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  • Thread Starter pseudogeek


    I posted the original fix which is at the top of this forum, and it worked fine in the Divi e-panel. HOWEVER, PixProof has had a couple of updates since then, and Divi has had a huge, major update also. It is possible that those fixes might not still work after those updates. I haven’t had any complaints from the customer, and she has changed the password from the demo that I published, using it for actual customers, so I can’t get in and check it now without bothering her.

    As a general rule, before you decide that a fix isn’t working, you might want to try using a different browser and see how it looks in that one. It is possible that your browser has the pre-fixed version in it’s cache, and isn’t showing you the new, fixed version. Or, just clear your brower’s cache. (See any one of the billions of articles on the web for how to do that on your particular browser.) I drive myself crazy on a regular basis (a very short drive) because I forget that, and I keep trying tons of variations thinking that nothing is working, only to find that something actually did work and I just couldn’t see it.

    Also, if you have a caching plugin turned on for your site, turn that off while you’re changing things.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter pseudogeek



    I discovered that if I “log out” of the WordPress site before closing the browser window, that this solves the issue. Hope this helps someone else who thinks it is a glitch in the plugin.

    I had the same problem on one site – could still navigate to /wp-admin and find the login screen – even after clearing the cache in Firefox. However, I tried it in other browsers and found that it works as advertised, so there is something that persists in Firefox. Not a glitch in the plugin.

    Thread Starter pseudogeek


    I decided to go with WPS Hide Login instead of Rename wp-login because that one is being actively maintained and appears to do exactly the same thing. Thanks again for the tip, Ripefruit!

    Thread Starter pseudogeek


    Thanks, Ripefruit. I was avoiding that one because the developer says he / she is no longer fooling with it, so it would be unsupported. However, if you’re using it on 600 sites with no problem, then I should probably give it a shot. I would think that this would put a permanent end to the daily litany of e-mails that WordFence sends me about people from all over the world trying to log in and getting locked out for a period of time, for the numerous (though nowhere near 600) sites that I manage.

    Thread Starter pseudogeek


    I don’t know what “width:initial” even does, but somehow all this together works great…

    /* Remove blank space on right side of proof posts */
    .single-proof_gallery #left-area {
      float: none;
      width: initial;
      margin-right: 0;
    .single-proof_gallery #main-content .container:before {
      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

    Dixonge – Is it possible that someone could get into the public folder of your dropbox account without using a password, then browse around looking randomly at things? That’s what my perception of a public folder would be. Is it secure enough that you would store your credit card records in there? My only experience is with Microsoft’s or whatever they call it this week. In there, if you’ve created a public folder, anyone can go in and browse around if they can figure out the URL. Perhaps DB is totally different.

    Go back to your site, make a new backup, then it will provide a URL, click to copy that to your clipboard, then go to your new site, that you don’t mind is completely overwritten (or corrupted if things go bad) and use the WP-clone plugin to import into your new site (paste the URL that you copied to the clipboard earlier). You do not need the one that is on your desktop, although maybe there’s a way to import that – I don’t know. I am NO EXPERT just hitting the forums to learn.

    I would not want to have the link in the public part of dropbox – couldn’t jut anyone set up a WP install, then go and import that URL, then get in and easily peruse your database for login credentials, etc.? I’m no expert in the dropbox deal, but that would scare me!

    I had the same problem on some websites and finally resolved it (with no help from the author of the program) this way: I changed the backup time from something like 3 AM to something before midnight like 11 PM. It seems that in order to run the backup, the site must have been visited by human or machine at some point during that calendar day; so my 3 AM backup was not working reliably. Once it hit a point where it would not back up on a given day, it would just hang forever and not make another one. Since I changed the backup time to before midnight, it works as advertised. Sure wish the authors would put this info into some kind of FAQ or something!

    I had the same problem. I waited a few minutes, refreshed the page, and tried again – got right in using the username / password of the CLONED site. No idea why initially I had the same problem you did, but it went away on its own…

    One of my customers has a similar issue on a small site that is not frequently visited. I found this in their FAQ – maybe this is your problem too? I am going to try having my customer visit his site every day by making it the home page of his browser. Hopefully that will help.

    My automatic daily backups are irregular

    BackUpWordPress uses wp-cron. What this means is that the site has to be accessed in order for a backup file to be triggered. The backup may be set for 23.00 on Tuesday but if the site is not accessed until 05.30 Wednesday then that is when the backup will run. If your site does not receive a lot of traffic then the daily backups may not occur at the same time each day and you may find that the odd one is missing. One way to test whether this is the case is to deliberately access your site each day for a few days and then check whether there are daily back ups for those days.

    Thread Starter pseudogeek


    Temporary workaround until I can get the right fix: I added the following in custom css, but I don’t have it quite right yet:

    /* Trying to fix header in ie */
    .site-title a, h1, h2 {
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    h1 {font-size: 36px}
    h2 {font-size: 24px}

    Thread Starter pseudogeek


    Absolutely! I stared at this for a long time before finally giving up. Kinda like Cardinals batters tonight against Red Sox pitchers <sigh>.

    Go Cards!

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