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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I Give Up – Connection lost error HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED!!!!!We have some of the top techs at our hosting service working on this now as well as our own in house staff…
Here are some notes regarding this from those onsite techs…
02.04.2014 08:25am Robert Benschoter Systems Administrator
After looking things over, it looks like there is a problem between the site and MYSQL when this error is present. I have a found a fairly consistent way to reproduce the error. It seems that the initial publishing of works fine.
The problem seems to be on the first update to the post that causes the error. From the backend it looks like wordpress reissues the queries over and over again until one completes. This spawns a couple dozen queries at times. From my investigating it looks like this may be caused by something implemented in wordpress 3.6 called the heartbeat API.
I have found threads that show how this can be disabled, however it looks like it would also disable the auto save feature within your posts. There are a number of alterations to the posting interface by plugins. The only way i see to narrow this down any further would be to disable all of the plugins, and possibly the theme, to see what is affecting this process. Please let me know if you have any problems with me doing this.
02.05.2014 04:42am Nate S. Systems Administrator
I have actually been seeing this happen more frequently with WordPress 3.6 and 3.5, but not so much with versions newer than that. I suspect WordPress may have changed how the procedure is performed in one of these versions causing the sudden appearance of this vague error.
The autosave feature for WordPress defaults to saving every 2 minutes. This can be set in the wp-config.php file, which I’ve done temporarily and set it to 10 seconds in hopes of replicating the issue.Luckily I was able to replicate the issue, and as suspected, this is happening when mysql is utilizing all of its available connections.
I was only able to replicate this though by simulating a large amount of traffic to your server. Once done, I began seeing the issue occur with a new draft I created titled “lwtest1”.Currently the max connections for mysql is set to 200 and this can be raised if you’d like.
I’d suggest that we first try increasing it to 250 and see how well this works out. Unfortunately my test was also a little skewed though. I was pushing a high number of concurrent requests to this particular site in a short period of time, and I’m certain if I raise the max connections for mysql to 250 and do the same test that it will happen again.
However during “normal” traffic times, 250 may actually suffice.
Alternatively, if you’d like to get a more accurate idea of the max connections mysql is using historically, we can let it run as is for a few days then check it again to see if this was hit. If it was, then we can likely confirm this is the issue and increase it. Though if this isn’t hit and you still see the problem happening, then we’re likely looking at something else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: connection lostCommon Error Message:Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you’re reconnected. We’re backing up this post in your browser, just in case.
Common Problem… perhaps system wide…
Okay, so now we have been told that since every system is different and as a result every problem is different.
We have been told that there is no system wide fix because there is no system wide problems…
If that is the case, then please explain why EVERY one of the 500+ word press sites that we own, operate or manage for clients expresses this same, exact error AFTER each was upgraded to WP 3.60?
We have sites running themes from virtually every theme creator.
We are running sites using a total of over 300 different plugins, with different groups of plugins in different sites…
We are running sites on shared hosting accounts, VPS accounts and a variety of different dedicated servers with some using rotating memory and some solid state drives…
We are using different hosting services from Liquid Web, to network solutions, to GoDaddy, to HostGator, to blue host, to 1&1, and others…
I can only conclude that if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck… then it is probably a duck!!!
Now instead of telling people to open new threads based on some mis-conceived notion that this is not a system level problem, how about actually looking into the problem and being helpful rather than simply trying so hard to sweep this huge and growing problem under the rug in typical sysadmin style???
We are wasting HOURS every week screwing around waiting for this stupid issue to resolve itself so that we can proceed with our work.
Don’t you get it, YOUR credibility is at stake on this issue, not mine!!!
We have v3.0.11 and we are still getting the following error message:
The HTTP response test get a false http status (302)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Need Help to custamize Meteor Slides pluginI must be missing something because all I find at “documentation on using metadata” is the all too brief…
And this is how the shortcode that changes the transition to zoom would be formatted:[meteor_slideshow metadata=”fx: ‘zoom'”]Here is a shortcode example for the robots slideshow with the zoom effect and random slides:
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”robots” metadata=”fx: ‘zoom’, random: 1″]”
which gives us a minimal amount of info regarding the actual text/codes to use in describing the options. Is there another source that describes the possible options and how to implement them?????
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Need Help to custamize Meteor Slides pluginis there any better docs on using metadata in short code? more examples? Am trying to setup multiple slide shows with different sizes, transitions, speed and duration, etc and can’t determine shortcode references to use in the command line…
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”front” metadata=”width: 200, height: 100″]
works to change the size, but what is the code/structure for transition style, transition speed, slide duration, slideshow navigation…have tried
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”front” metadata=”width: 200, height: 100 style:fade”][meteor_slideshow slideshow=”front” metadata=”width: 200, height: 100 speed:1″]
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”front” metadata=”width: 200, height: 100 duration:1″]
and others to no avail…please advise what I am doing wrong and perhaps were there is more on using the metadata within the shortcodes.
Thanks adn best regards,
kenSorry Frank, I stupidly replied to your last message that apparently was forwarded from the site. I ahve sent an email direct to an address you have contated me at previously and I will also publish the template.tpl here as wwell…
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if (get_option(‘flex_feat_display’) == “no” OR get_option(‘flex_feat_pages’) == “home only” OR get_option(‘flex_feat_pages’) == “home and posts”) { ?> <?php if ( is_front_page() AND get_option(‘flex_feat_display’) != “no” ) { ?> <div id=”feature”>
<div class=”topshadow”>
<?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(‘Top Feature’) ) : else : ?>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/feature.php’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div style=”clear:both;”></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<div id=”feature”>
<div class=”topshadow”>
<?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(‘Top Feature’) ) : else : ?>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/feature.php’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div style=”clear:both;”></div>
<?php } ?>
<div id=”content”>
<?php if (get_option(‘flex_lsb_show’) == “yes” && get_option(‘flex_lsb_pos’) == “left of post”) { get_sidebar(‘left’); } ?>
<div class=”postwrap”>[WP-PHOTOCONTEST CONTENT]
<?php if (get_option(‘flex_metadata_show’) == “yes”) { ?>
<?php if(comments_open()) : ?>
<?php comments_template(”, true); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (get_option(‘flex_lsb_show’) == “yes” && get_option(‘flex_lsb_pos’) == “right of post”) { get_sidebar(‘left’); } ?>
<?php if (get_option(‘flex_rsb_show’) == “yes” || !get_option(‘flex_rsb_show’)) { get_sidebar(); } ?> </div> <?php get_footer(); ?>Are you saying they need to be the same? Yes we did modify the template.tpl back during the original install. But, after the recent upgrade to gain wp3 compatability, we started getting this error. If there are two versions of the template currently on the site, which one is the one being used for the page display… as you might guess, I am not a programmer, but rather a site “mechanic”, however I can manipulate code with a bit of direction when necessary. In this case I have no idea what the error message is telling me and no idea what to even look for inthe code… Any help in resolving this would be gratly appreciated.
[email protected]Anybody responding to posts here???
I have uploaded the template code at pastebin” style=”border:none;width:100%I agree, a great plugin but if we don’t see an update for WP 3.x we will have to start recommending something else to our clients because of this level of incomparability.