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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Itau Shopline for WooCommerce] Internal Server ErrorDesculpe, nao tinha rela??o alguma com o plugin.
Na verdade o erro acontecia porque fiz altera??es em alguns e-mails (woocommerce/emails) e por isso n?o dava continuidade no checkout.
Sendo bem exata, eu n?o pude modificar o customer-on-hold-order.php.
Após voltar ao original, voltou a funcionar.Desculpe postar aqui, achei que era problema com plugin. Pode deletar qualquer coisa ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Problem with resultsOh, I see!!
Thank you for your attention, now it is working! ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Problem with resultsSorry the delay, I have been tried something but I didn’t get sucess.
My test website is
And in my widget, I tried to use in “Plugin | WooCommerce”, the sortcode [woof]. And I used “WooCommerce Products Filter”, nothing =(
Not yet, but I’ll contact my theme suport. Thank you for your help ??
I’m using WooCommerce 2.6.1 and yes, none of the cart ajax features are working on my site.
I just installed WooCommerce in my web site, do I need to do something to enable the ajax features?
I don’t understand what happening. I updated. Now, my woocommerce version is 2.6.1
My website is in portuguese, sorry. But here:
Can you help to tell me where did you update this part in code?
Didn’t work for me.. weird, I don’t know why ??
I’m waiting in the next update, if it possible ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Homologa??o – Itaú ShoplineTudo bem. Agrade?o desde já pela explica??o e aten??o. Vou voltar para o itau shopline e aguardar para quando for possível essa atualiza??o. Obrigada novamente
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Homologa??o – Itaú ShoplineUma outra duvida, se eu fizer a homologa??o com o gerente do meu banco, ele continua sem ser registrado?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Homologa??o – Itaú ShoplineHmmm entendi! é que o itau shopline eu n?o consigo gerar dentro do site o boleto, e esse eu consigo. As pessoas n?o conseguem nem recuperar o link depois do boleto se precisarem. Uma pena que o itau shopline limita tanto..
queria um boleto que gerasse dentro do site ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Exclude hidden products from searchOh yeah!! Now it is ok!
Thank you very much for your support ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Problem with resultsI tried to add this code in my theme functions.php, but it didn’t work ??
(first link you sent me)I would like my plugin work with “AND” for filter in “category” and “tag” too.
add_filter(‘woof_products_query’, ‘my_woof_products_query’);
function my_woof_products_query($query)
{$relations = array(
‘product_cat’ => ‘AND’
);if (!empty($query[‘tax_query’]))
foreach ($query[‘tax_query’] as $key => $value)
if (in_array($value[‘taxonomy’], array_keys($relations)))
$query[‘tax_query’][$key][‘operator’] = $relations[$value[‘taxonomy’]];
}return $query;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Exclude hidden products from searchAnd is it possible to exclude products with visibility “Catalog – visible in catalog loops, but not search” ?
Thank you.