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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS feed frustrations: category, title, etc.funny, my category-feed doesn’t work on any wordpress blog, not only on my blog while it has got as exactly the same syntax as the whole-blog feed which is working well everywhere. i can’t figure why…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS feed frustrations: category, title, etc.I can get easily the feed of one of my categories in a feed-reader. But if I want to show this feed with my rss-widget on my blog there’s always an error of broken down feed.
what can be the problem? I tried with permalinks as well as php attributes, none of them works.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Podpress doubled Play nowit was the default theme with mp3. still no solution. but thanks for the hint, in IE7 it works well, there is a doubling only in Firefox2. but not only with default theme…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsmoshunak:
a kisherceg lehet, hogy a blogban kiosztja az utf-8-at, de a feedben már nem. abban csak ennyi áll: ?xml version=”1.0″?, és r?vid tapasztalatom szerint valahol itt van a kutya elásva. a widget kódja meghülyül, ha nem talál utf-8-at az oldalon… lehet, hogy laikusként mondom, de akkor nincs jól megírva, nem?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsit really looks like if you have ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8“? in the feed it’s perfect, if else or not, it doesn’t work…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsand one more thing: it happens that at the very first time i get the feed but after refreshing my site i get the “an error has occured” message an on and on. there can be something wrong with the handling of arrays.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemshi docraman,
i tried your feed and it didn’t work in rss widget indeed BUT it worked in KB Advanced RSS widget. and by me it doesn’t have anything to do with question marks in any of this both widgets.
i’m going crazy…right now i suspect the html_entity_decode part with ENT_QUOTES because it cannot work with the ISO-8859-2 encoding wich comes around with some hungarian feeds. maybe the quotes are not correctly decoded and it causes that $rss->items is not an array.
clues anyone? (i’m not a php expert…)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Rss Widget Open in New Window (target=”_blank”) ??o.k., it turned out to be chaotic. next try:
You must edit the widget.php file in the wp-includes folder. Do use only an utf-8 editor like SuperEdi. In the “function wp_widget_rss” section find the a class=’rsswidget’ href=… parts of the code and insert target=’\”_blank\”‘ just like inserting in html anchor tag. There are 3 of them. It’s only php syntax, that’s all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Rss Widget Open in New Window (target=”_blank”) ??You must edit the widget.php file in the wp-includes folder. Do use only an utf-8 editor like SuperEdi. In the “function wp_widget_rss” section find part of the code and insert target=’\”_blank\”‘ just like inserting in html anchor tag. There are 3 of them. It’s only php syntax, that’s all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsde nekem a kisherceg nem megy online blogban, a gépemen meg vidáman… meg a vg is, meg minden. ?rület. a gépemen minden feed vidáman j?n a netr?l, viszont a tag cloudban ? és ? helyett kérd?jek jelennek meg. a neten meg az utw is t?kéletes. na mindegy, k?sz a választ.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsolá.
hát ezeket próbáltam: például k?sz?ni, jól van:, mik?zben lokálhoszton meg t?k ugyanaz megy vidáman, ezekkel a feedekkel.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: RSS Widget Feed Problemsjust some additional facts. i’m hungarian so i have the windows-1250 characterset on my pc but i use utf-8 with my localhost installation of apache-mysql-php, including wordpress. the widget feeds are working just fine from my pc but do the same described mistake with the hungarian feeds on an internet server, actually at godaddy. the damned same installation. the funny part is that ultimate tag warrion is working just fine with my special character on the net but on my pc i can’t tag because of misreading my funny letters. so it must be a serious characterset mismatch problem. too bad…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Perma links leading to 404no, it was not solved, at least I couldn’t figure out a word. but at godaddy it has a much more prosaic explanation. in the root there is a file called missing.htm. until you don’t delete it you will always get this file as wrong installation message (in case of root installation)! of course, at first I made it sure that wordpress make the .htaccess file but she did it. so go ahead and don’t lose as many time as I did.