It is dirty but would word. That or figure out paging.

    Thread Starter PyroSteveJr


    This is what I though, thank you! We are in the process of changing our policies with a third-party company who creates our NTLogons.

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