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  • Thread Starter psperkins


    I figured this out.

    I needed to reinitialize lightbox after page change in the ajax function.

    On line 14 of events-manager.js I inserted initLightbox(); and now it works like a charm.

    Leaving this in case someone else is looking for the answer.
    If there is a better way of doing this without hacking the core file of the plugin please give a shout as I’d like this to be a permanent fix.

    Thread Starter psperkins


    Agreed. Sorry for the confusion! ??

    Thread Starter psperkins


    Nevermind. I had foolishly applied position:absolute; to some containers inside the slider, which made the effects break in ie. My bad. Sort of ie’s bad really, but yeah – my bad.

    Using custom fields in your template, this is easily possible since the slider posts all use custom fields.

    Not sure what your coding abilities are but if you edit your own templates you can probably figure out how to use get_post_meta(); in your template file to make an anchor tag appear around each slide.

    Thread Starter psperkins


    I will add that I am still using the Single Event Template in Event settings to show the booking form and available spaces. Maybe I should do that in my template instead?

    Here is the content of my form field in event settings – single event:

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    Which is probably largely inconsequential just to make sure that {has_bookings} was in there. Seems it should be working to me but maybe something is off or missing in my placeholder but like I said it looks like it should work too it’s not changed that drastically.

    Thread Starter psperkins


    In the admin – pending bookings/confirmed bookings/cancelled bookings/rejected bookings lists.

    Client wanted to give preference to early bookings so the date of the booking was important for him to see in the manage bookings area of the admin.

    I figured that one out to where it works for me right now. It might be cool to know if this booking date could be added to placeholders or template files in the future.

    Thread Starter psperkins


    Sorry for bugging you guys with stuff I figured out an hour or tow later on my own.

    What I ended up doing involved editing core file (boo hiss! – yeah I know but it was worth it for me) – to get the date to show in the columns of bookings in the admin (there are 4 – approved/pending/cancelled/rejected)
    I opened the appropriately named file in /plugins/event-manager/admin/bookings and since I couldn’t find a straight up way to do get the date I used $wpdb to do it instead.

    I did this inside a function called “em_bookings_pending_table()” for “pending” status bookings etc. etc.

    Inside that function around line 94 is the iteration of the admin list of bookings, with the header fields listed. If you are paying attention when you open each file you will notice similarities between the functions in each file corresponding to the booking status type we are working on. I did one file, opened the other 3 and just pasted the new stuff in each one since I wanted the same info in each one.

    I needed to get the booking_date field because this guys wants to give preference to “first comers” in approving his bookings.

    So first I found the < th > tags and added my new header “date” between to the list so it shows up in the admin booking list(s).

    Then, inside the foreach ($EM_Bookings->bookings as $EM_Booking) { right after $rowno++; but still inside the curlies I added:
    $bookingid = $EM_Booking->event_id; date_default_timezone_set('America/Boise'); $tickettime = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT booking_date FROM wp_em_bookings WHERE event_id = $bookingid"));

    That got me the time where I could do this:
    <td><?php echo date("F d, Y - G:i", strtotime($tickettime)); ?></td>
    a little down further where the info for each booking is displayed in each list.

    I really like the booking feature of this plugin and (after my initial aversion to events not being posts but I like it better that way now that I understand a bit more) this is a great plugin.

    Now I edited four core plugin files here and even though I figured out what I was after, since I shared my long-winded solution can I ask if this could potentially be done with placeholder files and not hack those core files?

    I wonder if I could copy these functions into my own functions.php file, rename them and reuse them and then mod them without hacking core files?

    Just some perspective on using the bookings in hardcore ways I guess.

    I’d like to see what you came up with Big Mike Studios. Looks like it got chopped here.

    If you are the same person in Boise who is posting the ad, I can help you sort it out, it may require a call to yahoo tech support, but probably easier and more painless to bypass the whole thing and go with a decent host, which I can easily recommend, and is probably more inexpensive that what you are paying now.

    Very easy to set up and load all of your content into a new wordpress, nothing is lost and you get a more stable system in return.

    What version of wordpress are you running? on Yahoo?

    I would recommend you find another host, as Yahoo is notorious for being no good for wordpress.

    WordPress uses a file called .htaccess to give directives to the apache web server and on yahoo hosting you do not have direct access to this file.

    Permalinks are a pretty simple affair – requiring maybe 4-5 short lines of code, and they use an Apache module known as “mod_rewrite” to rewrite permalink structures.

    Without access to this file on your host, it is doubtful that this problem can be fixed effectively.

    I know it’s discouraging news, but check this out:

    ok if you have decided to hack the plugin file, I figured out how to make it add the menu to the right place, from my experience with dealing with custom post types and adding custom features to them.

    1) like I said – change the post_type= part of LINE60 to your custom post type.

    2) postMash adds it’s menus at the end of the same file, in a function named “postMash_add_pages”. In this case I added postMash menu to my custom post type named “staff” :

    function postMash_add_pages(){
    	//add menu link
    	global $minlevel, $wp_version;
    	if($wp_version >= 2.7){
    		$page = add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type=staff', 'postMash: Order Posts', 'Arrange', $minlevel,  __FILE__, 'postMash_main');
    		$page = add_management_page('postMash: Order Posts', 'postMash', $minlevel, __FILE__, 'postMash_main');
    	add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", 'postMash_head'); //add css styles and JS code to head

    Well I agree that would be a cool feature to add to future versions.

    However, (and I know it’s naughty to do this – call it “black hat” even) on line 60 of the plugin file “postMash.php” is a query where the post_type is defined plain as the nose on your face.

    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' ORDER BY menu_order");

    It could be customized there.
    Then the trick would be to get postmash into the menu of your custom post type and not in your regular posts menu.


    Thread Starter psperkins


    Confirmed that it is writing the new widgets to the classes file, but not the content of them to the database.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter psperkins


    01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 11, 110 etc.

    That is a better, more literal description of the pattern I am experiencing.
    Obviously this means a lot of manual sorting for me if it can’t be fixed. In a gallery with 200+ images that is just really inconvenient.

    Thread Starter psperkins


    FYI – I have done the “standard” procedure for resolving plugin conflicts – disabled all other plugins, etc. I have not switched themes – if it is theme specific it’s gotta be in the header file (maybe a javascript conflict? Error console shows nothing) as the page code is VERY simple. About as simple as one can get.
    Also tried various builds of CF7 – currently back one version.

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