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  • Hi, of course.
    My comment was ment just as a workaround until the fix is availabe. Especially as criana and playingsmarta asked for help.

    In the file
    plugins/category-icons-lite/caticons-lite.class.php I patched the code as follows:

    			WHERE meta_key = %s";
    			//WHERE meta_key = '".esc_sql($this->meta_key).'\'';
    			$k = $this->meta_key;
    			$results = wp_cache_get( 'categoryiconslite_results');
    			if ( false === $results ) { // put in cache the result
    				$results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare($query, $k) );

    and the plugin started to work again.
    (In the Query string changed the last line containing ‘WHERE meta_key…’ and added the variable $k which is given to the $wpdb->prepare function.
    Hopefully this helps.


    I have installed Category Icons Light Plugin. After upgrade to wp 3.6 I got the same error message.

    (“Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in …\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\category-icons-lite\caticons-lite.class.php on line 306 and defined in …\wordpress\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992”)

    By the way, the ‘Visit plugin link’ for the Light versions on the Plugins page in wp admin seems to be broken, it links to ‘’ which responds with a 403, forbidden.

    Cheers Peter

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