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  • Hi,

    I had this same problem and was able to correct it in the most odd way possible. This worked for me:

    Go to options and in the field labeled ‘WordPress Address (URL):’ make sure that the URL entered in this field has a ‘www’ in it. I don’t know why it works to fix the problem but it does for me on all five of my blogs.

    When I first set up the domains, I had it registered as ‘’ and was having the www removed if someone typed it in. When I entered the field info above, I put it in as ‘’. TinyMCE went south. As soon as I allowed ‘’ and entered that URL ‘’ into the field above the TinyMCE started working like a champ. If I remove it, the tabs go blank, I lose my formatting buttons and can’t edit the code.

    Hope this helps someone because I spent two months trying to figure out what was going on.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    I gave up and reverted back to 2.0.9. Seems like a lot of things work better in that version than in 2.1.x so I’ll stick with it; it’s supported through 2010.

    I’m going to leave this open in the hopes that someone might be able to help resolve the issue.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    I’m still crawling the net trying to find this and apparently this isn’t the only plugin having this type of difficulties. I’ll keep looking.

    FYI, for future reference, I did some compares against the admin and plugin files in the wp-admin directory and wordpress is actually handling it’s plugins very differently between 2.0.9 and 2.1.2.

    I’ll report back when I solve the problem and if anyone else has any suggestions, please post them here.

    Thanks again for all the help and hard work, WP is still hands down the best blog software out there.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    OK, I’ve looked at the code and if I put the if statements in there; I don’t get the error, but nothing is written to the database during the create new quote and the edit functionality pulls up a blank screen. Any other ideas what might be happening?

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    OK, that worked, but now It’s not properly displaying when the quote is added to the database. It should be displaying a message indicating the quote ID and a new entry form for antoher quote. I’ll have to play with it to see if I can figure out the issue.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    Thanks, that makes sense. Like I said, I’m not unfamiliar, per se, but not an expert by stretch, twist or turn of the truth.

    I’ll give your code a try and see what happens. I’ll report back with the reults.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    Ah, crud. I didn’t realize I couldn’t edit the posts previous to the last: Here’s the link.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    Actually, that isn’t the problem; if it were, the error message would be throwing a duplicate pointing to a different file. This is pointing to the same file on a different line. The three files I mention have different functions defined: db_assign_quote, dq_assign_quote and ip_assign_quote.

    I’m pretty sure it’s a bug in WordPress 2.1 as these exact same files work fine in 2.0.x; I just tested it again. I’m in the process of placing the code on my server so you can see it formatted. I’ll edit the previous post with a link when it is up.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    Oops, sorry, I guess it ‘is available under the BPL (Beer Public Licence)’; from the Wiki site but it still says the code is free to use.

    Thread Starter Psychosmurf


    Thanks, Otto42, for the reply.

    Here is the code from the file that’s throwing the error above. This isn’t the original Donkie Quote file but it was published under GNU so I modified the code to create multiple randomized quote generators. I actually have three and they are all throwing the same error message.

    The interesting thing is I can get to every part of the plugin except writing the quotes. When I click on the save button after putting in the quote info, I get the above error.


    Plugin Name: Dumb Bush
    Derived From: DokieQuote at
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Displays a random quote by now (01.04.2006) presidnet George W. Bush. You must place the db_do_random_quote(); template tag somwhere in you template to actually see the quote.
    Author: Chris Shaffer
    Version: 0.2
    Author URI:

    $db_quote = false;

    this function is called during the wp_head action to setup the random quote
    function db_assign_quote()
    global $wpdb;
    $num_quotes = $wpdb->get_var(‘SELECT MAX(quote_id) FROM ‘ . get_option(‘db_table_nm’));
    $rand_quote = rand(1,$num_quotes);
    $flag = false;
    while( !$flag )
    $db_quote = db_fetchQuote($rand_quote);
    if($db_quote == false )
    $flag = false;
    //pull a new random number incase the other one was empty.
    $rand_quote = rand(1,$num_quotes);
    $flag = true;
    return $db_quote;

    template tag to display random quote.
    function db_do_random_quote($preTag='<div class=”db_quote”>’, $postTag = ‘</div>’ , $sepTag = ‘ -‘)
    global $db_quote;

    if ($db_quote === false)
    $db_quote = db_assign_quote();

