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  • Thread Starter MJ


    Thanks again for your help – I will definitely try migrating to your plugin!

    Thread Starter MJ


    wow thank you so much for the quick reply!

    I can see that there will be very little overlap, and good to know that I would still have to use my GOGO plugin.

    I also apologize that it did not occur to me that I didn’t have to paste my JSON-LD code into this topic, because you can see it via google’s structured data testing page… or some other tool…????


    Thread Starter MJ


    Wow, thank you so much for making that screencast video for me. I should have realized your field would be named something other than honeypot. I guess I assumed honeypot was a universal identifier. Sorry for my stupidity!

    And thank you again for your help. It was above and beyond the call of duty!
    have a great 2018!

    p.s. I checkmarked the box to “Reply and mark as resolved”, but the webpage is telling me that my author name and email address are invalid.

    Thread Starter MJ


    > our forms do include a honeypot field

    thank you very much for your reply. However, what I meant was, how do I confirm the honeypot is present/working, other than by not receiving spam mail?

    when the post is rendered, i expected to see a blank input field in the source, as in the Drupal Stackexchange post below. But I couldn’t find a hidden field in the rendered source…

    I apologize if this is a stupid question.

    Thread Starter MJ


    Hi @juutti and @sterndata for your help.

    I am an idiot. I just realized what was wrong, and it was all my fault. When I installed the WP 4.9 update, I had a complete brain fart and forgot to insert the tracking code scripts for Google analytics and adsense into header.php.

    Thank you again for being so helpful to morons like me. If I had seen your messages earlier, instead of just now, that would have triggered my memory as well.

    yeah, I know I am supposed to use a child theme, but I was never able to figure out how to do that. Since those scripts are the only lines I add to any wordpress file, it was the lazy way out for me. Guess I finally suffered the consequences!

    One reason the missing scripts didn’t dawn on me was that the website kept serving up Adsense ads. If both GA and Adsense had stopped working at the same time, maybe I would have restored my brain function earlier.

    Thank you again for all you do, and my apologies again…

    Thread Starter MJ


    Thank you so much for the quick reply and the clarification.

    Since you answered so quickly tho, I hope it’s ok if I leave the thread open for a week before marking it as resolved. So others can chime in…

    Thread Starter MJ


    hi @krisjl,
    thank you so much for taking the time to confirm the bug.
    I’m a little relieved to know i am not crazy ??
    hope it’s easy to fix!
    -mj lee

    Thread Starter MJ


    Mes Amis,
    you guys are well-meaning, but everything you are suggesting is specific to Yoast, which I do not use.

    I researched what is a wordpress custom post type, and now I understand what you are talking about. In Yoast, you have a setting for “noindex, follow” for your post templates. But there is no such setting for Elementor templates. Plus, I could find no Elementor documentation specifying a need for such a setting for its page templates.

    Secondly, I use the “Post name” setting for Permalinks, but I edit the URL so that it is short. Here is how Fetch as Google sees my website posts. I hope you will agree they already adhere to the guidelines mentioned by the article links you sent me.

    Fetch as Google
    See how Google renders pages from your website

    Lastly, notice that the above is a flat naming structure. I do NOT put postnames under a category structure because my posts can be filed under MULTIPLE categories, as well as multiple tags.

    Thank you again for your help, I am giving up on solving this problem.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    Thread Starter MJ


    This is not a post. It is a wordpress Front Page and is my home page.
    I don’t think it makes sense to put “no follow, no index” on my home page.

    Yes I could redirect these broken links, but it seems to me that if Elementor is creating the bad links, then they should correct the problem, rather than have their users end up with crawl errors.

    I was hoping that by posting this problem, Elementor would either fix it or give me a better workaround than redirecting their bad links.

    Thread Starter MJ


    Hi @krisjl,
    i apologiZe, i tried to paste in the actual image code from the WP Text tab, but this forum editor keeps rendering the image. I don’t know how to disable that.

    I’m not sure what you are asking. In the WP Admin editor, I use the media button in the Text editor to add an image as either a URL link to or from my WP Media library. When I add the media, WP inserts the original image size. I then set the image width to 150.

    I tried changing the height to 150 as well, but it did not change the image size in the Visual tab.

    Then, in the Visual tab, I tried resizing the image by dragging it. Image size values changed in a little box in the upper right corner of the image, to 391×592. BUT, the image appearance in the Visual tab remained full size despite these numbers changing. Then, when I went back to the Text tab, I noticed that “size-full” was no longer in the HTML, and also the width and height values had changed to what the Visual Editor had indicated in the little box

    However, as I say, the Visual editor still only displays the full-size image. So difficult to layout the post. The published post has the sizes as stated in the Text tab.

    I don’t know CSS, script, or much html, so I don’t know what class even means…

    I’m surprised you can’t duplicate this. Should I try a windows machine?

    Thank you for your help.
    -mj lee

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ. Reason: couldn't stop forum editor from rendering image script
    Thread Starter MJ


    Hello mes amis,
    i looked at the file system, and i realized that none of those URL filenames are there because they are all generated virtually out of the WP database.

    So the database would be the place to look, but I don’t know how to access nor browse it.

    I am positive these “not found” URL links are coming from ELementor because the Google crawl errors only showed up AFTER I implemented my Elementor front page. If they were from WP pages numbered 18, 15, 17, 20, 2, and 5, and if WP names its pages sequentially, these crawl errors should have started when I first created the website.

    I started my front page by using an ELementor template. I then modified or deleted the sections they had created. I think I deleted 5-6 sections, which would correspond with the number of missing URLs.

    This is why I am pretty sure this is an ELementor failure to clean up properly after a section is deleted. You two have been very kind, but i wish the authors would look at this problem. I can’t be the only one affected…

    Thread Starter MJ


    Hi Annie @logologics,

    > The urls you mention do refer to pages created by WordPress if or before
    > the time you set the permalinks. By default wordpress does create pages
    > with numbers etc. So if there where pages created before you started
    > using the nice url permalinks structure, that might be those now no longer found pages?

    I don’t think wordpress is generating this. I just created a new page on my site,
    but the default filename that is created is
    WP doesn’t create a
    Note: these 2 links do not work because i did not publish the test page

    > Also, when I go straigt to: I suppose that
    > is your homepage?

    Yes, goes to my new Elementor Front Page.

    That “All” link was my original homepage with a tablepress table. I did not
    want to redirect the URL and so I did not rename the page but kept its filename as homepage.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    Thread Starter MJ


    Hi Jean @momo-fr and Annie @logologics,

    I do not use SEO by Yoast.

    I use Tablepress, which has its own shortcodes, but I do not have any tablepress tables in my Elementor front page.

    i haven’t had a chance to look at the server files to see if there is a real file referencing the non-existant link. I just woke up!

    thanks for your help,
    -mj lee

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    Thread Starter MJ


    Hello Annie,
    Thx for taking the time to contribute your ideas. However, The issue is that I have NOT created these URLs of smm/18 and smm/page/18. They were created by Elementor.

    I suspect these errant URLs are occurring because I deleted some sections in elenentor, and elementor did not clean them up properly.

    I actually do try to keep urls short, but the long urls u mention are ones from when I first started, or are due to how WordPress handles nesting of pages.

    Your suggestion to look for the errant files in the file structure is a possibility, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those are virtual files. However, I will check.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by MJ.
    Thread Starter MJ


    Hi Peter,
    The WP consultant from wpriders did fix my problem, creating a plugin for me with slightly different CSS code.

    There is no EDIT link on the original post, so I cannot change the review rating. I’m sorry about that but thank you for investigating the problem.
    Best wishes,
    -mj lee

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