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  • the timing of response is rubbish (i.e. no answer), but i’d like to confirm that with the latest version/update solved my OAuth problem and all works as expected

    hi Frederick, i can see that this is still a hot topic as the last post was 5 hours ago.

    i’m also getting the error when i try to set up the pull zone: (box in red at the top of the W3 dashboard:

    “A configuration issue prevents CDN from working: The “Replace default hostname with” field cannot be empty.You need to select / create a pull zone. Specify it here.:

    the error when i go to the CDN is the following
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthException in /home/brightsp/public_html/ on line 0

    please note that i’m using the latest version of WP, but in my case i have a multisite installation with domain mapping… not sure what/how this will affect things, but worth mentioning

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: [wp_update_user hook]
    Thread Starter lorenzo


    this is brilliant thanks, adding the parameter did the trick, but i have absolutely no idea why. if you have any link explaining things in more detail i’d love to learn more (and hopefully it will be helpful for other reading the thread in the future.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: [wp_update_user hook]
    Thread Starter lorenzo


    hi Andy,

    thanks for the reply. yes, that would be the theory (or what i thought i was doing with this function), but the problem is that $old_user_data seems to be empty and i don’t know how to ‘catch’ the data before the update is carried out.

    the codex docs are not very clear and i should also say that i’m not a programmer, which makes this a bit of a struggle.
    any suggestion will be very welcome!


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Post Types

    works fine, depends on the logic ??

    where is the previous page supposed to go (literally)?

    in the last example i gave you ‘previous’ and ‘next’ mean the dynamic list of things displayed in a particular post/page template, which is coming before/after the current sublist in the array of all available posts in the list you built up to the first one.
    in your example it seems to me you have a single fixed page going to another fixed page: what is previous or next for this one?

    i’m simply inferring here, but are you thinking to another page under the same ‘parent’? if that’s the case this has nothing to do with paging of fetched posts, it is a matter of constructing the right link as paging in this context works between items fetched in your array.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: .flv Question

    indeed there are tons of plugins that allow you to play a flash file. one which is very popular is viper video quicktags. you need to enable the button for the flash file format in the settings, but then you just copy and past your url for the media file and it’s all done!

    It is possible, but you need to add the WP loop somewhere in the ‘static’ page.

    i’m not sure how you created this static page, but you can have a custom template homepage added in your theme.

    see this for example:

    assuming you know already all this stuff, and you have the core loop (but not calling posts) you can have the function call to the ‘sidebar’ alternative (i.e. one at the bottom) in your template and then you can treat it as a normal sidebar.

    hopefully it will get you started!

    So, what version of wordpress are you using? i’m just not convinced about what you have been doing…

    the htaccess method is what you need to ‘override’ the url as basically you create a rule which is re-writing it. look at the doc suggested above and you can also google the topic for more info

    Thread Starter lorenzo


    yes i figured this, but my question is whether there is any way of overriding the default links in the login page using custom functions?

    as you say i could register a different login page, but the same applies to the login in the sidebar and, in my case, to the admin bar at the top for buddypress.

    all could be changed individually (what i did), BUT they all use the same WP call to wp_login_url();

    if i override where this goes, then all will work fine! (or that’s the theory if i knew how…)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Post Types

    ahah! now i get what you meant!

    so try something like this (including all steps just in case):

    <h3>Recent custom posts</h3>
    $temp = $wp_query;
    $wp_query= null;
    $wp_query = new WP_Query();

    The first thing the code does is create a temporary variable to hold a reference to global variable $wp_query. The wp_query variable is set to null, and we instantiate a new WP_Query object.

    Notice in the query above that we have these parameters:

    The paged portion of the query is critical in order to have paging.
    From there, we can now do our own query and begin our custom loop.

    <?php while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post(); ?>
    	<li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Now it’s time to create navigation links for paging:

    <div class="navigation">
      <div class="alignleft"><?php previous_posts_link('? Previous') ?></div>
      <div class="alignright"><?php next_posts_link('More ?') ?></div>
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Post Types

    well, i don’t want to mislead your train of thoughts, but if you look carefully at the default theme pages single.php is actually used for a single posts and the archive.php for listing a number of posts.

    if you forget about custom posts and custom taxonomies for a moment, the codex is showing you how to create a ‘custom archive’ page which contains posts only with a specific category. see
    for example.

    i’m not sure what you mean with ‘pagination’. with query_posts you have a reasonable flexibility already in the standard loop.

    the same exact concepts apply when you use custom taxonomies as the way in which categories and tags work in the default installation are extended to them, the only difference is that you specifically say that instead of a standard post or page you want your custom ‘things’ and the associated taxonomy. does it make sense?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Post Types

    hi Roy,

    i found your rambling about custom post types quite interesting as i kind of went through a similar process in the attempt to figure out this very powerful beast!

    i assume you have come across this?

    i think it is a very simple and useful guide on what you can do with custom posts and taxonomies and from what you say i think you will find it useful too.

    after playing around with the code and custom functions i cam across the custom post type UI plugin (the webdevstudios one) and this is doing most of the things for you!

    i had issues with draggable items clashing with a couple of plugins in the past (including shadowscript js and tinymce). first thing i would try to disable all plugins and see if it works, then you can figure out which plugin is breaking the menu

    What version of WP are you using?

    For sure in WP3, but i think since 2.7 there is an option in the edit post under the title which allows you to customise permalinks manually.

    as far as i know if you change the structure (i.e. from the settings >permalinks) all of them are changed at once.

    i personally would do this offline: i.e. copy the wp_posts (or back it up), change the permalink option to what you want and then overwrite the old posts GUID to keep the old posts with the old links, but there might be someone else out there with a simpler solution.

    there are also a couple of plugins which create a permanent redirect using htaccess, but you might not be able to do this depending on where you host your blog. (see for one example)
    some hosts don’t allow editing htaccess files in subfolders.

    hope this helps

    how did you create the custom post types?

    i have used the ‘custom post types’ plugin, then i specified which custom post names i wanted to add the fields to in the custom fields plugin. the list of the custom post types is a comma-delimited field under template

    the interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter in which template you enter the name of the custom post type: the list of templates will become available in your custom posts types.

    i’m guessing that this is a small bug, but at least it should show the custom fields… i’m still trying to figure out exactly how this things work. hope this helps

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