    $output = $preTag;

    $output .= $db_quote[‘text’];

    $output .= $sepTag;

    if(!empty($db_quote[‘src’]) && isset($db_quote[‘src’]) )
    if(!empty($db_quote[‘src_url’]) && isset($db_quote[‘src_url’]) )
    $output .= ‘‘;

    $output .= $db_quote[‘src’];

    if(!empty($db_quote[‘src_url’]) && isset($db_quote[‘src_url’]) )
    $output .= ‘‘;
    $output .= ‘Unknown‘;

    $output .= $postTag;

    print $output;

    // db_add_pages() is the sink function for the ‘admin_menu’ hook
    function db_add_pages()
    // Add a new menu under Manage:
    add_management_page(‘Dumb Bush’, ‘Dumb Bush’, 5, __FILE__, ‘db_manage_page’);

    //Add subment to ‘write’ page:
    add_submenu_page(‘post.php’, ‘Dumb Bush’, ‘Dumb Bush’, 5, __FILE__, ‘db_write_quote’);

    // Add a new menu under Options:
    add_options_page(‘Dumb Bush’, ‘Dumb Bush’, 8, __FILE__, ‘db_options_page’);

    Handles the ‘Write’ menu functionality for this plugin
    function db_write_quote()
    global $wpdb, $user_ID;

    $quote_id = isset($_GET[‘quote’]) ? $_GET[‘quote’] : 0;

    $messages[1] = __(‘Quote updated’);

    //what am I doing?
    if($_GET[‘action’] == ‘edit’)
    if($quote_id < 1)
    //no quote provided!
    $error = true;
    $displayForm = false;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘You did not provide a Quote to edit! Perhaps you should look at the Manage Dumb Bush page?’;
    //make sure the quote exists!
    $db_quote = db_fetchQuote($quote_id);
    $displayForm = true;
    if($db_quote == false)
    $error = true;
    $displayForm = false;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘Listen, I looked all over the database, but I just couldn\’t find the quote (ID \” . $quote_id . ‘\’) you were wanting to’
    .’ edit. Maybe you should look at the Manage Dumb Bush page, and select one from that list?’;
    //setup to display the edit form…
    $form_action = ‘edit’;
    $form_extra = “<input type=’hidden’ name=’quote_id’ value=’$quote_id’ />”;
    elseif($_POST[‘action’] == ‘edit’)
    //they’ve already seen the form… actually update the quote…
    $form_action = ‘update’;
    $quote_id = isset($_POST[‘quote_id’]) ? $_POST[‘quote_id’] : 0;

    $quotetxt = $_POST[‘quotetxt’];
    $quote_source = $_POST[‘quote_source’];
    $quote_source_url = $_POST[‘quote_source_url’];

    $displayForm = false;

    if(strlen($quotetxt) < 1)
    $error = true;
    $displayForm = true;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘Looks like you didn\’t fill in the Quote field. Care to try again?’;
    $db_quote[‘text’] = $quotetxt;
    $db_quote[‘src’] = $quote_source;
    $db_quote[‘src_url’] = $quote_source_url;
    $form_action = ‘edit’;
    $form_extra = “<input type=’hidden’ name=’quote_id’ value=’$quote_id’ />”;
    elseif($quote_id < 1)
    $error = true;
    $displayForm = false;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘You did not provide a Quote to edit! Perhaps you should look at the Manage Dumb Bush page?’;
    //they’ve made it this far. Write the quote to the database.
    $quote_source = strlen($quote_source) < 1 ? ‘NULL’ : ‘\” . $quote_source . ‘\”;
    $quote_source_url = strlen($quote_source_url) < 1 ? ‘NULL’ : ‘\” . $quote_source_url . ‘\”;
    $quotetxt = apply_filters(‘content_save_pre’, $quotetxt);
    $quotetxt = ‘\” . $quotetxt . ‘\”;
    $query = “UPDATE ” . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . ” SET quote_text = $quotetxt, quote_src = $quote_source, quote_src_url = $quote_source_url WHERE quote_id = $quote_id”;
    //execute query, and see what happened:
    $error = false;
    $displayForm = false;
    $feedbackMsg = “Quote ‘$quote_id’ successfully updated!</p><p>Manage Dumb Bush<br/>Create New Quote“;
    elseif($_POST[‘action’] == ‘new’)
    //They’ve filled in the form for a new quote. Add it.
    $form_action = ‘writenew’;
    $quote_source = strlen($_POST[‘quote_source’]) < 1 ? ‘NULL’ : ‘\” . $_POST[‘quote_source’] . ‘\”;
    $quote_source_url = strlen($_POST[‘quote_source_url’]) < 1 ? ‘NULL’ : ‘\” . $_POST[‘quote_source_url’] . ‘\”;
    $displayForm = false;

