Ok I’ve been poking around with the functions.php and made the following changes.
/** This is where you can change to format to accept dates **/
function pinboard_excerpt_permalink( $excerpt ) {
if( pinboard_is_teaser() && ( ! has_post_format( ‘aside’ ) || ! has_post_format( ‘status’ ) || ! has_post_format (‘gallery’) || ! has_post_format(‘image’) || ! has_post_format(‘link’) || ! has_post_format(‘quote’) || ! has_post_format(‘video’) || ! has_post_format(‘audio’)) )
$excerpt = str_replace( ‘</p>’, ‘ → ‘ . get_the_time( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) ) . ‘</p>’, $excerpt );
return $excerpt;
I’m not sure if this is the best way to add the date to each “teaser” or excerpt, but it seems to work.
Any suggestions to make this better?