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  • Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    @manuelrocha88 I haven’t tried it, to be honest. I will, once I’ll have some free time and will get back to you on that.

    You are right though, it’s possible that those small JS changes won’t make any difference. I just found it to be a strange/non-standard way of enclosing jQuery in a wrapper function. Not sure if there are any consequences to doing it your way.

    As for not having elements, that is true as well. I only have sticky element on 2 pages. But even on pages, where we have a sticky element, stickThis doesn’t work.

    Also, related to the above situation, how can I dequeue your JS/CSS everywhere on the site, except for a select # of pages (or the other way around – only enqueue it on X pages)? Is there a developer hook I can tap into?


    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Also, I am pretty sure I found a few minor errors in your JS scripts. Not sure how important they are or if they even have an impact on anything..

    But here they are.

    stickThis.js should be wrapped with:

    (function($, document) {
    })(jQuery, document);

    instead of this:

    (function($) {

    jq-sticky-anything.js should be wrapped with:

    (function($, window, document) {
    })(jQuery, window, document);

    instead of this:

    (function($) {

    Most important change is using })(jQuery);, instead of }(jQuery)); at the end of each file. It might be causing a problem, since you are not passing jQuery as $ variable to the function properly, because of incorrect position of the closing brackets. Maybe that’s why it’s complaining about jQuery not existing in a lot of cases.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Alex Kladov.

    Count my vote in as well ??

    If there was a way for other users to vote (other than accidentally stumbling upon this thread), I am sure you’d get a lot of votes for WebP support.

    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    @pluginswoo it’s a premium plugin called Product Bundles sold on the official WooCommerce store. It’s the biggest, most popular premium bundle plugin on the market.

    You can try contacting their support on that page, they’d probably give you a free temporary license to try and resolve this bug.

    It’s a very popular WooCommerce extension, so it would make sense to add support for it.

    Add code copying from the following link in functions.php

    @pluginswoo I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here again – that is not an acceptable solution. At all. Those notices should be displayed only on your settings page & be easily hide-able. Right now I can’t even hide it (clicking close button does nothing).

    Such intrusive advertising is not ok. Asking me to jump through hoops like adding code snippets/filters to functions.php, just to get rid of obnoxious advertisement, is wrong. It doesn’t make me want to buy a premium version, it makes me want to switch to another plugin instead. Which I probably will..

    I’m just annoyed that I have to remember to add this script on all of my client’s sites, where all they need is a simple variation swatch manager (i.e. they don’t need any of the Pro features). Some of them don’t even have a custom theme. So I have to either create a custom micro-plugin or use Code Snippets just for this stupid filter snippet.

    Also, that snippet can be reduced to just 1 line and work just as well:

    add_filter( 'stop_gwp_live_feed', '__return_true' );
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Alex Kladov.
    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Here is what I’ve done. Didn’t even need to use the taxonomy_labels_{$taxonomy} filter, cos that just adds unnecessary complexity. Everything can be done just with manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns.

    The code below requires at PHP 5.3+, because I used PHP closures to make the code more re-useable.

    function define_cpt_taxonomy_admin_column_names() {
      // List of CPTs that need custom columns
      $cpts = array(
        'cpt_1_slug' => array(
          'cpt_1_taxonomy_1_slug' => 'CPT 1 Taxonomy 1 Admin Column Name',
          'cpt_1_taxonomy_2_slug' => 'CPT 1 Taxonomy 2 Admin Column Name',
          'cpt_1_taxonomy_3_slug' => 'CPT 1 Taxonomy 3 Admin Column Name',
        'cpt_2_slug' => array(
          'cpt_2_taxonomy_1_slug' => 'CPT 2 Taxonomy 1 Admin Column Name',
      // Loop through each CPT & create a filter to feed appropriate column names for each taxonomy
      foreach( $cpts as $cpt_slug => $taxonomies ) {
        foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy_slug => $admin_column_name ) {
          add_filter( "manage_{$cpt_slug}_posts_columns", function( $post_columns ) use ( $taxonomy_slug, $admin_column_name ) {
            $post_columns["taxonomy-{$taxonomy_slug}"] = $admin_column_name;
            return $post_columns;
          }, 10, 3 );

    The only thing someone will need to modify is $cpts array to provide a list of desired custom post types, with their list taxonomies that need custom Admin Column names.

    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    I see what you mean. The get_taxonomy_labels() doesn’t seem to have an option for an Admin Column label by default, which is a shame.

    Seems like it would be super simple to tap into the taxonomy_labels_{$taxonomy} filter to add a taxonomy admin column label item into the labels array and then manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns filter to display it.

    But I understand, if it doesn’t fall into the scope of your plugin & if you wouldn’t want to add this functionality.

    I do think it would’ve added a nice little touch, since it’s a shame that the admin column names for taxonomies get so unwieldy.

    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    I just noticed that in the 2nd screenshot I highlighted the wrong Menu item – “Technical Skills”. I meant to highlight “Categories” instead, pointing to “Team Member categories” column.

    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Hi @pluginswoo,

    Thanks for the suggestion. The plugin developer gave me the same answer more than a year ago, regarding a similar problem with another un-closable promotional admin notice.

    But it’s not an acceptable solution. Pestering plugin users with obnoxious promotional notices, without any ability to hide/close them (even though there is a close button, it’s just not doing anything) is such a poor practice. It’s so annoying & repulsive and has the opposite effect from what that promo is trying to achieve (i.e. for me to download another one of their products) – it makes me want to move away from anything that developer touches and leave 1 star review from every client WP account I manage that uses this plugin.

    Just make those notices closable, just like every other ethical plugin creator out there, and there would be no problem!


    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Hi @malayladu,

    Awesome! Thank you so much for releasing a patch so quickly.


    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Also, it’s not important, but I noticed that the sweetalert2.min.js file says it’s min, but it’s not actually minified..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Alex Kladov.

    Just came across the same bug. I tried the following proposed solutions:

    • Clearing cache
    • Changing PHP versions
    • Uploading via Media library
    • Using add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );

    Nothing worked. The image uploads, but I still get the error and can only see the image in the library after re-loading the page.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Alex Kladov. Reason: fixed formatting problems

    I have the same problem. All emails are sent as text/plain.

    Thread Starter Alex Kladov


    Or just fix your shortcode.. the only problem with it is that it ignores the menu location a user specifies via theme_location (see line 33 in includes/frontend/integration.php).

    For now I had to create my own shortcode just to bypass your broken one, which is very redundant. Here is a code if anyone is interested:

    // Fix broken Quadmenu shortcode (quadmenu/includes/frontend/integration.php)
    add_shortcode( 'quadmenu_custom', function( $atts, $content = null ) {
      extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'echo'           => 'false',
        'theme'          => 'default_theme',
        'theme_location' => '',
        'sticky'         => 1,
      ), $atts ) );
      $args = array(
        'echo'           => $echo == 'false' ? false : true,
        'theme'          => $theme,
        'theme_location' => $theme_location,
        'sticky'         => $sticky == 1 ? 1 : 0,
      // Echo Quadmenu
      if ( function_exists( 'is_quadmenu_location' ) && is_quadmenu_location( $theme_location ) ) {
        return quadmenu( $args );
    } );

    Here is how you use it: [quadmenu_custom theme='my-quadmenu-theme' theme_location="custom-menu-location"]

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Alex Kladov. Reason: typos

    @malayladu Perfect, all fixed now! ??

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