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  • Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Didn’t cross my mind to lookup the whois. Its almost as if this person quickly registered and setup the site just to attack my site. The whois record shows that the domain was registered on October 31 2011, and I received an email from him/them on the same day. Jobless I must say!

    From: Kevin Meunier <>
    Date: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:27 PM
    Subject: We would like to buy banner space on your site

    Message Body:

    We are looking for new advertisement platforms and we are interested in your site
    Is it possible to place banner on your site on a fee basis?

    Best regards,
    Kevin Meunier

    This mail is sent via contact form on BinLadensDeath.Info

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    @tommyg73, No I didn’t bother to install the plugin, what I did was emailed him/them back that I will only accept ads in image formats (jpg,png) linking to a specified advertiser site. The person behind this hidden agenda replied insisting that I must install the plugin for the advertising to kick off. However, I wrote back telling him to check back with me in the next few years of the same month, same day, and same hour lol.

    And wow…the plugin did all of that? Sounds scary, this is one of the reasons why am hoping to completely stay off plugins soon and just manually add any functionality or mod any of my WP site may need. Just don’t know how to yet.

    Thanks guys for looking into this scenario for me, am quite glad I didn’t fall victim to the mischievous nincompoop behind this scheme.

    I hope nobody falls for this, the people or person behind this could be a WP hacker. Can their site be reported at all?

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Hey Samuel, thank you for your input. I am indeed very skeptical about this, and whoever is behind this scheme is quite good I must say. One of the reasons why am very skeptical about this so called advertising company is that I could barely find anything about the company via Google search. However, the company’s website is in french, so am thinking that may be the case. The company claim to be based in Paris. Here’s the company’s site:

    I haven’t responded yet to the company, I really don’t see no reason why an advertising company would require a download and install of their plugin or “special code” as they mentioned, just to display ads.

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Alright, I’ll see what answers I’ll get on Google forum. Thanks

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Thank you. Well appreciated. Definitely would be elevating my question to Google if I don’t get the answer I need here, but one can always be sure to get prompt and reliable answers from other experienced WordPress Users in this forum, which I favor.


    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    I wasn’t aware of any WP plugins for running a dating site. I’ll do a Google search shortly and see what I’ll find. Meanwhile, can you recommend any good one? Whether premium or not. Thanks

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Yes, am quite sure its not WordPress, just a miscellaneous question of a puzzled fella. Someone here might have a clue.

    What if someone only wants to display posts from a specific category. Will this code work?

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Thanks AdsensePlugin, and you don’t have to apologize for any delayed replies, all is well. So, CTR have improved the past 7 days since I implemented the 336×280 text only at top of post. For my site which I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, am using the same color as the links on the site (blue) for the top post text ad (though ad url color is light black/smoke-gray). However, since I use an ad rotator, I’ll be creating another 336×280 text ad that would be all black, and see how both converts with a 50/50 rotation ratio.

    A question: I have a 160×600 adsense on the same site sidebar (text&image), but I have been thinking about making it an image only ad since my top post ad is text only. Would you recommend that? Any opinion is well appreciated.


    P.S: I’m still unable to find someone to create a logo for my site in question. Though I have Photoshop CS5 extended, and could probably create one myself, but lack of time is preventing me from channeling my brain in order to implement a brand-able logo.

    Looking to pay a small fee for a simple logo design. If there’s anyone you know who might be interested in the offer, refer me. Thanks.

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Thanks for the tips. I always had a feeling putting an image next to an ad is not allowed, but seeing many sites do it make it seem like its perfectly fine.

    It puzzles me sometimes though, whether placing ads at the top of an article drives away visitors or not. Have you had any experience with this?

    And am having a rough time deciding what color would be perfect for the top 336×280 text only ad I have on another site I manage. I currently use black for link color, but the links on my site is blue, though they are not that visible sort of. If you can give me your opinion on choice of color.


    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    Thanks a lot for the review and tips. I’ve been thinking about a professional logo, and now that you mentioned it…I’ll put that into process soon. I use a rotator plugin for my ads, and I just recently implemented chitika as a test to see if it converts well at all.

    If I am to implement a 336×280 text only at the top of each post, would you recommend adding just one ad or two to fill up the empty space? Maybe even one 336×280 text ad along with an image to the side to complement? Another factor that puzzle me is which ad location is better in post pages. Top of post or below post? Anyone with an idea please share your experience/knowledge.

    I see other blogs implement this ad tactics, but don’t know if it converts well.

    Thanks again for the review, and I’ll make sure to keep the blog updated.

    I won’t recommend running two plugins that performs the same function simultaneously Ted, you will be overloading your WordPress site if I may say.

    I recently started using AIOSEO on a friends site also, but I don’t see any improvements yet for about 2 weeks now, and have been thinking about giving Yoast a shot. However, am worried just as you are about loosing all the descriptions, titles, keywords, etc on many posts. So, I’ll be following this post to hear of any feedback someone might provide regarding that.

    Why don’t you target keywords such as woodworking beginners, woodworking from home, woodworking basics for your SEO? And instead of using woodworking4home in your post tags, I would rather use woodworking from home. Using ‘4’ in your tags is irrelevant in terms of searches coming via Google that may be related to your content.

    Thread Starter puzzl3d


    I have fixed the issue. This thread is closed

    Great plugin btw

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