Forum Replies Created
I’m sorry it takes so long for us. We could not reproduce this error with the software versions you are using.
What we suggest you to do is:
1. Install Storefront theme
2. Turn on Storefront
3. Turn on Flexible Shipping and check for errors
4. Disable Flexible Shipping
5. Turn on your current themeChanging a theme to another and then restoring the previous one should not change anything from your settings or the appearance.
Please write us about the results.
Hi Mark,
I think that defining shipping classes for local and non-local products will help resolve your issue by showing shipping methods with the right products. You will find it in Flexible Shipping PRO. If you want to see if the plugin will meet your expectations, test the demo and check the documentation.
PrzemyslawDzień dobry,
Flexible Shipping nie ma swojej w?asnej zak?adki w kokpicie. Aby skorzysta? z mo?liwo?ci wtyczki prosz? przej?? do Woocommerce -> Ustawienia -> Wysy?ka.
Tam prosz? doda? now? Metod? Wysy?ki. Na li?cie wyboru powinna pojawi? si? Flexible Shipping, któr? prosz? wybra?.
Czy mo?e Pani potwierdzi?, ?e nazwa wtyczki si? tam nie pokazuje? Je?li tak, to prosimy o przes?anie statusu systemu. Próbowali?my odtworzy? ten b??d na Woocommerce 2.5 ale bezskutecznie.
Tutaj informacja jak pobra? status:,
PrzemekHi, the bug has been fixed in version 1.9.9. Please update the plugin.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by przemekrosa.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Create Shop subdomainYou will not do this only by wordpress. Put in the hosting panel the subdomain you are writing about and install a new wordpress store on it.
If you want to manage it from the same panel, create a multisite.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce not sending email to adminAre you sure that emails notifications are configurated well?
Check it on woocommerce -> settings -> emails
go to woocommerce -> settings -> general and set your Default customer location on No location on default. Then add shipping zones with different shipping methodes and check the checkout.
Is it what you are looking for?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Big category menu in main menuHi,
you can try with this plugin: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] woocommerce Spanish translation not working some wordsHi,
it can ba a problem with your theme translations – not woocommerce. Instal Loco Translate plugin and check is it everything well translated in theme you use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Product Cost Price and Percentage Markup ?Hi,
maybe this one would help you: John,
Could you send us screenshots with shipping configuration?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Product miniature images do not enlargeHi,
I think this is a problem of changing the website adress (http -> https)
here you have an explanation of the problem: looks fine to me (I chacked the process on mobile). I added a product with variation to the basket and everything works ok.
Check another browser. If there will be ok, start by clearing the cache in the previuos one. If this does not help, check it for the latest version.
You should go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Emails, and there you will find the color settings for email.BR,