    if(strlen($quotetxt) < 1)
    $error = true;
    $displayForm = true;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘Looks like you didn\’t fill in the Quote field. Care to try again?’;
    $db_quote[‘src’] = $quote_source;
    $db_quote[‘text’] = $quotetxt;
    $db_quote[‘src_url’] = $quote_source_url;
    $form_action = ‘new’;
    $quotetxt = apply_filters(‘content_save_pre’, $_POST[‘quotetxt’]);
    $quotetxt = ‘\” . $quotetxt . ‘\”;
    $id_result = $wpdb->get_row(“SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ‘” . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . “‘”);
    $quote_id = $id_result->Auto_increment;
    $query = “INSERT INTO ” . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . ” VALUES($quote_id,$user_ID,$quotetxt,$quote_source, $quote_source_url, NOW())”;
    //execute query, and see what happened:
    $error = false;
    $displayForm = false;
    $feedbackMsg = “Quote successfully added as ID ‘$quote_id’!</p><p>Manage Dumb Bush<br/>Create New Quote“;
    $form_action = ‘new’;
    $displayForm = true;
    $db_quote = false;
    //display write new quote form.
    $form_action = ‘new’;
    $displayForm = true;

    <?php if (isset($feedbackMsg)) : ?>
    <div class=”updated”><p><?php if($error) { echo ‘ERROR: ‘; } echo $feedbackMsg; ?></p></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ($displayForm) : ?>
    <form name=”quote” action=”post.php?page=DumbBush.php” method=”post” id=”quote”>
    <div class=”wrap”>
    <h2><?php _e(‘Write Quote’); ?></h2>
    <p><?php _e(get_option(‘db_quote_desc’)); ?></p>

    <input type=”hidden” name=”user_ID” value=”<?php echo $user_ID ?>” />
    <input type=”hidden” name=”action” value=”<?php echo $form_action ?>” />
    <?php echo $form_extra; ?>

    <?php if (isset($_GET[‘message’]) && 1 > $_GET[‘message’]) : ?>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function focusit() {
    // focus on first input field
    window.onload = focusit;
    <?php endif; ?>
    <div id=”quotestuff”>
    <fieldset id=”quotetxtdiv”>
    <textarea name=”quotetxt” rows=”10″ cols=”60″ name=”excerpt” tabindex=”1″ id=”quotetxt”><?php echo $db_quote[‘text’] ?></textarea>
    <fieldset id=”quotesrcdiv”>
    <p>Quote Source</p>
    <p>Who said this quote (if you don’t know, leave blank).</p>
    <input type=”text” name=”quote_source” size=”60″ tabindex=”2″ value=”<?php echo $db_quote[‘src’]; ?>” id=”quotesrc” />

    <fieldset id=”quotesrcurldiv”>
    <p>Quote Source URL</p>
    <p>Where you found this quote (if you don’t know, leave blank).</p>
    <input type=”text” name=”quote_source_url” size=”60″ tabindex=”3″ value=”<?php echo $db_quote[‘src_url’]; ?>” id=”quotesrcurl” />

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    edCanvas = document.getElementById(‘content’);

    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Save’) ?>” style=”font-weight: bold;” tabindex=”6″ />


