Terence Milbourn
Forum Replies Created
My template has this…
<title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
What about that?
Is that what’s using up 45% of the page load speed at runtime?
Hmmm. What a glib answer. Not your usual helpful self at all.
Problem is the instructions are so ambiguously written, in places, I have no idea whether its a good thing to change the wp_title, and you are recommending it, or not.
It says…
“Be aware that for WordPress SEO to be able to modify your page titles, the title section of your header.php file should look like this:
<title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title>
If you can’t modify or don’t know how to modify your template, check the box below. Be aware that changing your template will be faster.”
So if my template does have “<title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title>” and I could modify it, are you suggesting that I force rewrite titles and thereby change my template, or do you mean by editing it to “<title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title> I am changing my title and ticking the tick box is faster? And in the end, which will be faster, modifying or leaving it as “<title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title>”, or ticking the tick box? And faster to load the page or faster to modify?
Like I said. Its very ambiguous.
Hi Dave,
I was getting such really poor support from the Genesis forum that I won’t ever use Genesis again – and in the change to Headway, having not heard from you, I started to use an embedded script from AddThis, which gives me a little more comprehensive solution. Eventually I will do with that, as I would have done with your solution, and turned the icons it into CSS sprites, in order to help with page load speed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to create… local installThat’s not what I meant. I am sure the error in the script is the reason why it doesn’t work. But what I am getting at is that, for a Windows installation, I would expect to enter “C:/Ampps/www/wp/wp-content/uploads/…” not “C:\Ampps\www\wp\wp-content\uploads\…” – which is typically the Linux way of writing the URL.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to create… local installOK, that worked for me – thanks very much.
But why is it that installed on a Windows 7 server, it requires me to enter the slashes bass-ackwards?
Just thinking about it, the problem I have is not with the opacity and the differential between on and off states, the issue is the brick red background showing through and changing the colour of the icons to a sort of sludgy brown version of the originals. I would prefer to keep it set to “opacity: 0.7;”, but only if the icons are on a clear background. Is that possible? The background colour they are now on is set by a “body { background: #DA4B1F; }” CSS directive. How can I make the area behind each individual icon revert to clear. I imagine, if possible, that would be relatively easy to include in its own CSS as default.
I eventually figured that all out, but thanks for coming back to me. The plugin (apart from a shaky start) seems to work very well. I had to make a couple of other small tweaks as the widget I used for the menu was in the header and obscured the title and caption…
#title-area { float: left; overflow: hidden; padding: 35px 0 0; *width: 550px;* } #header .widget-area { float: right; padding: 50px 0 0; *width: 400px;* }
But after that and the reduction of opacity, everything is just hunky-dory!
Many thanks,
OK, I think I may have found the solution. Didn’t see anywhere “Click screen options at the top of your screen and check the box next to css classes and link target”. Got that advice from Lindsey Riel at PrettyDarnCuteDesign. So the Icon’s are now showing up in the header and are clickable, but the space being taken by the area they occupy is covering half the text in the header. Is it just a CSS problem or is there something else wrong there? Also the icons appear to be half transparent and the background is coming through and making the hard to see and don’t look very nice.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: W3TC deleting .htaccess files@christni Thanks, but I already sent 2 bug reports to Frederick both for the release version and the development version which does the same thing. I have the feeling he is out of town since he is normally very good at getting back to me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: W3TC deleting .htaccess filesOK, I’ll take that advice but this is strange since its completely new behaviour. W3TC has always been well behave and simply updated the .htaccess file with any new stuff it needed, not deleted them and start again, as it does now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Share Buttons Plugin – AddThis] [Plugin: AddThis] Error MessageI get the same “I’m sorry, but we seemed to encounter an error. This could be because your password is not accurate. Please check and update it.” message even though I checked and exactly the same password, when used at https://www.addthis.com, allows me to log in there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Broken Link Checker] [Plugin: Broken Link Checker] Network ActivationIf you activate it separately on each blog it should still work. It’s only “Network Activate” and the like that are not supported”???
Although it WILL crash your server, but that’s not the program’s fault, of course. That’s the server’s, so it doesn’t count and not worth mentioning, right? And before you challenge this statement, beware, I have copious logs showing exactly the damage it causes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: categories disappeared after upgrade to 3.0.2@sellingsen — What was the problem and what solved it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.0 Plugin Upgrade Bug? Could Not Create Directory@notfarnow — if its a DSO server, it may help, if its an SuPHP server, it won’t help at all, in fact it will make it worse.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.0 Plugin Upgrade Bug? Could Not Create Directorysrj.cooldude — is it a DSO or suPHP machine?