Arthur Klein
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EDD Auto Register] Confussed aboutI feel really stupid but i can not make plugin work with
The plugin’s simple login form when both “Disable Guest Checkout” and “Show Register / Login Form?” are enabled
or any other combination…
I wish this plug in would allow for Login for customers who have registered before and Auto create for customers who are new and this is first donation…. PLEASE HELP
Same issue especially Login tab on Live Traffic just spins trying to update – some of the live tabs work. This is new issue.
Does anyone know if a ,” “, reference in WF setting to immediately block username ” ” would help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Internal Link Building] A little problem with keywordsLove the plugin nothing else like it.
3 little things i couldn’t figure out… please define /explain deeper.
1. couldn’t figure out “Words Between(optional” totally understand other word options. But couldn’t figure out after trying many numbers in field couldn’t see effect.
2. Use Nofollow me no understand. I can’t find any deeper doc so what does it do EXACTLY?
3. I thought i read some where that you could opt out a specific post or page but couldn’t find that option on post edit or page edit. Also is the field in post page for internal link to add for post specifically or to master list or is it just about substitution of post internal link building post setting to take priority over link?
PS comment above very valid – it be solved by adding a space front and back of link def? Also i see that the message above is 2 WEEKS STALE hope i have better luck with response from Ninja
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sidebar Login] Conflict between Sidebar Login & s2memberps when i disable sidebar login issue goes away
Figured it out it is the “Stats for s2member” plugin that has big conflict with s2member. It breaks the remote header authorization function with itunes and for podcast rss feed. As soon as i disabled all functionality returned to Remote Header Authorization.
you can set up paypal buttons with 1 month free on recurring then it goes to full price on second month. hope this helps
i agree too
I have gotten an update from Blubrry and they believe that the change is in s2member and the way it functions with itunes for authorization. Blubrry wants me to try previous version of s2member and see if functionality comes back. Where can i find earlier releases of s2member? Also here is link to post by Blubrry Developer Angelo
sorry no can do… contact me on skype and i can create a member so you can sign in and i can activate plugin for a few minutes so you can check it out but can’t leave broken live… my skype is YYM.Merlin …
The file is a zip and works fine with out your plugin through normal EDD Shopping Cart Process…
The site is hosted on WPengine and they do use a Varnish for heavy caching. Check with Pippin first since he is very familiar with WPE issues of caching in ref to EDD.
1.1.7 still broken new jpg screenshot of error
plugin hasn’t hit repository yet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Digital Downloads - Free Download] Download Link Never StartsEDD Free Purchase Plugin is creating this error page instead of downloading free product… waz up?
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Screenshot of error: plugin please help.
I am having same issue for about 3 – 4 weeks now. It seems to work fine if you are using default address in where the email goes to but ignores sending to custom email… is repeatable and very disturbing since members think i am blowing off their support requests.
i am not using W3 Total Cache. I am hosted on WPengine.
Help please,
[email protected]Hi Ben
Are you aware that there has been a bug with Add Link to Facebook plugin by Marcel Bokhorst version 1.164
What happened last Friday, Saturday & Sunday, is somehow Wysija triggered about 3000 link posts over a 3 day period from last Friday till Sunday when i found the problem. I hadn’t sent out a Wysija Newsletter/mailing or anything else. It just began happening in the background with out asking permission or anything else before i new it i had thousands of links posted automatically through FB App.
I had to manually delete over 3000 links on the Facebook page for the site. These links were created i believe by a call from Wysija saying this short code [wysija_view]8[/wysija_view] in the expert part of the facbook links… check out i have left just a few on wall so you could see what i am talking about.
All the links on facebook page had this strange shortcode, i think its a short code, in the excerpt on facebook links.
Currently i have Wysija disabled and i am concerned about re-enabling since it just started to spit out these links for 3 days without me being aware… it took days to clean up Facebook Page. I am also running Easy Digital Downloads by Pippin but i don’t believe this is the issue…. I believe what caused this was the interaction of Wysija and Add Link to Facebook plugin by Marcel Bokhorst version 1.164
Please help since i love your plugin but don’t want to have to erase thousands of links ever again… it really was a pain in the butt.
[email protected]