Nope, still the same with your development version.
For my specific case (?preview query added to the post) I have to comment out lines 69-72 in wp-cache-phase2.php and in addition lines 338-339 in wp-cache-phase1.php, wp_cache_postload() function, which is probably firing for single posts. (there is also isset( $_GET[ ‘preview’ ] ) condition in wp_supercache_cache_for_admins() function, but I’m not sure where it is relevant)
It would be nice to have ‘wpsc_cachedata’ filter somewhere before all of these conditional functions as there are many additional conditions which could be forced to see my dynamic tags such as $_SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”] == ‘POST’ in wp-cache-phase2.
P.S. Yes, I saw your wp_cache_maybe_dynamic() function on line 354.