    <h3><?php _e(‘Manage Dumb Bush’); ?> »</h3>


    <?php endif; ?>

    // db_manage_page() displays the page content for the Manage->Quote submenu
    function db_manage_page()
    global $wpdb, $db_table_nm, $user_ID, $user_level;

    if($_GET[‘action’] == ‘delete’)
    //delete the puppy!
    $result = $wpdb->query(“DELETE FROM ” . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . ” WHERE quote_id = ” . $_GET[‘quote’]);
    //check to see what happened…
    $error = false;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘Quote \”. $_GET[‘quote’] . ‘\’ successfully removed! You deserve a cookie.’;
    $error = true;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘Listen, I looked all over the database, but I just couldn\’t find the quote (ID \” . $_GET[‘quote’] . ‘\’) you where wanting to’
    .’ delete. Sorry. Its probably my fault. However, just select another quote from the list below ‘
    . ‘if you\’re still in a deleting mood.’;
    $error = true;
    $feedbackMsg = ‘You did not provide a Quote to delete! Perhaps you should look at the Manage Dumb Bush page?’;


    <?php if (isset($feedbackMsg)) : ?>
    <div class=”updated”><p><?php if($error) { echo ‘ERROR: ‘; } echo $feedbackMsg; ?></p></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div class=”wrap”>
    <h2><?php _e(‘Quote Management’); ?></h2>

    $query = “SELECT quote_id, user_login, quote_text, quote_src, quote_src_url, quote_added FROM ” . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . “, $wpdb->users WHERE dumb_bush.quote_author = $wpdb->users.ID ORDER BY quote_id DESC”;

    if (isset($user_ID) && (” != intval($user_ID))) {
    $quotes = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    } else {
    $quotes = $wpdb->get_results($query);

    if ($quotes)
    <table width=”100%” cellpadding=”3″ cellspacing=”3″>
    <th scope=”col”><?php _e(‘ID’) ?></th>
    <th scope=”col”><?php _e(‘Quote Text’) ?></th>
    <th scope=”col”><?php _e(‘Source’) ?></th>
    <th scope=”col”><?php _e(‘Owner’) ?></th>
    <th scope=”col”><?php _e(‘Added’) ?></th>
    <th scope=”col”></th>
    <th scope=”col”></th>


    <p><?php _e(‘No quotes yet.’) ?></p>
    } // end if ($quotes)
    <p><?php _e(get_option(‘db_quote_desc’)); ?></p>
    <h3><?php _e(‘Create New Quote’); ?> »</h3>

    Options->Quotes submenu handler.
    function db_options_page() {
    global $wpdb;

    if($_POST[‘action’] == ‘update’)
    //update the data.
    //check the data.
    $error = false;

    $quote_table = $_POST[‘quote_table’];
    $quote_preview_len = $_POST[‘quote_preview_len’];
    $quote_desc = $_POST[‘quote_desc’];

    if(strlen($quote_table) < 1)
    $errorMsg .= ‘You must fill in the \’Quote Table\’ field!<br/>’;
    $error = true;
    $errorMsg .= ‘You must provide an integer in the \’Preview Length\’ field!<br/>’;
    $error = true;

    $displayForm = true;

    $feedbackMsg = “$errorMsg</p>Please correct the above errors and re-submit the form.”;
    $feedbackMsg = “Options Updated!”;
    update_option(‘db_table_nm’, $quote_table);
    update_option(‘db_previewTextLength’, $quote_preview_len);
    update_option(‘db_quote_desc’, $quote_desc);

    $displayForm = true;
    $quote_table = get_option(‘db_table_nm’);
    $quote_preview_len = get_option(‘db_previewTextLength’);
    $quote_desc = get_option(‘db_quote_desc’);

    $res = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT option_name, option_description FROM ‘ . $wpdb->options . ‘ WHERE option_name = \’db_table_nm\’ OR option_name = \’db_previewTextLength\’ OR option_name = \’db_quote_desc\”);

    //there should only be one quote here…
    foreach($res as $option)
    $opt_desc[$option->option_name] = $option->option_description;

