Permanently limits scope of wordpress
The claim is that Gutenberg will offer a platform to build off of for a brighter wordpress future. No, it will ensure a more limited wordpress future. Blocks will make the scope of what can be built fundamentally insufficient for many. For example, my website is a science website and I write articles with lots of scientific citations. I have a heavy-duty plugin which dynamically updates all my inline citations. They all get renumbered automatically as I do something like insert a new citation in the middle. There is no conceivable way to make such a plugin work with Gutenberg.
It is not only that you will temporarily break the functionality of my site (as plugins are redeveloped), but that you will permanently break it (as some plugins can NEVER be redeveloped).
So who do you want to cater to? People who are too dim to learn how to use an editor that already works fine? If you do this you will achieve your goal of having more blogs written by people who get their important messages out, such as pictures of kittens, or the snail they saw on the sidewalk. Or do you want to cater to people who actually have a deathly important mission, such as advancing medical science?
There is a correlation between ease of use and significance of the project being done. We need more quality websites, not more fluffy duffy websites. Gutenberg is a step in the wrong direction in this regard. It seems in this world, people are only penalized for trying to offer quality.
I’ve used WordPress for the last 8 years or so. It has gotten immensely better than it was. Themes and plugins are head and shoulders over what they used to be. You are going to disrupt a process of creativity and growth that is already going on fine.
Do not make it an option to deactivate Gutenberg. Instead, make it an option to activate Gutenberg.
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