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  • Thread Starter pwtgirl


    Looks like I missed this plugin during my original searching.

    Comment Approval Notification

    That gets me half way there..

    Open the index.php file for the theme..

    Find and Remove

    <div class="postinfo">
    <?php _e('Posted on'); ?> <span class="postdate"><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?></span> <?php _e('by'); ?> <?php the_author() ?> <?php edit_post_link('Edit', ' | ', ''); ?>

    Further down in the file Find and Remove

    <p class="postinfo">
    <?php _e('Filed under:'); ?> <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?>

    Following the above you will remove the “Posted On” info and “Filed Under” info from your front page.

    Open the header.php file from the theme folder {you can open this file using notepad if you like} and you will see the list for those links. Edit the link there to point to the page url you created in the admin.

    Have you made the files in your theme folder writeable via chmod?

    On a hunt for a drop down categories menu that doesn’t use a submit button I found this plugin.

    It works great but I believe only on 2.1 or higher..

    If you want to remove all of the navigation links then open your theme’s header.php file and remove the wp_list_pages tag.

    If you only want to remove the about page link then you could exclude it from the tag. Check the codex for easy way to do so..

    Moshu — Thanks I over looked the theme name guessing that he removed everything else so thought the theme was renamed too. My bad thanks for pointing it out to me. ??

    I’m getting DNS lookup errors trying to view the themes on wp theme viewer today. If it’s not one thing it’s another with this direcway sat connection of mine..

    Anyhow from the theme author’s site:

    “The menu is located in the header.php file. It is partly hardcoded (for the first button) and the rest of the links are generated by the WordPress wp_list_pages() function.

    In an effort to make the theme easier to use, I have lifted the main menu out of the widget system. Widgets in the left sidebar will appear below the main menu, and the menu itself is not a widget. However, for those who wish to use a widget menu I have included a customized Pages widget in functions.php (commented out by default).”

    So to answer your original question, look in the header.php file.

    — Mindy

    It would help if we knew what theme you are using. Doing a quick look on your site you seem to have removed all credit or mention of the original theme creator and replaced it with your own information.

    I’m sure someone with more knowledge than myself could probably tell you just by looking at the site but I can’t. So to me the easiest way to answer your question would have been to look over the theme files to see what file you needed to edit.

    #1 — Best quick guess is to say have a look at your pages again. Like sidebar.php the About link is told to use li class=”page_item” but I can’t find this class defined in your style sheet.

    Also I could be wrong as I’m still learning my way around css but for the links in the style sheet you have:

    color: #000000;
    text-decoration: bold;

    If you want them bold and with no underline wouldn’t it be more like:

    color: #000000;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: bold;

    #2 — Sorry no idea there

    #3 — In the style sheet change the UL class to use the below:

    list-style: none; instead of “list-style: circle inside;”

    Hope that helps a little. I’m sure someone will be around to help out with the rest..

    Again I’m no expert just looked over your style sheets and played with them in firefox..

    Look in your spring_flavor.css file —

    form .button {

    border-color:white #DCDCDC #DCDCDC white;



    If you want this same type of styling used on the comments submit button for the contact submit button that is where to find it. Just apply the same settings to the class you made for the contact form submit button earlier.

    — Mindy

    Haven’t used it myself but have a look at this plugin

    — Mindy

    Just as a quick answer since I’m a newb with css really is to add the below to your style sheet with the other contact form classes. Tested with firefox only on my end..

    .contactright input[value=”Submit”]{

    Where 100px is what ever you want it to be you could use percent instead as well. Hope that’s some help.

    — Mindy

    cgheaven —

    That fix won’t actually work for you though. Yes it did fix the link for the forum in the top right of your site but have a look at any of the other links in your posts etc.. They are all messed up now. For instance click on one of the post titles or comments for a post you’ll see what I mean.

    Darn gotta figure out how to post in the forum so it doesn’t apply the code and just shows it. Back in a moment to repost. Still can’t get the code to show so I placed in in a pastebin post for you..

    cgheaven —

    You have already been given more than enough help to fix this issue. But since it seems you aren’t paying attention to those helping you here is a quick fix.

    In header.php of your theme you see the below lines of code:

    <div id=”pages”>
    <h1>“><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=’ ); ?>


    This part <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=’ ); ?> right there is what is making the page title links show up in the right hand side of the top of your site.

    “About” is one of the pages you have in your site. Simply changing the link name will only change the text shown for the link. It will still link to the page created in wordpress that was originally named “About”

    The only way I can think of to remove the wordpress page listings in that spot and add only a link to your forum would be to change the code bit in header.php

    You could remove the <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=’ ); ?> part all together which will remove the links to the wordpress pages in your site. Not sure if that is what you want to do or not but any how read on..

    So if you were to say replace the above section of code I showed you at the top of this reply with the code in this link then it will get rid of all your wordpress page links in that section and give you only the link to your forum.

    If you do remove the <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=’ ); ?> tag from the header as shown above I would think about putting it in the sidebar maybe. That way your visitors will still be able to find your wordpress pages.

    — Mindy

    PeterTountas —
    To get rid of the word About and the sentence that goes with it open sidebar.php and remove or change the below on about line #65:

    <div class=”sidelist”>
    <p>You can post a brief statement here that tells people what your site is about. Or not.</p></div>

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