    <div class=”wrap”>
    <h2><?php _e(‘Quote Options’) ?></h2>
    <?php if (isset($feedbackMsg)) : ?>
    <div class=”updated”><p><?php if($error) { echo ‘ERROR: ‘; } echo $feedbackMsg; ?></p></div>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($displayForm) : ?>
    <form name=”quoteoptions” method=”post” action=”options-general.php?page=DumbBush.php”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”action” value=”update” />
    <!–<input type=”hidden” name=”page_options” value=”‘hack_file’,’use_fileupload’,’fileupload_realpath’,’fileupload_url’,’fileupload_allowedtypes’,’fileupload_maxk’,’fileupload_maxk’,’fileupload_minlevel’,’use_geo_positions’,’use_linksupdate'” /> –>
    <!–<fieldset class=”options”>
    <input name=”use_fileupload” type=”checkbox” id=”use_fileupload” value=”1″ <?php checked(‘1’, get_settings(‘use_fileupload’)); ?> />
    <label for=”use_fileupload”><?php _e(‘Allow File Uploads’) ?></label></legend>–>
    <table width=”100%” cellspacing=”2″ cellpadding=”5″ class=”editform”>
    <th width=”33%” valign=”top” scope=”row”><?php _e(‘Quote Table:’) ?> </th>
    <input name=”quote_table” type=”text” id=”quote_table” value=”<?php echo $quote_table; ?>” size=”50″ />
    <?php echo $opt_desc[‘db_table_nm’] ?>
    <th valign=”top” scope=”row”><?php _e(‘Preview Length:’) ?> </th>
    <input name=”quote_preview_len” type=”text” id=”quote_preview_len” value=”<?php echo $quote_preview_len; ?>” size=”5″ />
    <?php echo $opt_desc[‘db_previewTextLength’] ?>
    <th width=”33%” valign=”top” scope=”row”><?php _e(‘Quote Description:’) ?> </th>
    <input name=”quote_desc” type=”text” id=”quote_desc” value=”<?php echo $quote_desc; ?>” size=”50″ />
    <?php echo $opt_desc[‘db_quote_desc’] ?>
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Update Options’) ?> »” />
    <?php endif; ?>

    Spits out all the quotes in a nice little table for the Manage->Quotes submenu.
    function db_quote_rows( $quotes)
    global $wpdb, $class, $user_level;

    foreach($quotes as $quote)
    $class = (‘alternate’ == $class) ? ” : ‘alternate’;
    <tr class='<?php echo $class; ?>’>
    <th scope=”row”><?php echo $quote->quote_id; ?></th>
    <?php print db_previewText($quote->quote_text); ?>
    <?php print $quote->quote_src; ?>
    <td><?php echo $quote->user_login; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo mysql2date(‘Y-m-d g:i a’, $quote->quote_added); ?></td>
    <td><?php if (($user_level >= $quote->user_level) or ($user_login == $quote->user_login)) { echo “quote_id’ class=’edit’>” . __(‘Edit’) . ““; } ?></td>
    <td><?php if (($user_level >= $quote->user_level) or ($user_login == $quote->user_login)) { echo “quote_id’ class=’delete’ onclick=\”return confirm(‘” . sprintf(__(“You are about to delete this quote \’%s\’\\n \’OK\’ to delete, \’Cancel\’ to stop.”), $quote->quote_id) . “‘)\”>” . __(‘Delete’) . ““; } ?></td>



    Generates a ‘preview’ of the quote for display in the Manage->Quotes table.
    function db_previewText($text)
    // Change to the number of characters you want to display
    $chars = get_option(‘db_previewTextLength’);

    $text = $text.” “;
    $text = substr($text,0,$chars);
    $text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,’ ‘));
    $text = $text.”…”;

    return $text;

    Fetches a single quote, by ID.
    function db_fetchQuote( $quote_id )
    global $wpdb;
    //make sure the quote exists!
    $res = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT quote_text, quote_src, quote_src_url FROM ‘ . get_option(‘db_table_nm’) . ‘ WHERE quote_id = ‘ . $quote_id);

    //there should only be one quote here…
    foreach($res as $quote)
    $db_quote[‘text’] = $quote->quote_text;
    $db_quote[‘src’] = $quote->quote_src;
    $db_quote[‘src_url’] = $quote->quote_src_url;

    /*print “

    		print "


    return $db_quote;
    return false;

    // Synch up with the rest of WordPress.
    add_action ( ‘wp_head’, ‘db_assign_quote’, 10 );

    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘db_add_pages’);

    //build default options, if they don’t exist.
    add_option(‘db_table_nm’, ‘dumb_bush’, ‘Table where the quotes are stored.’);

    add_option(‘db_previewTextLength’,’45’, ‘How much of the quote should be previewed on the Manage Dumb Bush page.’);

    add_option(‘db_quote_desc’, ‘Quotes are interesting, insiteful, of funny phrases that you may find add value to display on your blog.’, ‘Describes what quotes are.’);

    First off, thank you to everyone who has posted on this issue. Your comments have led me to a solution to my issue and for that I’m grateful.

