Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is WP for me, a non-blogger?Google Notebook? https://www.google.com/notebook/ and its firefox plugin.
Maybe WordPress is good for you, but you should keep in mind one important thing: assuring the long term readability of your work, namely, to easily import – export your work to any softwares and platforms in several years from now. For this, I believe WordPress is a good candidate because of its popularity, and because of its respect to open standards.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: My Site – SLOWYour header image “sumi_bridge.jpg” is also too big: 200 KB. Please, compress it more efficiently, a 70% JPEG quality will give you a 35 KB file without visible loss of quality. Then, your page will load much faster.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: My Site – SLOWIf you have a dozen of plugins that do a query, it slows down everything. However, I see that you are using many javascript files, for a total of 263KB of scripts and 255KB of images, the total of the first page is 600KB !!!
In addition, your plugins lightbox2 and wp-shopping-cart are using the same javascript libraries, so loading twice the same thing (130 KB each), which is stupid.
So, you know what you have to do, clean it.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PlagarismShe thought WordPress is hosting this blog like Blogger. She doesn’t know that WordPress is a blog software. Now, she knows…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NEW-PLUGIN] WP-Sticky BetaWith 2.0.7, in the options page, it doesn’t save the “Category only” option. It sticks to No. Same with “Display date”, but “date banner” is OK.
However, if I replace a Yes-No menu by a checkbox, it works.
Erase lines 201 to 204 and replace them with this line:
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"display_date\" value=\"1\" <?php if($sticky_options['display_date']) echo 'checked=\"checked\"'; ?>/>
Delete lines 191 to 194, and replace them with this line:
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"category_only\" value=\"1\" <?php if($sticky_options['category_only']) echo 'checked=\"checked\"'; ?>/>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adhesive Plugin Has Problems with WordPress 2.1The problem is coming from line 268 to 276, a preg_replace_callback function. If someone can see what’s wrong, we will be able to edit it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adhesive Plugin Has Problems with WordPress 2.1My web host has just upgraded to PHP 5.2.1 and now Adhesive 3.2 with WP 2.0.7 got the same problem. And I’ve found the reason. When activated, Adhesive proposes its options below the “Desactivate” link. This is breaking the page now. I’ve desactivated it (by changing its name with a ftp client), and reactivated it, and the plugins page is now fine. The only difference, I cannot access to the Adhesive options anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adhesive Plugin Has Problems with WordPress 2.1And what about changing the date and time of the post to the future in order to stay on top? It works with 2.0.7 (not tested with 2.1).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: only paypal subscribers can view entire site not just homepage???There is a plugin (don’t remember the name) that allows registered users to enter the website, based on their privileges. However, you have to find (or write) a script that when someone has successfully subscribes with Paypal, Paypal will send the data to your website, creating at the same time a new account. Paypal offers API for that, but I don’t think someone has written such a gateway for WordPress.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: MySQL ProblemIt’s not a MySQL error. Perhaps I am wrong, but I think you have installed a bad file in /wp-includes/languages/ folder. I think the ru_RU.mo file is not good.
See here: https://mywordpress.ru/download/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: disappearing themesYour could have a “strange” character that is breaking everything.
The illegal character can be& % ; " > <
or other.
Or erase the last link you entered.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: I’ve been hacked by CrustyA good “phonetic” (easy to remember) password generator is here:
https://tools.arantius.com/passwordTry this link and also glance at the author themes:
https://www.plaintxt.org/2006/06/13/the-best-minimalist-wordpress-themes/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Have I been hacked?Who installed the “wp_secureimage” in your database. It is not part of the standard WP installation. What plugins have done that? And what for?
If it is for some sort of Captcha, I believe the hacker tried to break the captcha protection, and he was maybe successful. Some people says that captcha are useless because hackers know how to get around this protection quite easily.
So first, change quickly your database password (I hope you’ve already done that).Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 1 wp and 3 domainsOK, but you have installed 2 WordPresses? Right? They can share the same database with 2 different prefixes (like wp1_ and wp2_).
But, judrosik wants 1 WordPress installed, for 3 domains to simplify maintenance.