Forum Replies Created
Total languages: 5 (FR, EN, ES, DE, NL). Main is FR
Product translation: ON
Product list created in default language: YES (in fact it’s a categories list and, as you suggested, I have removed all the categories in other languages than FR. After doing that, the promotion began to work also in DE but not in EN, ES and NL).What else do you need ? Would you like my admin credentials to check directly my settings by yourself ?
I’ve just updated to 3.6.2 on my prod server today throught the standard update porocess and it’s the same: it works fine in FR and DE but not in EN, ES or NL. Can you help ?
Je ne comprends pas il m’est souvent arrivé de donner mes identifiants de connexion à des éditeurs de plugins pour régler des problèmes… Dois-je vous donner mes identifiants par un autre canal ? Vous avez mon adresse email en pied de page de mon site…
Ca me semble évident oui mais comment fait-on ?
Bon en désactivant toutes mes extensions j’ai fini par trouver le coupable. Mais il s’agit de… WPML… Quand je désactive WPML le calcul est juste et 25 € deviennent bien 21,25 €. C’est dommage pour une extension que j’avais choisie justement pour sa compatibilité avec WPML…
C’est curieux parce que le macaron 56% et le prix barré (comme ici n’apparaissaient dans les pages produits et dans les pages catégories que si le panier n’était pas vide. J’ai réussi à corriger ?a en mettant l’option “Désactiver sur les pages produits et catégories” à “Yes” et maintenant c’est bon la réduction n’est plus affichés dans les pages produits.
Je vous joins un screenshot des réglages de la promotion (avec toujours l’option à “No” mais maintenant je l’ai mise à “Yes” dans toutes les langues) ici:
Faites un test dans le panier avec 4 articles métal, les produits à 25 € sont toujours à 11,09 € soit une remise de 55,64 %…
When I look at the category page for the link I gave you above I see a 56% discount for all products when I’ve setup 15% !
Here is a screeenshot of my settings:
The discount is setup for all the metal categories (excluding the wooden products) so you can connect to for example and add any combination of products (4 items of the same product or 4 different products) and check the cart in the english version.
So I’ve removed from my product list all the categories in other languages than the main one (FR). Now it works in French AND German but not in English, Spanish and Dutch.
How strange isn’t it ?
Thank you for sharing but after installing 3.6.2 it’s still the same. Works only in French…
Hi and thanks for your answer.
Correcting the date format solves the activation problem. OK.
But I don’t have any other discount ongoing. I have deactivated all the other discount plugins I was testing, my products are not on sale, I’ve setup only one discount with your plugin and when I deactivate ORION, no discount is applied at all… I have some coupons but they need to be manually applied so I don’t think they could interfere…
Thank you for your answer. Do you think you could speed up the resolution of this issue ? Because I made the mistake not to check the behaviour in all languages and launched my promotion in all languages with popups, drop-down menus etc |-(
While you work on the update maybe a workaround with some code I could patch directly in your plugin would be welcomed…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HTML5 Video Player - mp4 Video Player Plugin and Block] 16:9 videos ?This one for example at the end of the page:
So now I’ve found that in order to get the plugin to work again I need to create a new order. If I delete the order created it seems that it still works. My guess is that your template system looks for the last order (or some or any order) to display as an example and that for some reason it can’t find it and thus throws a critical error. Creating a brand new order seems to be solving the issue.
Now the issue is back on both websites. Impossible to edit email templates. I tried as I did yesterday to deactivate/reactivate the plugin but this time it doesn’t work and when I go to the woocommerce tab I still have the same critical error…