    As such, I’m going to post my experience here and hope it helps someone else with theirs.

    A little history: I upgraded originally to 2.1.0 following the ‘Upgrade in Five Easy Steps’ instructions at: That original upgrade was a colossal failure because for whatever reason, some of the files were not being overwritten during the FTP up. So I followed the detailed instructions and managed to get the upgrade working by deleting the files that I was uploading for the upgrade. Then I ran into this issue where the visual editor wasn’t working; not just not working but not there at all. At this point, I’d invested a day and had no more time to spend so I gave up and restored my 2.0.7 installation and went on with life.

    Today, I upgraded to 2.1.1 hoping that the bug with the editor had been fixed. That hope turned out to be ill-found and after I followed the detailed upgrade instructions again (that being deleting the files I was uploading instead of overwriting), bringing the site up and testing the plugins I found that the issue with the visual editor was still very much present. Thank goodness it’s Saturday and I have some time to invest.

    So I set out on another support search and after reading through NUMEROUS posts (been working on this for about five hours now), I finally found one that corrected my issue with the bar not even being there: I made the changes to the tiny_mce_gzip.php file that jkeegan2 suggested and when I went back to the edit and write pages, low and behold the tabs were there and so were the buttons. . . well most of the buttons: half of them were missing; I only had the bold, italic and break buttons.

    So it was back to the forums where I found this post and when I got to the end I saw varkenshand’s post about the ‘www’. Now, I don’t use ‘www’ on my blog since my blog is a subdomain and it looks kind of, well, stupid as and I really didn’t think was going to work but for sins and giggles, I decided to try as I’d exhausted my knowledge of PHP (which isn’t a lot) and it seemed everyone else’s as well. So I went in and changed the blog addresses in the WordPress options to be and saved it. After saving the change I was immediately taken to the main site ‘Page Not Found’. I got the same error time I tried to access the admin control panel. After panicing a bit and popping a Xanax, I remembered that my domain is setup in such a way that if a net user types in, the server automatically removes the ‘www’ and sends the user to So I went into Dreamhosts control panel and set the domain to accept either the ‘www’ or straight subdomain and once the changes propagated, I was in business. Everything seems to be working properly now.

    At this point, being the ever curious quality assurance specialist I am, I wondered if the ‘www’ had to be on BOTH the WordPress location and the blog address location. So I went back in to the options screen and took the www off the blog location leaving it on the wordpress location, retested and voila, working editor with all buttons and my blog address is still when clicked from within the blog.

    SO, all of my problems with the 2.1.1 release have been solved. At least so far.

    I know some of this info is a repeat by my hope is that by listing things succinctly, that someone who perhaps isn’t as tech savvy as most of us seem to be will be able to resolve his or her issues without investing the hours that I’m sure we all have invested.

    I also hope that someone reports these items as official WordPress bugs in the hopes that some of the volunteers would be kind enough to fix them for the next release. I’m going to try to figure out to report a bug today and if I can I’ll do it myself.

    Despite all of this; I still think WordPress is hands down the best blogging software on the web. After fighting with Blogger, MySpace, LiveJournal and BravenetI’m a die hard user and can’t imagine ever again using anything else. I send many thanks out to the volunteers for EVERYTHING they do to make this software work and available to everyone for free.

    PS: Special thanks to jkeegan2 and varkenshand for their wonderful suggestions on how to solve these problems. You’re assets to the community.

    I’m not getting the visual editor at all. I have the use visual tick box on in my user profile but when I got write, there are no buttons or windows or anything. Just the blank space for text. Same behaviour with IE7, IE6 and Firefox.

    I had this same problem with 2.1 and I was hoping it had been corrected by 2.1.1 because I know MANY people had the same problem, but it apparently has not. So now I have to go back and restore my 2.0.7 install again.

    [EDIT] Well I got the editor to show up but now I’m having the same difficulties that you are with the buttons missing.

    Here’s the solution to the ‘not even there’ issue:

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