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  • Thread Starter pratikalaan


    Hi @nancythanki, thank you for your revert, I’ve checked these plugins but I prefer to use woocommerce addons, and these plugins are bulky and have many functions which are not useful for me I only need Shipping by city.
    Is there any woocommerce addon or any specific plugin which provide onle shipping by city function?

    Hi @psykro,

    I have created a pull request and Fixed GUID issue too.

    Hello @edumusa ,

    I have updated the plugin to import only updated episodes, I have extend the SSP importer function for it.


    In line 100:
    public function import_rss_feed() {
    replace count( $this->feed_object->channel->item );
    $this->podcast_count = $this->feed_podcast_count();


    public function feed_podcast_count() {
    $podcast_count = count( $this->feed_object->channel->item ); // Get the count of podcast from feed
    if ( ! empty( $this->series ) ) {
    $previous_episodes = count(
    ‘post_type’ => $this->post_type,
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘fields’ => ‘ids’,
    ‘numberposts’ => -1,
    ‘tax_query’ => [
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘series’,
    ‘field’ => ‘id’,
    ‘terms’ => $this->series,
    ‘include_children’ => false
    ); // Get the episodes count from DB.
    if( !empty($previous_episodes) ){
    if($previous_episodes < $podcast_count){
    $podcast_count = $podcast_count – $previous_episodes;
    } elseif($previous_episodes >= $podcast_count) {
    $podcast_count = 0;
    return $podcast_count;

    @iviolini , @psykro Please take a look into it’s working for me if you wanna add these feature I can commit the code.

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